Author Topic: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020  (Read 759 times)

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« on: Thursday 23 July 20 22:44 BST (UK) »
I found it a struggle to get going this morning when I had to get up again at 0530 this morning for work.  Had a quick bowl of cereal before getting ready.  I continued to feel very tired on my two bus journeys and at my final destination I actually forgot to ring the bell until it was too late so we went sailing past my stop and I had to walk back from the next stop.  Managed to buck myself up a bit once I got to work.  Worked 12 hours and then got two buses home. 
At the bus station a very smartly dressed young man in a nice suit and tie was going  up and down asking people if they had a spare mask he could have.  Eventually, he got lucky and someone handed over a disposable one.  He then boarded the same bus as me.
On the way home I read some news items.  One article reminded that from tomorrow in banks and post offices as well as shops face coverings will be compulsory.  However, it was also reported that you might be asked to remove your mask when in banks and post offices for identification purposes.
Will be off to bed soon as I have to get up again tomorrow at 0530.

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Offline Mowsehowse

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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 23 July 20 23:22 BST (UK) »
I feel feel your pain RTL. Hang in there. :-*
Odd about the mask thing isn't it? Hardly any staff at my bank were wearing coverings today... just one visor.
A slower start today after all that travelling yesterday.  :)Walked into town to try and sort out the situation with stereo bank cards. Not much queue but very slow moving, and then I got rained on walking back.An interesting afternoon with the lift engineers ringing the doorbell to chat and up date about the latest problems with our ancient little elevator, (not that I ever use it,) I just get the complaints and make the phone calls. Weekly grocery shop. Estimate about half the shoppers wearing masks. Another scatter of rain, but not enough to be useful to the ground or any reservoirs I imagine. After tea put a fair amount of angst into making the new mobile work.  Would have been easier to continue paying for the old one. At least I had some clue what that one was doing and why. Another day wasted really.
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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 23 July 20 23:37 BST (UK) »
What an exhausting day for you RTL, I hope you don't miss your stop tomorrow.

It must be really awkward for people if they have forgotten to buy a mask or take one with them. We ladies might have a scarf in our bag that we can use but that's not very likely for a man. You'd think there would be somewhere in the bus station to buy them. If people are asked to remove their mask in a bank they'd no doubt put the same one back on, which makes rather a farce of it. There are so many contradictions in the whole face mask thing, no wonder people get confused. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.

Mowsehowse, I'm surprised to hear you had rain, I thought from the forecast that it was going to be another nice day, just cloudier. Hope you manage to sort your phone out.


Woke quite early and once again fell asleep again after having strange dreams. A wet day as forecast.
I'd ordered a necklace as a birthday present for my shopping friend, it's not for a while yet but wanted to be prepared. An email told me that the package was with the courier and would arrive between twelve and four pm. I thought they'd probably be able to put it through the letterbox but some retailers use a lot of packaging. Decided to wait till after lunch and better weather for my walk.

Put spag bol ingredients in the slow cooker, sorted some stuff out in the cupboards. Had to hang the washing on the clothes horse to dry, no chance of hanging it on the line today. Had lunch, was still raining. Read for a while. The parcel arrived about 2.30, he put it through the letterbox. I think my friend will like the necklace, it's frustrating having to pay a delivery charge but the necklace was in the sale so that wasn't so bad. Put it away and washed my hands.

Transferred the tins I'd quarantined in the garage into the food cupboard then gave the hob a good clean, the burner caps get so dirty. It was raining lightly so decided to do some Pilates, I haven't done any for a while, I keep forgetting. The YouTube video was a short half hour workout but when I'd fast forwarded through all her twittering on it was only about 20 minutes. Probably just as well seeing as I'm unused to it now. Got an email to say that although gyms are reopening mine isn't yet.

Was nearly finished Pilates when the postman rang the doorbell, another parcel from Boots. When I'd gone into the website to order some cream I saw that the gift with purchase offer with No 7 cosmetics was on. I time my mascara purchases for when those promotions are on so I ordered two to get the gift and added another small item that would take me to the free delivery threshold. Then the next day I ordered the cream and a couple more cosmetic products, another free gift and free delivery. There was also a price discount on some items. Bargain!

By 3pm it was still raining slightly and the forecast said 90% chance of heavy rain but by now I was getting cabin fever so went out. Couldn't feel the rain as I walked through the woods. A man was walking towards me with a dog walking alongside. I wasn't sure where the dog was going to go and as I approached she just stood there as if confronting me, then she approached me and stuck her nose under the hem of my jacket. I had to stroke her then, couldn't resist any longer, she was lovely, stroked under her chin and around her ears, places she was unlikely to catch any coughs or sneezes.  Asked the man if she was a lurcher, he said she was, he'd got her from a rescue centre and at first she kept running off but not now. She was leaning against my legs, the only warm body I've touched since March!
Back onto the field, the rain was heavier so I set off back with my hood up, don't like that, no peripheral vision. When I got back my jeans and trainers were wet and my socks were soaking but I wasn't bothered, it was good just to get out. Washed my hands as usual.

Had some of the spag bol for tea. For some reason I always fancy a glass of wine with pasta but I'd deliberately left it in the quarantine box in the garage so I couldn't be tempted. Watched Back In Time for Tea, later watched Escape to Greece, increasing my yearning to go there. Not that I'd want to live on a yacht or alone halfway up a mountain but a nice hotel would do! Finished my paperback the night before last, forgot to get the new one out of the garage last night but read it in the bath tonight. Weather forecast is much better tomorrow, hope it's right.

Hope everyone has had a good day and perhaps some sunshine.

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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 23 July 20 23:45 BST (UK) »
Oh goodness RTL I do feel for you with all these long shifts and adding your journey times onto it as well... I don't know how you put one foot in front of the other to be honest!
It will be interesting to see tomorrow how many people don't comply with the new ruling and if anyone in shops etc will actually say anything to them...why is it that the British make such a song and dance about things!

My day

I had a terrible nights sleep... probably resulting from my anxieties from yesterday... I read for a while put the light out... tossed and turned, perhaps had some sleep woke up again and so it went on... I woke about 7.30 to hear O.H clattering about in the airing cupboard in the bathroom to get his towel out... its right next to my wall.. doesn't usually wake me... off he went to golf...
Sat having leisurely breakfast with back doors open...
had wander round the garden...
Tidied up downstairs ...
Thought I should make the four face coverings for my neighbours... had fun picking fabric colours... one was easy... Springbok colour! Lined it in same shade and put in a filter pocket in blue grey shade... other mens one  I used the blue grey shade as main colour and filter and lining of red and white stripe... the two ladies one was lilac with white spots for main colour and filter and lined in white, other was pretty pastel shades of flowers on white background for main and filter with lining in pale blue with larger spots in pastel shades.. they looked quite pretty.. and new pattern which is a great fit..on me anyway!
Then carried on with making up rest for the group... pretty shades this a message to say they're right out if shaped dark colours for men in all sizes... I'm going to be busy!
OH home, looking tired said he'd had bad night too, made lunch with last bits of loaf...
Messaged neighbours and took them round... all seemed very pleased... first neighbour hubbie is chap making Tudor dolls house and I was allowed to have a look at it... it's unbelievably wonderful ... proper stone floor downstairs all cut into random shapes and made to look worn... upstairs all floors made to look like uneven planks...wood panelled hall with fireplace and mantel with heraldic shields doors with metal hinges and door furniture all made by him... I'm in absolute awe it looks fantastic...
Had cuppa with other neighbour in the garden... her hubbie ( my OH golf partner) put his Springbok coloured one on and was very pleased! They live 6 months in SA and 6 here but won't be going back so heavens knows what they'll do with their house out there!
Came home feeling satisfied and relieved that Coverings ok!
Carried on for little longer with sewing then made chicken curry, with Aloo ghobi, rice, narn and vegs... was quite hot and OH had steam coming out of him!
Did some knitting... finished another baby blanket pink one this time..
watched some tv... not very stimulating...
Should really have done some Yogalates today but didn't feel like it... will do it tomorrow...
That's it really.... still not really feeling right about things... need to go to the butchers and grocers in the morning...
Booked c & c for Monday morning early..
That's the sum total of my day totally underwhelming apart from seeing dolls house...

Hope rest have had a good day..

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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #4 on: Friday 24 July 20 02:52 BST (UK) »
Just catching up with everyone's diaries - absolutely nothing to tell here.

Caroline your neighbour's doll's house sounds amazing! If allowed and you are willing I would love to see some photos of it next time you visit.  ;)

(I remember seeing Queen Mary's doll's house many years ago which was magnificent.)

You are doing stellar work on the face masks. There is a push for them to be introduced here too after huge rises in cases in Victoria and NSW with masks now being compulsory in Melbourne. There have been some telling graphics of spray coming from uncovered mouths and noses compared to faces covered with various coverings. I am sure this was known about months ago but not advised due to lack of supplies, though any kind of face covering does help as we all know - it does not have to be a commercially produced face mask.

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #5 on: Friday 24 July 20 05:49 BST (UK) »
This is just quick about the face masks as I will have to be on my way soon.  I know M&S sell them in the bus station but they were closed at the time the young man was trying to obtain one. 

I think it might turn out to be a farce too if people are asked to remove a mask in a bank or post office then put same one back on .. it does sound a bit like yet another contradiction .. compulsory to wear but also you might be asked to remove. 

I agree you are doing stellar work Caroline with all this work for the benefit of others.

I am feeling almost as tired as I was when I went to bed.  Looking forward to tomorrow which will be a day off before I go back onto nights.  Hanging in there for that mowsehowse.  :)

Don't know how true this is but a friend told me that they have read somewhere that if someone wears a visor without a mask underneath this is useless. 
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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #6 on: Friday 24 July 20 07:08 BST (UK) »
Nothing exciting to report again today. Another training session for my daughter, a bit of laundry.  Finished my latest book while I was waiting for my daughter.  No crying today but feeling pretty despondent.
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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #7 on: Friday 24 July 20 07:56 BST (UK) »
Oh dear.... nearly everyone feeling fairly despondent and/or exhausted.  I might take a guess it's because we are all having to square up to the inevitability of this crisis taking a very l-o-n-g time to be resolved, which is clearly a depressing situation.  We all need to make our new normal as pleasant and nurturing as we can.
ROOBARB, I have a friend called Leonardo who is a large black poodle. He always leans against me when I see him, and it is a lovely form of contact, but so sad for you to equate it in those terms!
CAROLINE I am totally green that you have seen the dolls house at last, and agree it would be fab if you were allowed a couple of photos, but you really deserved a reward for having supplied most of the county with scrubs and face coverings the way you have. I love it that you chose the colours and patterns with so much care for your neighbours.  Would you supply a link for the new pattern you found please, as you are obviously satisfied with it.
As to visors without face coverings, I'm not sure I agree.... my phone needs cleaning after I have been chatting to anyone at length, ( :-[ ) all of which would be stopped by a visor, giving protection for others, though a mask added would give greater protection to the wearer.
Thinking of you RTL.  :-*
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Re: Diary - Thursday, 23 July 2020
« Reply #8 on: Friday 24 July 20 10:46 BST (UK) »
Roobarb - how lovely to have free gifts, I too use Boots No7 and enjoy receiving  little extras! I'm sure your friend will enjoy her jewellery too. I get more pleasure from giving than receiving!
I had a little tear when I read your bit about the dog being the only warm body you'd touched since March...

Mowsehowse & Ruskie - think the only reason I was allowed to see the dolls house was as some sort of payment for the face covering... he doesn't usually let people see it as it's still very much a work in progress... no roof yet and still lots to do he assures me! As for taking pictures think he might have apaplexcy!

Thankyou all for your kind words... there are lots of others in the group, some doing far more than I..there is one chap who makes costumes for West End productions ... not at tge moment though so he's been making lots of scrubs. At one point there were also two Saville Row tailors helping. I am one of many..

Have a good day all

Guy - UK,USA
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