Author Topic: Referring to the Claim A Record thread  (Read 3465 times)

Offline 7igerby7he7ail

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Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« on: Monday 24 March 08 12:12 GMT (UK) »
Referring to the Claim A Record thread started by nudge 67gets me wondering how many of our ancestors we have ‘ticked off’ as we venture further back over the generations.
The potential doubles with each generation of course and that is just the direct lines
I am referring to the fact that we all have 2 parents, 4 grandparents,8 great grandparents etc, back say 12 generations to a possibility of 4096 10x great grandparents.
I have found [besides my 2 parents]
4 Grandparents
8 great grandparents
15 great great grandparents [16]
18 3x great grandparents [32]
18 4x great grandparents [64]
11 5x great grandparents [128]
10 6x great grandparents [256]
12 7x great grandparents [512]
2 8x great grandparents   [1024]

I by no means a ‘completist’, but it looks like I still have the ‘potential’ of many times spent tracking down my ancestors.

Has anybody just sat back and thought, wow, we are all closer than we think?.

GAUNT N Staffordshire,GAUNT Manchester.GUY,Shropshire, BARTLEY,Salford, Lancs, NEVILLE,Salford. PHILLIPS,Staffs, MAYER,Staffs,COSSAR,Berwick, E and Mid Lothian and Argyll. HIGGINS,Glasgowand Dunoon,Argyll.GALLAGHER,Argyll,IRISH,Herts.

Offline Les de B

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 26 March 08 07:01 GMT (UK) »
Here's my breakdown of ancestors;

2 = parents
4 = g parents
8  = 1 xg parents
16 =2 x g parents
21 = 3 x g parents
17 = 4 x g parents
(my mother's side stops at this level, but father's side continues)
13 = 5 x g parents
11 = 6 x g parents
11 = 7 x g parents
11 = 8 x g parents
13 = 9 x g parents
16 = 10 x g parents
(from here confirmation of g parents is about 50% based on my research and information obtained from others)
10 = 11 x g parents
11 = 12 x g parents
10 = 13 x g parents
10 = 14 x g parents
8 = 15 x g parents
(from here all information obtained from others, and not confirmed)
7 = 16 x g parents
6 = 17 x g parents
7 = 18 x g parents
5 =  19 x g parents
6 = 20 x g parents
4 = 21 x g parents
4 = 22 x g parents
1 = 23 x g parents

My father's side continues well on past my mother's side probably due the "gentry" of the lines, compared to my mother's mostly convict lines - but I'm not complaining ;D

de Belin, Swindail, Willcock, Williams, Moore, Watts, Searjeant, Watson, McCready, Reid, Spink, de Lancey, Van Cortland, and of course, Smith!

Offline 7igerby7he7ail

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 26 March 08 15:52 GMT (UK) »
So Les, you have the potential of finding the other 67108863 or so of your 23x gg parents [maths not my strong point but you get the gist].

Like I said, we must all be related even if we are 25th cousins ten times removed or whatever
Not calculating all the connections via marriages, not just directly, but to cousins and siblings through the generations.

So here I am, probably related to HM Queen, the Prime Minister, the President of the US, the Pope etc.

I am just waiting for that letter coming from a solicitor, stating I am the only surviving relative of some far distant bilionaire cousin....................

Until then,I need to find the 16th 8x great grandparent
GAUNT N Staffordshire,GAUNT Manchester.GUY,Shropshire, BARTLEY,Salford, Lancs, NEVILLE,Salford. PHILLIPS,Staffs, MAYER,Staffs,COSSAR,Berwick, E and Mid Lothian and Argyll. HIGGINS,Glasgowand Dunoon,Argyll.GALLAGHER,Argyll,IRISH,Herts.

Offline Les de B

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 27 March 08 06:23 GMT (UK) »
So here I am, probably related to HM Queen, the Prime Minister, the President of the US, the Pope etc.

Funny you should mention that. Former US President Roovesvelt was descended from one of the g grandparents. I only read the family line, but didn't record it, though from memory it was around the 9 x g parents. Then the grandson of 23 x g was Pope Alexander III in 1159, but as I indicated I can't confirm that link, it was given to me.

As I tell my wife, we are all related to each other one way or the other, its just that some are just a tad closer than others.

And with your maths, I will take your word on your figure relating to 23 x gg grandparents. The mind boggles at the possible figure. I've currently about 1500 pages of hard copy notes relating to the ancestors (and their siblings) I know of in 6 Volumes. One would need an actual library to house the records if I knew them all. ::)

de Belin, Swindail, Willcock, Williams, Moore, Watts, Searjeant, Watson, McCready, Reid, Spink, de Lancey, Van Cortland, and of course, Smith!

Offline 7igerby7he7ail

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #4 on: Thursday 27 March 08 08:01 GMT (UK) »
I knew a chap, from your part of the world, who had aristocracy on one side and a convict ancestor on the other.
I would dearly love to find a notable ancestor, famous or infamous.
I researched my cousin's husband's ancestry. He is related to Rudyard Kipling,a  Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin] and Victorian artist Edward Burne-Jones.

I have the possibility of an ancestor who was executed for being part of the Monmouth Rebelion.
Otherwise they were nearly all ag labs
GAUNT N Staffordshire,GAUNT Manchester.GUY,Shropshire, BARTLEY,Salford, Lancs, NEVILLE,Salford. PHILLIPS,Staffs, MAYER,Staffs,COSSAR,Berwick, E and Mid Lothian and Argyll. HIGGINS,Glasgowand Dunoon,Argyll.GALLAGHER,Argyll,IRISH,Herts.

Offline nickgc

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 27 March 08 10:09 GMT (UK) »
Ah, the mathematics of genealogy - a subject dear to my heart...

I've been fortunate (plus a lot of work) to find all my ancestors back to 3x grt gparents, save 2 (30 of 32).  From there it declines quickly, but still have some.

What is interesting is that Gensleuth's doubling algorithm quickly results in a number that is larger than the total number of people who have ever lived on earth.  Set up the formula on your calculator and watch the smoke appear ;D

So, to get back to the small numbers of humans who existed when humanity first emerged we are looking at a "diamond shape:

                                         X        you
                                        XX       parents
                                       XXXX    gparents
                                           .         etc
                                         XX        first couple(s)

I had an anthropology professor once who said "Everyone is at least everyone else's sixteenth cousin..."  I think this has been expanded to 40th or 50th cousin recently, but yes, we are all related.

So, who wants to loan a cousin some money?


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Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there.   -Robert Heinlein

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #6 on: Thursday 27 March 08 10:38 GMT (UK) »
Hi, I know one thing trying to trace ancestors is a never ending hobby or should I say quest one branch leads to another & of you go again & people around you think your crazy writting down all these names & dates-always on a buzz when you get a good lead.

Offline Les de B

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #7 on: Thursday 27 March 08 11:03 GMT (UK) »
What is interesting is that Gensleuth's doubling algorithm quickly results in a number that is larger than the total number of people who have ever lived on earth.  Set up the formula on your calculator and watch the smoke appear ;D

So, to get back to the small numbers of humans who existed when humanity first emerged we are looking at a "diamond shape:

                                         X        you
                                        XX       parents
                                       XXXX    gparents
                                           .         etc
                                         XX        first couple(s)

Yes, your maths might be correct about the doubling theory. I know my gg grand parents were first cousins, so their grandparents appear twice on their generation line. Come to think of it, a lot of my Channel Island ancestors' names seem to pop up quite often in a number of marriages, and I'm sure their would be cousins marrying cousins there too. This would also throw some doubt on the doubling theory.

As for your diamond theory, I'm not quite sure. If(?) the first couple were Adam & Eve, well, what shape would it take then.................................... ???

de Belin, Swindail, Willcock, Williams, Moore, Watts, Searjeant, Watson, McCready, Reid, Spink, de Lancey, Van Cortland, and of course, Smith!

Offline Windsor87

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Re: Referring to the Claim A Record thread
« Reply #8 on: Thursday 27 March 08 11:08 GMT (UK) »
I've found a conection to a Pope.

Pope Leo IX (greatx? granduncle) . He was on the go 1000 years ago.

So I have the Queen, a Pope - now for a Prime Minister.  ;)
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