Author Topic: Diary > Sunday 19th July  (Read 515 times)

Offline Roobarb

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Diary > Sunday 19th July
« on: Sunday 19 July 20 23:31 BST (UK) »
Sunny this morning, it lasted longer than yesterday albeit in and out of the clouds more as the afternoon went on. Warm and pleasant, uneventful walk this morning. Was feeling a bit fed up, hadn't spoken to anyone since Friday. Stood aside for a couple cycling through the woods, no acknowledgement, same with another couple further on, no thanks or even a smile, doesn't help the glum feelings, what does it cost to be pleasant.

After lunch took a couple of cuttings from my geraniums, potted them on my new bench. When I bought my bedding plants I included three Cosmos, supposed to be so easy to grow, lots of flowers and apparently in some countries they grow wild. There hadn't been any sign of flowers on mine all these weeks later but today I spotted some buds, also the climbing nasturtium that I'd just about given up on is finally flowering. Cut the lawn and put another coat of varnish on the large pot I'd painted.

Phone call from one of the friends I go on holiday with, or rather meet there, she lives nearly 200 miles from me. We talked about how people will travel on planes, I said I assumed it was classed as public transport so you would have to wear a mask. She said that's true but you can remove it to eat and drink. What on earth is the point? She also told me about her daughter who lives in Wales, had taken a train into England and as they were approaching the border the passengers were told that they would have to put masks on. That was after they'd been sitting next to the same people for all that time. It's just mad.

Another friend phoned a bit later, long chat by which time the chicken I'd put in the oven was nearly done. Don't often make Sunday dinner on Sundays, it's just how it turns out, but I did today. Was feeling more upbeat after gardening and two long chats.
Some TV, quick shower before bed, too tired to bother running a bath.

Hope it's been a better day for everyone.
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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Sunday 19th July
« Reply #1 on: Monday 20 July 20 00:07 BST (UK) »
Glad you had a good chat with friends today it makes all the difference. I'm sure it's harder being on your own when you can go for periods of time not talking to anyone... good job you've got everyone on here to chat to although not to hear us sadly! Glad your plants are finally flowering and you're now able to work on your new bench. I admire your imagination when putting it together not an easy task trying to hold two bits at the same time as fixing a third to it!

Today's missive!

I woke in the night/ early morning not sure which by heavy rain... great after OH had watered the vegs last night... never mind. Got back to sleep ok but woke at 7.30, read for while before getting up for a cuppa...
Lovely sunshine and it felt warm...
OH got on with making bread as we'd finished off the last of the loaf yesterday...
As per usual on a Sunday it's read the papers in the conservatory.... got too hot so went outside instead and enjoyed the sunshine...
Few interesting articles in both the paper and the magazines, did quite a lot of the crossword for a change...
As it's bread making day it was a late lunch... about 2.30! But it was, as usual, worth the wait ... had cheese, pickle, apple and celery it was delicious..sat outside reading finally finished the book... one I borrowed from the library's ebook service. It's very good and you just borrow books as you would from the library and you can reserve them too. Depending on your county I think the selection could vary, they do audio books too.
OH nearly finished his Rialto Bridge jigsaw... all that stone colour of Bridge and buildings seems to have taken him ages..
We had a game of scrabble and I managed to claw a game back now only two behind 🙂 Nearly 6pm when we'd finished...
neither of us felt hungry so he went to watch cricket and I did half hour of sewing.
Had BBQ chicken with salad for dinner... sat inside though as it suddenly had turned a little chilly to sit out to eat...
He watched some golf and cricket, I did some knitting..
Watched Repair shop .. think it was a repeat though... still enjoyable .. most of what we watch is recorded so can watch at our leisure.
Quite tired so came to bed...
We discussed about going to local country park, one we've e not been to before see if was any good for when the boys come up... daughter mentioned yesterday she'd come up with them two weeks after they get back from holiday for a couple of days...
forgot to say yesterday she'd shown me her beautiful looking scones, nice high ones... what shape are they though... only cutter she'd got was a Christmas tree ..... well it's definitely different!

Hope the weather has been kinder to others today too... I did read that we need lots of vitamin D as apparently it could help if you get  covid and we should all take supplement of it in the winter to ward off illness....

Night all stay well!

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Offline Annette7

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Re: Diary > Sunday 19th July
« Reply #2 on: Monday 20 July 20 01:44 BST (UK) »
Still feeling yesterdays anxieties so afraid I didn't feel up to visiting B & M after all - hopefully tomorrow.   Luckily, no sign of next doors son today though fear it's only a brief respite.

Discussed my PC problems with my nephew and he is coming round tomorrow evening.   Will be the first person to have crossed my threshold since lockdown.   Hopefully he can sort me out as he has done on past occasions.  Don't know what I'd do without him.

Weatherwise, our forecast here was wrong - again.   Forecast was for rain throughout the night and morning - we didn't get a drop!  Instead it was once again dull and overcast, no real breeze but quite chilly.  Around 7pm we had some sunshine that lasted all of 10 minutes.  No sitting outside today.   Supposed to be sunny intervals tomorrow - watch this space....

Nothing of any note accomplished today I'm afraid - too boring to relate here anyway.

Have been asked when I go to B & M if I will get 2 tins of paint for our fence - colour Rich Cedar, 5L, £10 which is much cheaper there than anywhere else.   My downstairs neighbour has volunteered to do it again, bless him, and I will be reimbursed by our Treasurer from the Maintenance account.

Had an all day breakfast for my meal tonight - yes, a ready meal which I just had to pop in the oven.   Very nice it was too.

Stay safe.


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Re: Diary > Sunday 19th July
« Reply #3 on: Monday 20 July 20 08:31 BST (UK) »
Nice to have had some long chats with friends Roobarb, and lovely the climbing nasturtium is going to flower at last.
I agree the Covid regulations seem rather bonkers. Don't think I would risk a long haul flight at present.
Loving the thought of xmas tree scones. :D
DIARY: Cool, grey and damp, morning, but high tide so woken by chattering magpies not barking dogs.   I think he must have been sitting on the windowsill it was SO loud. Spent one hour waiting for on-line help to upgrade my mobile.  Hopefully I shall get a newer model with a better camera for £1 less each month. Walked to over to the lakes after lunch, and fortunately they remain quieter than the beach side.  Saw the heron, and for the first time H was disposed to sit quietly and wait for the kingfishers, which were very active, and it was delightful to get so many sights of them flying about, feeding young I imagine. But never close enough for a photo of course!  We have often been told others have seen them, but never spotted them just walking along... well one wouldn't!!  Also we could hear peregrine chicks calling for food, though I couldn't see the nest site, but did see the falcon, and buzzards circling above us. 
Sat on the balcony reading for a while. Found yet more family info on Ance*try. SO grateful that it has been available for home use during this crisis. You are so right Roobarb.... probably many more twigs to be discovered.
Watched Antiques Roadshow, (a repeat from Bristol) and an old Lewis on TV. Good job nothing sticks in my memory for long since it is all repeats everywhere!!
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Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary > Sunday 19th July
« Reply #4 on: Monday 20 July 20 15:37 BST (UK) »
Caroline, well done with the scrabble! You must be looking forward to your daughter bringing the boys to visit.

Annette, good to hear that help is on the way with your PC, I'm sure it will be good to see your nephew too. Hope things stay quiet around the neighbourhood tonight.

Mowsehowse, what lovely wildlife you get to see around your way, maybe you'll get some photos another day.
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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Sunday 19th July
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday 21 July 20 00:54 BST (UK) »
Annette- I don't blame you for feeling anxious about going out if you've not done so yet... I'm sure things will wait another day...
Sorry your weather wasn't great either... think we must have been lucky as Sunday was a very warm day! Hope you gave a better day on Monday.

Mowsehowse-  you sound as if you need a good camera in your phone with all the wonderful wildlife you see constantly round your way...
kingfishers how lovely... our neighbours gets one that comes and sits on a pole they've put over their pond... I've not seen it but OH did when he was round there a long while ago now.
The only time I've seen them was in Sri Lanka when we stayed in a beautiful hotel at Hunas Falls and whilst we were sitting having breakfast on the balcony we watched the kingfishers flying to their perch then into the water and off.. it was a magical sight, they're beautiful birds.

Guy - UK,USA
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