Author Topic: Diary > Friday 19th June  (Read 1344 times)

Offline Roobarb

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Diary > Friday 19th June
« on: Friday 19 June 20 22:40 BST (UK) »
First again, most of today has been so meaningless that I'd probably forget anything that did happen if I waited till tomorrow to post.

Well so much for going to bed earlier! Slept very late this morning, couldn't rouse myself sufficiently to be lively enough with my public face on to join the art class Zoom meeting, and that wasn't exactly early. Read the news, I see the alert level in England has been reduced. Not sure how I feel about that, some people seem to take these things as carte blanche to do what they want.

A warm day, the cloud was finally breaking up. Ended up going for my walk at nearly 1 o'clock, there was no-one at all on the field when I first got there. Went through the woods, a woman was walking down the middle of the path with a dog, I moved over to the side but she made no attempt to move at all. People are entitled to have their opinions about social distancing but that doesn't entitle her to take my choice away from me. I was quite annoyed, particularly as it's only recently that I've managed to stay on the path instead of retreating into the undergrowth.

Had a sandwich for lunch then did hardly anything for the rest of the day, was unsettled again. Moved the tinned food out of quarantine in the garage into the cupboard where I made a space for extra stock. Put some weed and feed on the front lawn, there was a heavy shower forecast during the afternoon so if it arrived it would save me watering the treatment in.  Moved some pots in the back garden, pulled a few weeds out.

Came indoors and phoned my oldest friend, that's in terms of age, not length of friendship. He told me that he'd been to the supermarket for the first time, had enjoyed it! So very much older than me but also so much braver. The heavy shower arrived when I was on the phone.

Did some very small bits to my painting, so little that I didn't even sit down to it. Oh well, no rush. Washed my hair, it somehow seems less bother in the afternoon than when I've just got up.
Curry for tea, some TV, another day gone.

Hope everyone has had a productive day or at least an enjoyable one.

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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 20 June 20 00:08 BST (UK) »
Think you'd call my day mundane and frustrating and with elements of enjoyment!

Sorry to hear you've had a lack lustre day Roobarb - people can be extremely thoughtless and totally in their own zone with no regard for anyone else!
Good to hear it rained after your lawn treatment... OH had to water our lawn when he moss killed it, looked awful for a few weeks but new grass coming through and helped by the rain over the last few days!

My day....
Started by waking up at 4am.... took me a while to get back to sleep.....
Had a FB message from Yogalates teacher to say she was going to be doing today's class at 9am 😱😱 what the heck time do you call that... she got lots of messages and then posted to say she'd do it at 11am.... much better...
I digress... up at a reasonable time for breakfast and then got into keep fit gear and did over an hour of Yogalates which I always find beneficial, stretching parts not usually used and into positions that quite surprise me at my age... so all good
All 10 sets of scrubs were picked up and I've now got several packs of face coverings to make in whatever pattern I like.... tomorrow's job!... more scrub fabric coming next week... going to be a busy bee!
Thought I'd try out the new magic Koh cleaning spray three friends persuaded me cleaned everything... tried it on the shower glass in the ensuite... gave it a couple of goes.... didn't seem like much of a miracle so far.... give it time don't be impatient...
Ah well apparently it's absolutely magic at getting red wine out of cream upholstery when a glass has been thrown at it... now that will be useful... if it works as OH is a dab hand at drips, whole glasses going everywhere!
Had lunch ...
Played scrabble.... I knew it was a mistake... he did nothing but moan to begin with that I was winning then suddenly the tables turned and I was over 100 behind....
Well he got a treble word score, used ALL his tiles and scored 110 .... I felt like throwing the board out of the window but I carried on but never able to recover my score despite getting 60 for a treble word score!
We got all ready then for our story time with the boys at 3pm... despite our internet dropping in and out most of the afternoon! If that was working then the phone didn't work! No point getting in a lather over it cross our fingers and hope...
Message from daughter still trying to finish school work... could we make it 3.30... yes fine... not going anywhere are we!
Thought I'd get dinner ready as time ticking on
Oh dear still not ready let's make it 4pm!
Finally there they were ready and waiting... OH read more of Willy Wonker then I read some more of Riverboat adventures... they're such good boys and it's lovely to have just the two of them.. lots of chat inbetween too...
Finally finished... just time to finish off dinner... sausage casserole with jkt pots..
Next Zoom at 6pm with our two sets of good friends... nice to see them and had a good laugh with them for an hour...
Quick dash to the coop for some wine... not been in there for a good while... markers on the floor, arrows for which way to go, hand sanitizer and trolley wipes .... pity no one else bothered using them... I was staggered... staff totally disinterested in telling people what they should be doing...
long wait at till as only 1 open and big queue.. couldn't get out quick enough...definitely not going to go in there again in a hurry!
Finally of wine...
Watched Gardeners World, Julia Bradbury walking in Exmoor circular walk from Lynmouth... we know that area very well and recognised lots of places.
Early night then as OH golfing in the am...

It was As you will see from my first sentence!

Look forward to reading about others day!

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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 20 June 20 11:33 BST (UK) »
Quite a good day,I find Classic FM a real tonic, lovely music and singing along to that with which I am very familiar .
I realise now what a good music teacher we had ,those visits to The Halle -rehearsals? certainly not public performances .
I could recognise the Halle by a little extra phrase the French horn put in the National Anthem.
Cut and measured,- no the other way round - material for simple blinds in the utility room which is S W facing and like an oven.
Will be glad when machine is OK.
I will see if I can use the old one ,but it has lain unused for so long and is so heavy to lift I think it will have to stay in its cosy corner!
Bleached all the worktops, polished the black shiny doors of the kitchen units.
Did skirting boards behind hard to move furniture by using my “bad back
picky up stick “,and a damp soapy cloth.
Lay on the floor with vac extension and did under furniture.
Middle of the rooms no problem.
Must deadhead the roses bashed by the storms.
Watching the little Alpine strawberries, lots on the plants
but not ripe yet, would be  nice if some were ready for the virtual tea party but with real cake!
Cream ordered from milk lady for scones ,maybe a chocolate cake
I like Victoria scones, vanilla flavouring and cherries on top of the pre baked marked out quarters.
Mild fairy sunny day.
Washed my hair and put rollers in, they do come in handy now no hairdresser visits.Head tied up in a cotton square scarf ,like a “ clooty dumpling”so not fit to be seen outside.
I will give it a blow with the dryer in a while,after another cuppa. ::)
Some mail to open from almost a week ago.
One will be electric /gas statement as I had to send readings.
I am not depressed but do find tears come easily, just watched a documentary about a female bear and her cubs in the wild,stalked by a timber wolf .The cubs were delightful.
It didn’t get them but a few scary moments and the tears were there !
Well hairdryer time and face the world and tackle the garden.
Tesco delivery this evening 19 - 20 hrs.

Cheerio, big decision time though,  Victoria sponge with strawberry jam and cream and perhaps the tiny strawberries or chocolate cake with black cherry jam and cream, scones with jam and cream or Victoria scones just buttered?
I think salmon sandwiches, got some smoked salmon coming ,or tinned.?

I will ask my neighbour’s daughter if she feels it OK for her to have a Tea forOne tray,like my Birthday treat .
I usually take her some of whatever I have baked , but not since Lockdown.
She won’t sit in her garden but will appreciate it.
Cheerio .

Offline Mowsehowse

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #3 on: Saturday 20 June 20 11:42 BST (UK) »
Woke early after a bad night, too much coffee yesterday perhaps. Well done Roobarb to manage a good sleep.

Did both fun trivia quizzes and scored full marks, though not very speedy times, so probably won't end up a high scorer.  Caroline so sorry about your Scrabble game.  I often want to throw the board out of the window. :( Partially the problem is that I always play with a view to keeping the board open, which is never the way to win.

First thing we walked into town, to ask at the bank what had happened to the contactless card which was ordered on 1st June and promised by 8th June. Turns out someone decided I didn't need it and there was a note on record to say the order had been cancelled and the new card will be issued end September.  :-\  So I asked for it to be ordered again.  Mine is faulty and forces me to use a key pad, which is an excellent transmitter of germs and I don't want to be doing it all through a potential second wave of virus

Passing the dental surgery I noticed the lights were on and people within, but I was barred entry though someone did peer through a tiny gap to speak.  After explaining the situation with my broken tooth, I was told that when the surgery does re-open, initially it will only be for private patients, no appointments will be available for NHS patients for the foreseeable future.

So I phoned Plymouth surgery again. A dentist returned my call and eventually agreed to issue a prescription for some anti-biotics.  (Bizarrely he noted my address and says he lives in the same complex.... what are the chances of that? :o )

After lunch I phoned the designated pharmacy, and set out to pick up the medication.  I had some difficulty finding the address and drove round in some rather large circles before locating the place. (My car does not have sat nav, and I have no sense of direction!) Was advised I should not be taking Ibuprofen with Ramipril, luckily I haven't had many.

No sign of the decorators today, though the cherry picker is parked along the road.

Since Covid crisis Husband has (kindly,) taken over most of the cooking and washing up, as he is not capable of finding any occupation except going for a walk.  Consequently sink and every tea spoon in the drawer looking horrible, so I spent a happy 10 minutes scrubbing them. Desperate or what!!

After tea a walk along the front, rather cool and grey so fairly quiet.

The 3 nasturtium seeds I pushed into the trough with the sweet peas have germinated. Hurrah. :D

Watched an episode of "Vera" on TV.

So far I believe I am in the running to win the least meaningful Friday 19th June award.  Congratulations will be in order.  Perhaps Saturday will be better.
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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 20 June 20 11:51 BST (UK) »
Bless you Viktoria.... Ms Clooty Dumpling of the week!!  :D
You do make me smile, and you are SO industrious.

I really would like to know how much senior to me you are, but that would be rude, so I shan't ask.  ;)

Hope you all enjoy your Saturday.
BORCHARDT in Poland/Germany, BOSKOWITZ in Czechoslovakia, Hungary + Austria, BUSS in Baden, Germany + Switzerland, FEKETE in Hungary + Austria, GOTTHILF in Hammerstein + Berlin, GUBLER, GYSI, LABHARDT & RYCHNER in Switzerland, KONIG & KRONER in Germany, PLACZEK, WUNSCH & SILBERBERG in Poland.

Also: ROWSE in Brixham, Tenby, Hull & Ramsgate. Strongman, in Falmouth. Champion. Coke. Eame/s. Gibbons. Passmore. Pulsever. Sparkes in Brixham & Ramsgate. Toms in Cornwall. Waymoth. Wyatt.

Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 20 June 20 12:56 BST (UK) »
My goodness Viktoria you put us all to shame!
My OH used my mothers old grab stick for numerous things when his hips were really bad and he couldn't bend!
I don't think I've EVER layed on the floor to hoover underneath.... you are a credit to us all and I'm hanging my head in shame!
Your description of yourself wrapped up like a 'cloth dumpling' reminds me of a very dear lady who used to housekeep for me when I was running my business.... she was fairly elderly (hope that's being diplomatic!) and she would move all the furniture including a very heavy sideboard on her own that in the end we were worried we'd find her prostate on the floor one day having done herself an injury. She was a real dear and was a godsend when I was up to my eyes at work. I really miss hernkw and often think ' well Majorie wouldn't have done it like this or that!' Oh well poor dear lady is long gone now and we all miss her very much.
Regarding the virtual tea party looks like Thursday - down here anyway- is going to be a blistering day so I think ice cream and sorbets will be very nice along with a strawberry/ crime fraiche filled Victoria sponge - I can OH to join if I make that! I've got some home made mango ice cream in the freezer..
I like smoked salmon and cucumber sandwiches and with OH home made bread should be yummy.... perhaps some egg ones too.
As for drink.... we'll might open a bottle of prosecco as it's a special occasion....

Mowsehowse- banks can be very frustrating at times hope they sort it out quickly for you as mows the time you really need contactless facility!
Your dentist doesn't sound to obliging if your suffering like that! Can't say I'm keen to go for our regular check up in July though... not just yet!

Right now back to making face coverings...
Never a dull moment in this house.... well not many anyway!
Keep cheerful everyone and enjoy the day..

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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #6 on: Saturday 20 June 20 14:37 BST (UK) »
Oh Caw, I have laughed and laughed, what with me talking about” WIDOW”
cleaners ,a typo , honestly and your typo re finding“ PROSTATE” on the floor.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well I was born in 1937, but I think years and years of long dog walks and a husband who was totally incapable of knocking a nail in, I am pretty fit really asI did all household maintenance,as well as working .
Working with children though is conducive to a youthful outlook and hilarity and fun.I can see the funny side of most things as long as that is not hurtful to others.

Carried on walking through a major heart attack.
Got home and despite bad “ indigestion” finished painting the kitchen for
That was Sunday and by Thursday I was in intensive care ,on Oxygen ,blood thinners etc.Sprcislist Said” You have had a significant  heart event”—-
I said “ You make it sound like a party!”
GP had diagnosed it on the Monday as severe indigestion and a chest infection!
Never mind but no stent or by pass possible but I manage .
My OH was truly ill after hisHA ,with also COPD ,kidney problems etc but I never heard him complain once .
I have nothing to complain about really .
Don’t lift heavy things,hence lying on the floor,cold weather a bit bothersome
hot  likewise if it is scorching etc.
Short of breath, pain in left side of jaw,shoulder and arm ,so phoned as some of my symptoms were the same as Swine flu ,helpline nurse sent ambulance !!!That was back in 2009.
But I am here because I had wonderful care when at last in Fairfield Coronary Care Unit.The standard of nursing was so good.
Never smoked, hardly ever drank any alcohol and   walked everywhere really .
So there we are.
I can’t believe I got off so lightly
Well Caw, we are a right pair aren’t we with our typos!
We may get banned!

Spoke to neighbour’s daughter re out tea party, she OKed me making a “ Tea for One “box for her mother.I used to,before Covid 29 ,take  cake , scones etc round .
So on Thursday 25 th hopefully weather wise we will be in our gardens “taking tea”.
Cheerio folks ,


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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 20 June 20 15:52 BST (UK) »
Hi I thought I'd pop back and tell you how school has been this week as we edge towards now more changes.
 Boris today declared that all students will be back in September meaning social distancing will change.
 Our year 10 have been in this week in two sets A &B.   Set A had Monday & Tuesday set B Wednesday & Thursday. So each group had 6 hours of session work for the week on top of their online courses and some live lessons. Roughly 90-100 each day and they were really good and well behaved.
 I spoke to a couple of them and both said they were pleased to be back. Next week we trial a year 12 timetable as more subjects to teach within the A level range.
 About 15 key worker students on any one day and there are regular faces who have been in every week day since March. Being in non stop is telling on some of them but the coming good weather next week means we can be outside with them and let some steam off......just let them be kids again.
 Overall a good week and I came home feeling good about being back......Baby steps....
  Have a love!y weekend everyone.
  Tazzie :)
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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary > Friday 19th June
« Reply #8 on: Saturday 20 June 20 16:44 BST (UK) »
It all sounds so complicated to me!
But very many people are doing their best for the students.
I hope they and their parents appreciate your efforts.
Let’s hope results are good for everyone’s sake, and you get a pat on the back in recognition!
