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Messages - Nanato3

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Monday 21 March 22 19:44 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply.

Both the mother and father's people are from Scotland.  On the mother's side I have many matches and have been able to trace her family back several generations. 

Unfortunately, on the father's side there are only 5 matches between 92 cM and 391 cM, and two below 10 cM.  This includes the matches of matches and none of the matches on his side has a full tree.  In fact, only 1 had a tree - a very small  tree.  I contacted her, and although she hadn't done a any research and only wanted the ethnicity result, she was able to provide me with her parents, grandparents and great grandparent's names.  From there I was able to create a well-documented tree going back 6 generations.  I just have to figure out where my friend's grandfather fits in.  Therein lies the problem.

I feel like I have all the pieces to the puzzle, but don't know how to put them together.  I am trying to learn the basics of DNA and learn to use the tools as well.  These tools are helping me sort the pieces, but my brain just doesn't know how to put the puzzle together.

Neither my friend or I are young, and she would like her children and grandchildren to know their roots on her father's side.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Monday 21 March 22 01:58 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for this additional tool.  I am so excited to learn to use the Leeds method, along with the other tools I'm learning.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Saturday 19 March 22 19:10 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for the replies.

I am now learning to use the tools on DNA Painter in hopes of zoning in on this man.  On the basis of the replies I've received here and what I can see from the tools I've used (as much as I can understand), it seems like I may have to go back a generation to find him.

This is a bit perplexing as this would give a minimum age difference of at least 30 years between my friend's  parents.  Of course this is not impossible, but seems unlikely.

At any rate, these replies have helped me to broaden my search

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Bio Grandfather
« on: Thursday 03 March 22 17:54 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for the suggestion.  I'll try that.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Bio Grandfather
« on: Sunday 27 February 22 22:33 GMT (UK)  »
I'm a newbie at DNA and after receiving helpful responses to an earlier topic I posted, I uploaded DNA results to Gedmatch.  These results combined with additional research has helped me narrow down the biological grandfather of a friend I have been searching for.  I will label this suspected grandfather RW.

I have found that many of my friend's matches are related to both RW's parent's (PW & FD), with the majority of them being related to his mother (FD). 

I have ruled out RW's sons as being the bio grandfather because of age.  I have also found that none of FD's siblings were married to any of her husband's (PW) siblings.

I have received information about RW, FD, and PW from a DNA match that I believe is a 1st cousin 1x removed and DNA suggests this as the strongest possibility.  If this is the case, my friend's strongest match would be her half 1st cousin, also the strongest possibility according to the DNA results.  I will refer to this person as AW

The 1st cousin 1x removed confirmed that AW is also her cousin 1x removed and gave me his information.  His grandfather is RW

Am I corrected in thinking that my friend's bio grandfather has to be RW or one of his brothers?  If not, what other possibilities might there be?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Thursday 24 February 22 20:51 GMT (UK)  »
It is a very similar situation. 

I was in contact with the match shown above, so I have several generations of her tree, however she  is not one of my closest matches.  Like you, the closest matches do not respond. 

At first this match was very helpful with information, but suddenly cut off all communication before I had a chance to explain the situation.  My guess is she knew something of a "family secret" and figured out that this was I was looking into.

This is definitely understandable, but frustrating.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Wednesday 23 February 22 21:40 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the replies.

Knowing that this is likely a 2nd cousin gives me a place to start.

I have contacted a couple of shared matches but have had no response.  This really isn't a surprise given the circumstances.  I'll continue looking into additional shared matches.

Also, I'll look into DNA Painter.

I know I'm in for a lot of work on this, but it will be worth it if it works out.  If it doesn't I'll have learned a thing or two along the way.

Thanks for the tips. 

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Biological Grandfather Search
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 23:08 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to help a friend find her biological grandfather. Ancestry DNA matches confirm his last name. 

Her father was the product of his mother having an affair with a married man and I am trying to narrow down the relationship of the best DNA match we have at this point.  The half cousin thing confuses me so any help would be appreciated.  The match is as follows;

Shared DNA: 254 cM across 13 segments
Unweighted shared DNA: 254 cM
Longest segment: 44 cM

I know there are many possibilities, but is there a way of narrowing it down based/

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