Author Topic: What has Rootschat done for you?  (Read 11972 times)

Offline Greensleeves

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What has Rootschat done for you?
« on: Saturday 22 September 18 22:11 BST (UK) »
This evening I was reminded that nearly ten years ago, I was sitting feeling very lonely, and was surfing the internet trying to find something to hold my attention.  My husband was terminally ill, and descending into dementia and I was at my wits' end.  I was working on my family tree, and I had got to my Blomfield family of Woolpit, Suffolk and had hit a brick wall.  So I googled 'Blomfield Woolpit'.  And that's when a door opened in my life because I found a thread on Rootschat about Woolpit and the Blomfield family.  I responded - albeit that the thread was a couple of years old - and amazingly I got a reply - and I so wish I could remember who it was who so kindly welcomed me onto the site and responded to my post.   And thus  I tentatively stepped into the arms of the Rootschat family, without having any idea of what I was letting myself in for.

Almost immediately I found I was making contacts with people, which meant that not only was I building my family tree with the help of all the clever Rootschatters, but because of the ToT boards and the Lighter Side, I was making friends too.  And when my husband died, one of the friends I made on here came to his funeral to represent Rootschat,  the kindness of which still brings tears to my eyes.

And now it's ten years since I joined.  I have met quite a few of the people I have met on here and firm friendships have been established.  And I was thinking, I wonder how many people's lives have been changed by finding Rootschat.  I certainly know that my life has been enhanced immeasurably by this site, not only in terms of FH, but in terms of companionship, friendship, lots of love, lots of laughs and lots of kindness.

So I'd love to hear other people's stories of how they found Rootschat, and what the site means to them.  And at the same time saying a big thanks to Trystan and Sarah and all the mods for all the hard work and for creating and maintaining such a brilliant site.
Suffolk: Pearl(e),  Garnham, Southgate, Blo(o)mfield,Grimwood/Grimwade,Josselyn/Gosling
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Offline philipsearching

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 22 September 18 22:28 BST (UK) »
I so wish I could remember who it was who so kindly welcomed me onto the site and responded to my post.
gives you the answer - it was william james.

Please help me to help you by citing sources for information.

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Offline groom

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 22 September 18 22:38 BST (UK) »
It was just over 10 years ago that I found this wonderful site. I was stuck upstairs on the computer while my windows were being replaced, so I was working on my tree as well. I found Rootschat in the same way that GS did, I googled a name and RC came up. I decided to join, looked around a bit, asked a question and as they say the rest is history.

It took me a while to poke my nose into the Totally off Topic boards, but once I did I was hooked. It was great to "talk" to people from all over the world, not only about genealogy but also about things in general. Lots of fun and laughter and lots of support at sadder times.

I've also made a lot of friends, some just to chat to on here or on Skype but some that I've actually met. GS and I have met several times over the last 5 years or so and spent holidays together. We still have a lot on our bucket list. Others I've met for the day and had lunch or dinner together.

I wonder if Trystan and Sarah realised when they set this site up just how much pleasure it would bring to people?
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Offline Viktoria

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #3 on: Saturday 22 September 18 22:59 BST (UK) »
I can’t remember exactly how I found RootsChat but I am so glad I did,not only for finding my paternal grandmother in circumstances I would never have fathomed myself but the friendly chat, learning things from other chatters, helping a little when I can.Letting off steam about annoyances etc
and often a good laugh.
I too am alone but as the T.V. Advert said—-“You are never alone with RootsChat”, well words to that effect.                                                   
Many  thanks to the founders and all those who help so much.
It is like a friend dropping in,!

Offline Finley 1

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 22 September 18 23:02 BST (UK) »
Me too over 10 yrs  with a Sutherland Finney search and still searching to clarify them.. ho hum..
But have gained a heck of a lot from all of you on here..

There are a lot of you still with us and we do share a joke and work together its great..

But sadly we have lost some VIPs  MIKE FROM LEICESTER ---- a mine of information, and missed greatly.

Help me with those that have left us..  cos this head is useless of late.

I remember RABBIT B super - cheeky we became great friends off Rootschat as well.

she taught me a lot.

oh dear.

10 years and I still make mistakes on here -  I have been reprimanded for not explaining myself fully or doubling up (useless sometimes x sorry)
I used to be permanently on the restoration board - loved it to bits and it was full of a great crew of people, helping to restore.

But eyes and technology beat me now on that.

We had a couple of Old Hippies are you still around?  NIKS mum Terry - Carol - Jim - Carolyn and on forgive me.. MJB another... I could scroll back through my posts but there are a fair few... some totally nonsensical... If your names not on here .. Its only a temproary blip on the right hand side of my brain --- I will kick it back over night and then we shall see.  ha ha xxxx  REMIND ME   tell me where you are   -  please xx

Happy moments shared - terrible moments shared -
but whatever they are -  Without Roots  life would be boring.. absolutely.

switch on the pc  and in touch with the world and at the Helm
Sarah and Trystan  with all their wonderful info and assistance and some great assistants.

Offline philipsearching

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 22 September 18 23:08 BST (UK) »
In three days time I will have been a Rootschatter for thirteen years (and I'm still not a marquessate!)

I stumbled on the site when trying to find out about my father's father.  Today I still know nothing about him except a name (which may be invented) and several contradictory pieces of "evidence".

BUT - I have found out so much more about my lineage, learned about many weird and wonderful, decent and dodgy, ancestors, and found cousins I never knew existed.  AND had so much fun!

As time passed, my knowledge and confidence grew and I began helping other people.  I am no expert and I remain in awe of Rootschatters with expert knowledge.  I am one of thousands who enjoy learning, sharing,and helping.

What has Rootschat done for me? - More than I can ever hope to give back.

Please help me to help you by citing sources for information.

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Offline jaybelnz

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #6 on: Saturday 22 September 18 23:28 BST (UK) »
Just checked and found that I registered on Rootschat in June 2009!  As with a lot of others, I found it by accident when searching via Mr Google! 

Similar to everyone else, I have found Rootschatters to be amazingly helpful in all respects, including photo restorations,  and that's been a wonderful experience.  Like a lot of people it took me a while to feel confident to pop my head into the TOT boards, but was made to feel very welcome!  I also discovered that there were people in TOT who are as crazy as me, but at the same time intelligent, respectful, friendly, helpful & very kind, and are a pack of nutters!  Luvya all heaps, and huge respect and thanks to Trystan and Sarah for establishing what I feel is the best Genealogy forum on the net, (also the best social media)!  💞💞👍👍🌹🌹🌹
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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 22 September 18 23:35 BST (UK) »
Reality is it saved me, kept my mind busy, stopped me thinking about what was happening in my life. I share very little about me, maybe because I don't think others would be interested in knowing. At that time 3 of my 6 dogs had died within 9 weeks of each other and my dogs are my life.

I had zero expectations about RC accidently found by a simple search looking for information/resourses about a family name and having used some of the US forums where you ask a question and get no answers or irrelevant answers and it takes years to get those, so it was a complete surprise that not only was I warmly welcomed, it was also almost instant help with my FH question and that has not changed.
Leicestershire:Chamberlain, Dakin, Wilkinson, Moss, Cook, Welland, Dobson, Roper,Palfreman, Squires, Hames, Goddard, Topliss, Twells,Bacon.
Northamps:Sykes, Harris, Rice,Knowles.
Rutland:Clements, Dalby, Osbourne, Durance, Smith,Christian, Royce, Richardson,Oakham, Dewey,Newbold,Cox,Chamberlaine,Brow, Cooper, Bloodworth,Clarke
Durham/Yorks:Woodend, Watson,Parker, Dowser
Suffolk/Norfolk:Groom, Coleman, Kemp, Barnard, Alden,Blomfield,Smith,Howes,Knight,Kett,Fryston
Lincolnshire:Clements, Woodend

Offline gazania

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Re: What has Rootschat done for you?
« Reply #8 on: Saturday 22 September 18 23:58 BST (UK) »
Just checked my profile to see it is coming up 13 years. I remember seeing a notice about Rootschat on the notice board at my local FH society.  I logged on when I got home and I think I have logged on everyday since. I have enjoyed the professionalism of the design and operation of the site; the skill of the moderators which has enabled rootschatters to share their knowledge and help.

I am continually amazed at the range of knowledge.  I felt I could help in a small way with stuff about my local area.  I have made friends, found rellies and broken down brick walls.  A person in the UK googled my ggrandfather's name found in an old album he found in an attic.  Via Rootschat, the album was returned to my family in the UK.

Thank you to all.
BELK, Yorkshire, London
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