Hello michelle
Baptised at Brighton,St Peter
Harriet Louisa
5 Apr 1857 daughter of James & Ann Baker.
At the time they were living Cambridge St & James a Brewers Labourer.
Charles Henry
13 Nov 1859 son of James & Ann Baker.
At the time living Ashton St & James a Labourer.
Elizabeth Ann
Baptised 18 Apr 1830 at Hellingly.
Daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Finch
Lucy ,20 Mar 1828.
Seems Mum & Dad married at Chalvington,East Sussex
4 Jun 1827
Danile Finch,Bach
Elizabeth Simmons SP BOTP.
Charles & Ann Baker.
I found some Children Baptised at Alfiston
Then Adelaide & Frances baptised 2 Jun 1833.Dad Blacksmith.
I could`nt find the 3 boys baptisums mentioned on the 1841 census in Alfiston.
If you have a lot of Sussex Ancestors,it maybe worth joining the Sussex Family History Group,which gives Members online access to Baptisms & Burials.Well worth the money

Kind regards