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Topics - Hill

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Herefordshire / Croped Hedge
« on: Friday 16 September 22 15:44 BST (UK)  »

I have a birth of Ethel Knowlson born 12th June 1855.

It gives the place of birth as Croped Hedge, Linton, Hereford.

I can't find any details about Croped Hedge. Is it a place or a house or ....?

Ethel was illegitimate so it could well be a home. Can anyone help?


London & Middlesex Lookup Requests / Thomas Knowlson
« on: Thursday 30 June 22 18:12 BST (UK)  »

Looking for a baptism of a Thomas Knowlson anytime from 1800 to 1810. Served in the Navy and Coast Guards throughout his life. His age varies depending on where you look!

Although he married and lived in Devon and had children, he gave his place of birth as Bishops Gate (see 1861 census).

Any help would be appreciated.

The Common Room / Not been seen for 7 years
« on: Wednesday 19 August 20 11:51 BST (UK)  »
Until 2013, all you had to do was go to court and say that person hasn't been seen for 7 years and therefore must be dead!!

Are there any records c1900 that would list those people who had been declared dead allowing their other half to remarry? Or, did they just committ bigamy!!!  :D :D


World War Two / WWII Flying Jacket
« on: Sunday 28 June 20 19:41 BST (UK)  »

I have a WWII Irvin flying jacket. I have been told it is possible to link the issue number of the jacket to a specific individual, but how do I go about this?


Armed Forces / Cap Badge Identification
« on: Friday 03 January 20 15:50 GMT (UK)  »
Anyone recognise the cap badge on the attached?


Armed Forces / Uniform identification
« on: Tuesday 31 July 18 12:36 BST (UK)  »

Attached is the only known photograph of James Kirk

JK was born in the USA c 1855 of Irish immigrant parents. He moved to live in Jersey prior to 1881 where he died 2nd Mar 1912.

Details of his life are known other than why is he wearing a uniform, and what does it signify? What is it on his arm?

Any help would be appreciated.



Can anyone help dating this photo. I'd like to think it was c 1870 in Cardiff.


World War Two / Death Cerificates
« on: Tuesday 25 November 14 17:14 GMT (UK)  »
I should really know the answer to this question, but sadly I don't.

If a person in the Army is killed during WWII, is a death certificate issued?


Gloucestershire / On-line burial records
« on: Wednesday 11 November 09 08:08 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

Can anyone tell me what on-line burial records are available for the Cheltenham area? I am specifically looking for the grave of Miss Dinah Shieval Wilson who died 14th April 1938.



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