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Messages - waynenort

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 35
Your first link for the Canterbury wills is on Kent County Council (not Country) Archives web pages.  Does it mention if there is a charge for seeing the wills
I've purchased a few of the Will from this database over the years since I live in Australia and can't physically pop into the History Centre. It's a great remote service.

However, I am also interested if the FS Wills at their LDS are an additional source of different wills from the Kent area... I seems like it will be a good excuse to spend a few hours there this Saturday to find out.

I expect you've also seen these early wills
Another great source for early Wills, but a little too far back for my research in the Kent area.

Yes, a great source that I often contribute to after deciphering a Will.

That's interesting. Here is the webpage one step back and here's a capture of the menu I get regarding the Kent wills via  pressing browse images hyperlink on the webpage.

The reason to ask is if the familyseach wills are the same set as the Kent Country Council Wills - Is that I would purchase the Kent Country Council Wills since they are already indexed and very easy to search.

But if the FamilySearch Wills are in-fact a different set, I'll need to pop down to an LDS centre to manually browse the thousands of images..... And hopefully, make new discoveries.  :)

I was hoping someone might know beforehand since it takes a long time to manually browse the FS images. And the challenge of deciphering on-the-go.

Armed Forces / Re: HMS Yarmouth at Bombay 1755-1760
« on: Saturday 27 April 24 09:24 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Shaun.

cheers, Wayne

Armed Forces / HMS Yarmouth at Bombay 1755-1760
« on: Saturday 27 April 24 08:53 BST (UK)  »
Both Hammond Kennard (Bap:9 Feb 1734 St Laurence, Ramsgate) and Paul Sackett (Bap:  9 Oct 1737 St John the Baptist, Margate) served on the HMS Yarmouth.

Presumably, both gentlemen died off the coast or near Bombay between 1756 to 1758.

Here are the Wills, but I'm curious if there's a list of casualties for the HMS Yarmouth when it was in service in or near Bombay from 1755 to 1760. It appears to be well-documented for this era with books and diaries about the battles.
Probate of Paul Sackett

Probate of Hammond Kennard) Haman Kenard

Book that includes the service of HMS Yarmouth at Bombay
Gunner at Large - The Diary of James Wood, R.A., 1746-1765:

Kent / Re: Guardianship of grandchildren in 1765
« on: Thursday 25 April 24 08:19 BST (UK)  »
A trustee is responsible for the financial interests of the child. but would a guardian's responsibility in this era be for the well-being of the children with no financial compensation?

My thoughts if this was the case then John Fagg may have been more than just an attorney for the family.

Kent / Guardianship of grandchildren in 1765
« on: Thursday 25 April 24 04:41 BST (UK)  »
My 6x great grandfather George Norton in his Will appointed an attorney in Ramsgate as guardian to 4 of his grandchildren from his eldest deceased son John in 1765. 

John’s wife had also passed and George cared for the 4 grandchildren who were around mid to late teens by 1765.

George outlived his wife and 6 of his 7 children. He appointed son-in-law Isaac of his only surviving daughter Elizabeth as executor of his Will.  Elizabeth and Issac had 6 children of their own by 1765. 

George had no other grandchildren besides those of his late son John and surviving daughter Elizabeth.

The attorney (John Fagg) handled some of the legalities for the properties George owned/managed over the years. The attorney was also the trustee for monies and property that was willed to the 4 grandchildren until they turned 21.

Was there any general laws during this period as to why George would assign an attorney as the guardian of his 4 grandchildren?

Link to the transcribed Will:

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