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Messages - JHanley

Pages: [1]
Nottinghamshire / Re: Born in Nottingham Prison
« on: Monday 06 July 20 19:12 BST (UK)  »
Hello all,

I am William Stanley’s great-granddaughter, and I came across this thread while doing my own search. Thank you all SO very much for your work on this thread! This has given me a jump-start to continue my search.

I am not sure which of my grandmother’s sisters you were in contact with, but I would like to compile all of this info for my grandmother while she is still well. She is currently 95 and is curious as to her father’s story. I have found many of these documents that you have referred to above on, and your work has allowed me to find them quickly. I am happy to share this info with my grandma while she is alive, while otherwise this might have taken me some time to research myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your work!

Ps, if anyone had any questions or additional info, please comment or message me. I am thankful for you all!

Pss, William Stanley homesteaded in SK and retired in beautiful BC, where he had a long life. Despite his tragic beginnings, he did have a happy life.

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