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Messages - Sean Adams

Pages: [1]
Kilkenny / Re: Kelters of Kilmacow
« on: Monday 03 October 16 12:11 BST (UK)  »
Thank you sir!!!!!!!!

Kilkenny / Re: Kelters of Kilmacow
« on: Monday 03 October 16 12:10 BST (UK)  »
Just one more thing Johanna Kelter Born Bout 1866 appears to be my Great Grandmother.  John Cooke born about 1858 appears to be my Great Grandfather. I deduced this according to and the hints on my family tree I have created for the Cooke/ O'Rorke line and research. Everything lines up pretty well.

Best regards,
Sean Patrick

Kilkenny / Re: Kelters of Kilmacow
« on: Monday 03 October 16 11:45 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Sarah!

Kilkenny / Re: Kelters of Kilmacow
« on: Sunday 02 October 16 23:37 BST (UK)  »
Hello Pete,
I read the blog you wrote about Bridget Cooke O'Rorke.
I suspect she was my grandmother.
My mother Patricia Helen O'Rorkes birth certificate says she was born in 1939 in Bournemouth.
The mother listed is Bridie O'Rorke formerly known as Cooke.
There is no fathers name mentioned. My mother Patricia says she was told when she was very young that she had some half sisters one of which was also named Patricia. I must admit that the whole story seems to fit what we know perfectly. Even the part about there being rumors that you did not want to mention as to not get folks mad at you. My mom Patricia was born after Michael O'Rorke died so that is a clue. What is very interesting is that moms adopted parents William and Leslie Adams were interesting themselves. William Adams my also adopted father stated that his grandfather was a member of the Black Watch of Scotland.Leslie ( Elsie Mellish) Adams had a mother named Rosa that had one of those seals and wax with what appeared to be a royal or nobility seal on it. And how does an orphan like my mother Patricia Helen O'Rorke end up being taken to the Panama Canal Zone crossing dangerous waters in the middle of the war. What was so special that people took such great lengths to save her? I believe that my mom was the Daughter of either the Taylor that Bridget married after Mr. O'Rorke or someone in between that had some serious connections. I am almost sure that you allude to this by saying

" like most family stories of the time and before, there is much speculation, which I am not going to elaborate in any way, as to not get into trouble with anyone. Bridget passed away the day prince Charles was born, and is now buried in Bournemouth"

If this is correct my mother and myself may be clues that you have been looking for.
I know that you may be the only one that can help me solve this puzzle. Mom is 77 Years old now and never knew her mom or dad.

One more weird thing is that my mother married Frank Leon Taylor here in the states and had me Sean Patrick Adams. I was born in the 1960's.

you can also reach me through my fiance Michelle Murphy that found this blog with your contact info she is the one that set up the account here.

I look forward to hearing any information you may have.
And thank you for such a well written history of the Cookes and O'Rorkes as well as all the others.

Best regards,

Sean Patrick Adams

Pages: [1]