Author Topic: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???  (Read 9304 times)

Offline findem

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday 07 September 05 04:06 BST (UK) »
Hi Constance,
I sent an email to Sarah/Pixieleigh with info regarding Ketleys, have you seen it?
I also suggested to her that she/you send me a brief family tree showing those you know for sure are ancestors and those you suspect are, as yet I have had no reply.
I also mentioned that I had seen some Ketleys baptised at the Black Chapel, these were on separate pages in the Gt Leighs PRs.  I'm pretty sure it was the Gt Leighs PRs and not in the GT Waltham PRs, but next time I'm in the UK I'll recheck them.

Here are the three children of John and Rachel Ketley, all baptised at the Black Chapel, Gt Leighs?: Benjamin 9 Feb 1751, Mary 16 sep 1751 and Joseph 12 Nov 1758, hope they prove of use.

The Black Chapel is located near North End, quite a way from Gt Leighs and Gt Waltham.  If you look on a map you will see the A130 main road which goes from Chelmsford, through Broomfield then Gt Waltham and ends up at Gt Dunmow.  If you follow the A130 north from Gt Waltham,  something like three miles up the A130 there is a small road on the right which leads to North End.  A short way down that small road is the Black Chapel.  If you check it out on a UK map of the area, you will note that by road the Black Chapel is nearer to Gt Waltham than Gt Leighs. 

My point is I think that the Black Chapel being administered by Gt Leighs but located nearer Gt Waltham, is a scenario for confusion in people's minds regarding place of birth/baptism.  Obviously that confusion would flow on to any census, even without a scenario like that a number of my ancestors managed to confuse their birthplace with where they were baptised.

I really think it would be best if you took one step at a time with your Ketleys i.e. obtain the BC for Thomas James Ketley 1849 first, then you will know for sure who his parents are.  By the way Broomfield is in the Chelmsford registration district.  Then obtain the marriage cert for the parents of Thomas, that should give the grandfathers of Thomas.  At the stage you are currently at, I don't think there is anything to be gained by my sending you a whole load of Ketley's, who may or may not be of use.  My Ketley records will not help you until you get back to at least the 1770s, my Ketley research ceased at 1797 with the baptism of my ancestor Hannah Ketley, apparently an only child.   

Concentrating currently on:
Essex: Card, Harris, Stowell, Theobald/Tibbles & Turner.
Norfolk: Beale, Cork & Dalton.
Yorkshire: Oswald Sturdy birth/baptism c1708, Oswald where the devil are you?

Census Information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline pixieleigh

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #19 on: Thursday 08 September 05 00:06 BST (UK) »
thanks findem,

Sarah is my sister. she is no longer using rootschat, (another story), but i have her account access so i'll go in and have a look!

That will be why you havn't heard from her. she has school exams you see.

i have a couple of other KETLEY researchers from off roots chat that are very confused about this whole Ketley think. it all seems very muddled. even with the proper certificates. for the moment i have stoped using roots chat as we are trying to piece this all out together. there is alot of back and forth going on. its a bit muddly.

but what i'm doing at the moment is compiling everything that we all know about these people.

if you give me a couple of months i'll get it all together and send it to you if you would still like that. even if there are no links you may be interested.

thanks for all you help you and CP have been especially fantastic!!!

for the moment i won't be using roots chat much so i will appoligise now if i am tardy with replies. i'll also go back into my sisters account. we had seperate checklists of information to find so i'll go and see what she has done.

i see your point with the baptism vs. birthplace records that is very annoying. :-) understandable though.

i have got back to the mid-early 1700's although it is unconfirmed data. i'm 90% sure but it just isn't confirmed.

well thats it for me, thank you again, and sorry for late replies, i will let you know of any discoveries. What is the best way to send you data??? i have family tree maker now. so i can send stuff that way i think.


I am sorry but my emails are no longer working.
Ketley, Childs, Ashbridge, Brittain, Durrant, Blythe, Blyth, Edwards, Hart, Moran, Crackles, Jacobs, Grice, Watts, Plane, Riches.

Australia, New Zealand, Yorkshire, Norfolk, Essex.

Offline pixieleigh

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #20 on: Thursday 08 September 05 00:09 BST (UK) »
sorry findem,

just realised i'm using my sisters computer!

it automatically came up with her account. i can't find a way to stop it doing that. even when i try to log out it won't let me.


 :-[  :-[  :-[
I am sorry but my emails are no longer working.
Ketley, Childs, Ashbridge, Brittain, Durrant, Blythe, Blyth, Edwards, Hart, Moran, Crackles, Jacobs, Grice, Watts, Plane, Riches.

Australia, New Zealand, Yorkshire, Norfolk, Essex.

Offline findem

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #21 on: Thursday 08 September 05 00:42 BST (UK) »
Hi Constance,
OK I'll wait until I hear from you again, no hurry, better to take time over your data to make sure of your facts, in genealogy it's not hard to go tearing off down the wrong path. 8)

As for sending the info via Family Treemaker I suspect that will be in Gedcom format, I haven't had any experience with that format.  Well that's not quite true, I tried using it a couple of years ago and made an unholy mess of it  :-[    So perhaps send just a brief typed tree of purely Ketley ancestors, at the stage you are at I don't think it would take a lot of work?  I'll leave it up to you though how you do it.

Although we see no evidence of links at the moment I wouldn't be at all surprised if at some stage we link.

Concentrating currently on:
Essex: Card, Harris, Stowell, Theobald/Tibbles & Turner.
Norfolk: Beale, Cork & Dalton.
Yorkshire: Oswald Sturdy birth/baptism c1708, Oswald where the devil are you?

Census Information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline Davlag

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #22 on: Thursday 19 August 10 11:16 BST (UK) »

Can you help please. I am trying to trace the living relatives of Albert Crawford Ketley whose parents were Harry Edwards Ketley & Florence Elizabeth Ketley. Albert Crawford Ketley emigrated to Wellington NZ & then moved to Australia. If there are any relatives would they good enough to contact me or Propert Conveyance Company "Countrywide Conveyances Serrvices Ltd. Their email address is: FAO Sarah Kelley, ref 11359701MT2
This enquiry relates to the sale of Harry & Florence Ketley's home at 1 Wanstead Place, London E11 2SW.

Your urgent reply would be appreciated.

Offline geno500

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Re: how do i find essex marriage records from before 1837???
« Reply #23 on: Saturday 21 August 10 20:44 BST (UK) »
Hi all do not forget that the Essex Records have early records online on there SEAX web site if you are looking before 1800 then they may well be there and even if you are in Brisbane you can have the buzz of looking at the original records and it's free,I believe they are the only county records to do this others should follow the lead .
Best Regards