Evenin' everyone, I'm here with great news ... but I can't seem to locate the Scavenger Hunt/s to which this news applies

My esteemed fifth cousin Denise has finally managed to track down the prodigal Duncan Dunbar Tatham (whom we nicknamed DDT, seeing as he's proven to be almost as much trouble as the insecticide!).
After much diligent searching, Denise has discovered that DDT ("of Ambagamawa") died in 1863, and was buried on the 15th November, 1863, in St Paul's Church, in Kandy, Sri Lanka! More information is, hopefully, on its way - so there might be further news. I'm rapt - can you tell?!
Tephra, thank you so much for the Scavenger Hunts - is there any way this message can be added to the relevant thread/s, or would it be a bit of a nuisance?