I've actually got an advertisement out of an old newspaper my mother has kept, and it was selling fur coats, made of Rabbit, Fox and Cat! I dare not show my animal loving daughter!
I think the photo was taken at the same time, although I'm not sure if she's in exactly the same clothes in the second photo. I 'think' she's wearing two different coloured/textured materials.
She doesn't look too bad. Our family has been pretty lucky on the health front, and most live at least until their 60's and older.
They lived in Sorrell. Her husband was actually told to stay out of Hobart and Launceston (Tasmanian Archives). We also notice that he had another female visitor when he first began to apply for a Ticket of Leave, but it was rejected numerous times, before he finally was approved, and got married.
I've never seen anything similar to it, but sure someone out there will come across another one sooner or later. We're not sure even of her nationality at the moment, although we 'think' England, Ireland, Scotland. The problem is, on different records, we actually have four different names, and considering she didn't marry into our family until she was about 33, we 'think' she may have had an earlier marriage, which would give us her maiden, first marriage, and second marriage. The fourth name is a complete mystery, as her last name was Christie, and we found records for her having children under the name Christopher. Dare say that was a Friday job!
