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Messages - JoMitchell10

Pages: [1]
Hi again!
I received your message, but RootsChat isn't letting me reply for some reason (not really used to working with this platform, so could be just me). I have the same username at Ancestry, so you could contact me there.
I am very keen to talk more as I have lots to tell, but in short, I am trying to prove that my 2xgreat-grandfather Alfred Walker was the son of Thomas Walker and Sarah Arrowsmith, so brother to Thomas, William and various other siblings. My mother has DNA matches to dozens of Arrowsmith descendants as well as several descendants of your Thomas and his brother James. I am confident Alfred belongs in this family, I just don't (yet) have the paper trail to prove it.
I have been building out the tree for these Walkers for some time in the hope of finding the evidence I need and William has been my latest target.
Anyway, please look for me at Ancestry, I am also happy to receive emails.

Hi Ministeph,
Are you still researching the William Walker you mention in this thread? I suspect he was my 2xgreat-grandfather's brother and would love to compare notes on him.

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