About twelve years ago my “cousin” Gerald J. Parsons, F.A.S.G, hired a researcher in Scotland to search for information regarding our common ancestor, John Wilson, Mariner, born about 1740 in Perthshire, Scotland, died Bet. 1795 – 1800 in some port in the West Indies . Gerald knew that this John Wilson had a twin left behind in Scotland and that a John Wilson and his wife Elspet McKensie had twin children John and Janet baptized in the parish of Dull in Pershire on 12 October 1740.
The researcher found in Kirk Session Minutes of the Parish of Blair Atholl under the date of 23 June 1771, that “Certificates [i.e. testamonials] were appointed [i.e., ordered] for Elsphet McKensie, widow in Uchdnanetaig, and for Janet & Isobel Wilson [sic] her daughters unmarried, and for John McLean in Trinafuir, all going to remove out of this parish.” From this statement Gerald took in that Janet Wilson had never married as of 23 June 1771.
I recent came across some information on the internet on a private individual web site (Garth Woodward) that has a Janet Wilson birth Abt. 1740 in Kenlock, Fortingall, Pershire, Scotland. The site indicates “Birth:data from marriage record in 1760, Fontingall, Pershire.” The site further states that this Janet Wilson married on 24 May 1760 in Dull, Perthshire, Scotland a John McDonald born about 1736 in Lailnloing, Loggerait, Perthshire. I tried to contact Mr. Woodward regarding his information but got no reply as yet.
I also found another personal web site that has a Janet McDonald (born Wilson) born 12 October 1740, Kenlock, Fortingall, Perthshire, Scotland, death 16 June 1771. This Janet listed as daughter of John Wilson born 12 October 1740, died 1795 Nimba, Libera, Africa, wife Elispeth McKensie. No sources were listed for this information and I have been unable to reach the website author.
So my question of course is –is the Janet Wilson found at these two websites the sister of my immigrant John Wilson the Mariner?? Did my Janet indeed marry a John McDonald and have children? Would anyone here be able to give me some direction or directly help me to determine the answers to this questions? Any guidance would be appreciated.
Stu Wilson
Liverpool NY