Author Topic: Diary - Wednesday 9th September  (Read 409 times)

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Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« on: Wednesday 09 September 20 23:20 BST (UK) »
Feeling really tired tonight so starting earlier....

Took some time to get to sleep last night as worried about O.H but managed in the end but seem to wake good few times...
Woke early unfortunately, read for a while...
See from news reports we're back to only meeting 6 people in or out  as from Monday... hope that folk stick to it this time as can't bear the thought of further restrictions with autum drawing closer, darkness coming earlier...
Felt quite unsettled generally...
glad we'd decided to cancel the cottage and now won't be able to get tpgether with all the family anyway...
Watched the news whilst having breakfast...
Decided I needed to get some exercise so did an hour of Yogalates and felt much better afterwards...
O.H out mowing the lawn, said he felt better so don't know what brought on last nights episode...
Had lunch... post arrived with new SIM card for iPhone daughter had given to him...
Phoned Vodafone and got it registered and set up in the newer phone... seem to take quite a while to do but got there in the end...
Thought I'd go the ironing to get it over and done with...
By the time I'd finished it was time to just vacum the conservatory, get dinner prepared, showered and ready for neighbours coming round for a drink... sun shining and felt warmish ...
We sat outside for quite a while until the sun moved round and it started to get a bit chilly so moved into the conservatory... only four of us so left the doors open.... nice to do something that's relatively normal and we had a good chat...
Finally had dinner about 9pm after they'd left...
Caught up with some tv then came to bed earlier although doesn't seem like it now...
That's it for today ... hope others have fared better...
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Re: Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 10 September 20 00:44 BST (UK) »
Caroline,  I'm pleased to hear that your OH was okay today, that must have been a relief.  I know what you mean about feeling unsettled,  the future isn't something we can look towards with any clarity at the moment. 

My diary:

Another of those nights last night when I couldn't get to sleep despite all the exercise I'd had, 4am before I went off. Bright sunny morning, had a message from Amazon to say that my parcel that was was due today would be delivered between 2:15 p.m. and 4:15 p.m., that kept changing all day. Yesterday's parcel and today's was supposed to come together today, that would have been easier.

Went for my walk late morning, went down the narrow path, back the same way then across to the main path through the woods, around the field a couple of times then back home.

Had some lunch and went out to cut the back lawn. My Tesco order was due between 5 and 6 p.m. There was I thinking that NN had finally given up stalking me, I was only there about two minutes cutting the lawn before she came alongside the fence to the bin. I was only out in the garden about an hour and during that time she went to the bin a total of five times, I was waiting for her to come along for the sixth time and was thinking of shouting SIX!!  I'm pretty sure she can't see me I don't know whether she was just doing it to annoy me, it was pathetic. Planted some more of the spring bulbs I'd had stored in the garage. Dug out some more roots of plants that spread too far. Had a message from the Tesco driver to say that he was running late and my order would be delivered between five and 7pm. Wasn't best pleased, I particularly select the one hour slot so I know when it's coming.

Cleaned the car out ready for its MOT,  the boot was full of compost and the footwell was full of sand!

Parcel arrived late afternoon after updates of progress. Tesco delivery arrived about 5.40, the driver asked if I got the message. I jokingly asked if he'd slept in. He said he'd got a flat tyre right outside the hospital. Not the small local hospital but the huge one in the neighbouring town, what a place for that to happen. He was there an hour and a half so had done well to catch up.

Got on with the usual wiping, found I'd mistakenly ordered two packs of three large peppers, looks like I'll have to cut some up and freeze them. Fish for tea.

Texted my friend A to see how she's getting on, she's making some changes to her new house. She phoned and we had a chat about her news and about the new regulations about numbers of people meeting up. Six months on and things seem to be going round in circles, I've gone back to feeling depressed every day when I wake up. But at least I am waking up so I suppose that's something to be thankful for.

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Re: Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 10 September 20 02:02 BST (UK) »
I am not surprised you are all feeling tired. Just look at all the work you are doing. Gardening, mowing lawns, cleaning out sheds, going for walks, chatting on the phone and worrying about your OH.

Up with the birds again. Just a couple of weeks ago it was still dark at 6.30am. Now I have the sun popping up its head. Haven't done much today just didn't feel like it. Spent a lot of time on the computer changing my family tree from one computer to the other and rechecking as I go. Found a small brick wall but nothing a certificate won't sort out.
All the birds are out and about building their nests. We even have one that has made it's home in the traffic lights up the road. She chose the colour red but you can still see the red light when it's in use.
Sat out on the deck at midnight. Five houses still had a light on. You could hear the Morepork's calling to each other across the gully.  Morepork; a small owl-like bird that comes out at night. It's call sound's like it is saying more pork.
6 more cases for N.Z yesterday. Compared to yours it doesn't sound like much.
Off to watch today's life update.
Stay safe
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Re: Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 10 September 20 02:47 BST (UK) »
Woke to another warm day - mixture of cloud and sun like yesterday, with beautiful blue sky behind.  Did some odd jobs - postman delivered the last of the wool I'd ordered and then sat outside for a while chatting to downstairs neighbour.   Around 2.30 (same time as yesterday) I continued trimming the car park edge.   Almost made it right up to the pavement/roadside but decided I'd done enough for the day.   Around 6pm when I stopped (an hour less than yesterday) but pleased with what I'd done.   

We have a Hungarian couple in Flat 8 - always pass the time of day when we see each other but no real conversation.   However, he has a week off and having been out for a while, when he got back he came over to talk to me when I was sitting having a rest.  Congratulated me on what I'd done but said he'd noticed any outside work was done by just 3 of us and wondered why?   I explained that we are the only 3 who are owner occupiers, and that the other 7 flats are all tenanted.   Also told him that we have what we call a Maintenance day at least once a year when all the owners turn up to do whatever jobs need doing in the grounds - this is usually in October/November but as we have not been able to hold a flat-owners meeting I doubt we'll be having a maintenance day this year so might have to wait until the Spring now.   He said to let him know when the next day is arranged and he will come out and help too (chap in Flat 5 had already said he'd be willing to help too).   First time in all the years I've lived here that any tenants have offered their help.   He loves it here, has a job he enjoys, as does his wife.   Said he first came here 4 years ago because of the work situation in Hungary.   The average man has to work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and lucky to earn £500 a month!   The majority of the population understandably poor and he wanted more than that.   He'd previously worked in Italy for a couple of years but says he prefers it here.   He's just a hard-working guy who's totally self-sufficient and not here for the benefits just a better quality of life.

Still more edging to do on the other side of the driveway but hope I'll be able to finish that tomorrow.   This type of weather is ideal for this task - dry and not too hot or cold.   The men who cut our grass came today so we are looking pretty tidy now.

After my meal I continued with my knitting - beginning to feel a bit daunting now knowing I've got to do 2 of everything.

Having visited a few times and sitting socially distanced in the garden I can't now visit my nephew, his wife and 4 young daughters as they are 6 on their own!   I don't feel anxious or depressed about it just infuriatingly angry with those mindless idiots who act like things are back to 'normal' for them  and carry on like they used to.   Seems to me it's got worse since the pubs re-opened.   The landlords don't seem to be monitoring things correctly and I'm sick of seeing items on the news showing crowds of people both inside/outside pubs.   Sorry, rant over!

Late and time for bed.

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Re: Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« Reply #4 on: Thursday 10 September 20 08:00 BST (UK) »
It seems to me that most of us are getting out a bit now. Seeing friends and family, and most have a garden area. Even Annette sees people to chat to while undertaking site maintenance.
So the question is, do we dwell on what we can not do, or are we glad for what we gain from what we can do?
I shall need to remember this when stuck through the winter in our tiny flat with no garden, and no chance of seeing my family except by video.  :-\

Annette twins would be daunting, but double the joy I trust.
Caroline, glad that OH is feeling better.
Roobarb, if she can't even see you, take no notice and remember your mantras.
Carol, how lovely for you to be tipping into Spring.  We were supposed to be in NZ for the whole of next month.... I wonder if it will ever happen. I shall put the owls in my mental scrap book.

Can't believe I have made it round to the ghastly weekly grocery shopping day again already! :(
Hope you all have a reasonable day.
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Re: Diary - Wednesday 9th September
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 10 September 20 08:31 BST (UK) »
A very thought provoking statement there Mowsehowse and you're right one we should all think about more deeply.....
So sorry that your trip to NZ is now not possible, such a beautiful place to visit... hope that you may be able to some time in the future..
I suppose , for some, it's the liberties than have been taken away from us that can anger you at times, especially when as Annette says some are just continuing as normal without really thinking of their effect on others...
I, personally, feel blessed with living in a good sized house with a good sized garden and neighbours, except the two either side of us, we've all come to rely on one another for help, lifting each other's spirits which has been good during these times.
My Yogalates teacher has started doing her mindful sessions on Facebook and I've found them really helpful... i so miss going to the Yogalates classes and doing them on your own isn't the same... she's obviously realised that people are struggling so it's been good to see and hear her even if on a screen...

Annette, it's good to know that you'll hopefully have some help with the maintenance from some of the tennents too.... many hands make light work and all that!
Carol - how lovely to have spring and summer to look forward to, such a beautiful time of year.
Roobarb- sounds like a busy day! Sorry you're feeling depressed on waking... it does seem that life is like a merry go round that it's hard to get off... let's hope people will be sensible and these restrictions can be lifted in the not too distant future...

Guy - UK,USA
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