Author Topic: LITTLE William George - Completed  (Read 3083 times)

Offline enfrance

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Re: LITTLE William George
« Reply #9 on: Sunday 13 February 11 15:34 GMT (UK) »
Trevor and Adrian,

In my search for William George I had seen the 1911 census record – saved it - but dismissed it purely on the basis of the address and the fact that we had never heard of any other family connected with WG. Now, having it pointed out again that he was a driver and with so much other detail I am beginning to think it may well be him.

I’ve drawn a time line to see how the events we know pan out and it is difficult to see how he could have been involved with the Canadians or SA prior to 1919 when he was transferred to the Z Class Army Reserve. During that time he was busy getting married at age 24, 1907, was at home in 1911 for the census, joined up in 1915 and served through to some time after 1919. Could he have squeezed in some time with the Mounties in that time? I suppose after 1919 he could have been anywhere and in the photo I refer to he could easily have been 35 plus. There is an unaccounted for gap from 1919 to around 1939 when he was living with my Aunt.
Trevor, your question about whether he emigrated for a time may well be relevant. When I researched the uniform I found lots of info about the Canadian Mounties and South African police wearing the Stetson.

This is a quote from the history of the Stetson hat; Its trade names of "Boss of the Plains " and "Pony Hat " reflected its largely cowboy clientèle, and it is listed on inventories of stores of Canadian units headed for South Africa as "Hat, Cowboy." Stetsons had been worn unofficially by members of the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) since 1895, an increasing number of whom preferred it to the standard-issue white pith helmet. Its adoption for use by Canadian units in South Africa was probably due to the fact that many members of Canada's second contingent were former members of the NWMP.’ There is also mention of a leather boot they wore called the Strathcona boot.

So your question could be, did William volunteer and serve with the Canadians or in the SA police? This may go some way to explain the uniform Bill was wearing in the original photo I can remember. This throws up yet another avenue for me to follow. My wife will be soooo chuffed. My family already call her the ‘heritage widow’.  :)

Of all the other amazing detail perhaps the most telling is your last two lines, Adrian, that Nell and William were married almost immediately after Margaretta May’s death in 1956. Almost as though the only obstacle was publishing the banns!

Equally, the icing on the cake in the form of a photograph is amazing. Perhaps I may try to trace the Dellar family to see what happened to the children, after all we would be sort of cousins.

I will spend some happy time following your pension and service trails. If I get stuck perhaps I can come back to you for some more advice.

Once again thank you for all your help. Its fascinating stuff.  To put a face on the characters in this saga I’ve attached an old photo of Bill posing by one of the motors he regularly drove together with Nell next to him and her two sisters Marion and Winifred, my mother. Judging by the ages I would put this photo around 1920 or a bit earlier and guess the motor is a Daimler as it has a fluted radiator cover.

Offline Suzysue22

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Re: LITTLE William George - Completed
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday 29 May 13 19:28 BST (UK) »
Hi there,

I have found a photograph of Winifred annie Teresa LITTLE born October 1895 is this any relation.  I note there is a photograph of Winifred Little on this page.

Please get in touch if the photograph is your family and I will post it to you.


Offline enfrance

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Re: LITTLE William George - Completed
« Reply #11 on: Thursday 30 May 13 10:36 BST (UK) »
Hello Sue,

Many thanks for your interest. The Winifred you refer to is in fact my mother who was a Brittle, as was William's second wife Eleanor (Nell) and another sister Marion.. They are the three girls in the photo.

We have another branch of the Little's in our family - my maternal great grandmother - but I have not gone down that route yet.

Perhaps if later I come across a possible connection I might give you a shout that would be very helpful.

In the meantime, thanks for contacting me. It does beg the question, is there any connection between the Little's you have and mine?



Offline Suzysue22

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Re: LITTLE William George - Completed
« Reply #12 on: Friday 31 May 13 14:10 BST (UK) »
Hi Mike

The Little family is not in fact my line.  I rescued a photo on a carte vista of a little girl because it had her full name and date of birth on it as well as the date the photograph was taken in London.  One day I hope to reunite it with someone who would like it.  I had a quick look on the 1901 census but couldn't match her up, I've not seriously tried to find her relations before, but hopefully someone will google her and be sent to this website.

Good luck in your researching and thanks for replying.
