Author Topic: BLOMFIELD - Suffolk  (Read 14089 times)

Offline Greensleeves

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Re: BLOMFIELD - Suffolk
« Reply #18 on: Saturday 04 August 18 23:04 BST (UK) »
Hello Carnmor and Yi  - I too have Nicholas Blumvill marrying Elizabeth Paston in my tree, but I am really unsure of this particular line.  I am pretty confident of the line from the mid 1600s where my Bloomfields are in Woolpit, Suffolk (the Woolpit PRs are available online and the info there is very useful).  Interestingly, I have in recent weeks been wrestling with the Nicholas Blumvill/Elizabeth Paston pairing and I just keep running into brick walls, mainly because the dates don't fit!  I think my line comes through Hammond b. Wetheringsett 1634 and his father Thomas b 1608 Mickfield.

Suffolk: Pearl(e),  Garnham, Southgate, Blo(o)mfield,Grimwood/Grimwade,Josselyn/Gosling
Durham/Yorkshire: Sedgwick/Sidgwick, Shadforth
Ireland: Davis
Norway: Torreson/Torsen/Torrison
Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLOMFIELD - Suffolk
« Reply #19 on: Sunday 05 August 18 18:37 BST (UK) »
I need to look at the stonham pedigree but not at computer at min but if youve linked it back via gilbert blomville m elizabeth english to the newton line its wrong.

If memory serves me right gilberts father robert d 1498 & the robert of the Newton line was alive  (will of brother) 1503.

Thats IF thats what you are following. People rarely look at death dates or Wills..we are lucky in the Stonham line to have acquired some.

The other mislead is often William of The Bottom Stonham who is  Newton Blomfield being mistook for a William  (similar date) of the Stonham line.

As the nicholas & Elizabeth is not my branch i have little info to go on to help
de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLOMFIELD - Suffolk
« Reply #20 on: Wednesday 08 August 18 12:10 BST (UK) »
Hi Carnmor,


"I'm really confused with this Bloomfield branch of my family it all stems from a Sarah Bloomfield marrying a William rouse, she was from Dedham seems her parents and g grandparents came form there and seems to go back to Gilbert and beyond, I can't work it out but don't the Newton and Stonham lines all intermingle 🤔 As I said I'm late and new to discovering my ancestors.


I have on the tree the following

William Clarice Rouse live Holbeck & Ipswich m Sarah Bloomfield

From LC SIER's book of Blomfields:-
LC Sier
Samuel Blomfeld ("M") was born in 1744, beginning his business career at Dedham as a Maltster and Farmer and ultimately coming to Greenstead, Colchester, where he took land known as "Hazletons Farm," now owned and occupied by Mr Arthur Curtis. He married Elizabeth May, of Lawford, and his sister Sarah married William Clarice Rouse, a Miller of Holbrook and afterwards of Ipswich, at which latter town he carried on his business at the Mill now owned by Messrs. Joseph Fison & Co,( Ltd.
He had eight children, but six of them died in infancy and the two survivors were a daughter Elizabeth, who married James Fitch, a Miller, of Wethersfield, near Braintree, and a son Samuel ("O").
Samuel Blomfield ("M':) died in 1824, having by his Will, dated 8th March, 1821, and proved at Chelmsford on 16th August, 1824, devised his property at Dedham left him by his father to is two surviving children above mentioned. He was buried at Lion Walk Congregational Chapel (then known as the "Round Chapel"), Colchester.

Sarahs parents were John Blomfield (Dedham born c1745) & Mary Sida
Johns parents were John b1718 Dedham & Jane Rouse
Johns parents were Bezaliel Blomfield Dedham 1685 & (yes maiden surname correct ) Mary Blomfield (Dedham 1685)

Bezaliel's parents went
John (Puritan) m Abigail Backler
Henry m Grace Stannard
Gilbert m Elizabeth English of the Stonham Blomville's

Mary's line goes
John (Puritan) m Abigail Backler

Hope that helps
We have Blo(o)mfield family page for people researching this family
Blomvyle Blomfield Bloomfield Family Tree


Please join & maybe we can help you further

de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,