Author Topic: Diary - Tuesday 17th November  (Read 797 times)

Offline Caw1

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Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« on: Wednesday 18 November 20 00:25 GMT (UK) »
 Drat... I’ve just lost everything I’ve just typed.....

Well I’m too tired to write it all up now so I’ll just mark the start and do it in the morning....

Awake early so will now try and recreate what I wrote last night!

Weather.... we always talk about the weather... I think us Brits are obsessed with it! So I’ll do just was definitely not raining.... but it wasn’t sunny either... I think it was just one of those greyish dull days... 
so I put some washing on...
After breakfast I got my trusty new vacuum out  and I went through the whole house like a whirlwind! Being cordless seems to make it so much easier.... my one and only complaint with it is that you have to hold the switch down all the time and after a while I find it makes my hand stiff.... otherwise it’s brilliant..
Had a shower and then put out the  washing ...
Sat with a coffee and sorted out some info on the author of the book I’d chosen for our book club .... having a zoom meeting on Wednesday afternoon....  kept getting interrupted by OH who was busy having a zoom meeting about the pub... could I do this that and the other.... think he’s forgotten we’re retired and we used to have a secretary who did all that .... and it wasn’t me!Oh well...
Made some lunch and took it up to my work room and shut the door to get some peace!....
messaged a friend to see if she was about for a chat...
got on with my production line of Christmas card making... will do a few then change designs,,, so many great ideas on Pinterest to look at...
Some while later hear back from my friend and we have a short chat... nice to catch up even for a brief natter...
OH goes off to doctors for his shingles jab...
carry on for a while card making .... get a call from a friend ... very sad news... we have over the years supported a local breast cancer charity by fundraising for them.... started in 2001 by a wonderful lady... was head teacher of a primary school... she has raised £3 million which has been given to two local hospitals for equipment, setting up special areas in each hospital... she’s the most amazing inspirational positive person I’ve ever met... and now she’s going to have to close the charity down... as all their funds come from fundraising events which of course have completely dried up with this @%/§#/% COVID .... they have a drop in centre and councillors who have helped so many women... such a great pity... I wonder just how many other small local charities up and down the country are facing the same situation... they are all such vital parts of every area and it will leave such a gaping hole in people’s lives ... Truly devastated by this news...
Dinner was chicken rogan Josh with rice, Indian snacks and vegs..
Watched some tv... finished the blanket and started another one..
Hope others have had a better day...

Added;- well done Chris for holding the fort and so sorry to hear that you’re now going through a lockdown period too. As you say Oz, generally has been very fortunate ....
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Offline chrissiecruiser

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 03:29 GMT (UK) »
Bad luck Caw1,
don't you just hate that???

I always read everyone's posts, news etc, but really have nothing newsy to put up.

Except today!

I am South Australian and have been very lucky in that we have been living a normal life until today!

So up early, washing done, sheep escaped again and I had to get them down the paddock, fix the hot wire fence they messed up, called my horses in and shut the gate behind. Gives a buffer between the sheep and house because they have been devouring my apple trees and roses.
Water the apple trees and pumpkins and zucchinis.

Who needs the gym??? (hard lockdown across the whole state, due to a covid breakout from quarantine)

Had a healthy lunch and now water my shadehouse which has all my summer salad vegies growing.

So I just heard from my closed, so no appt tomorrow.  I suppose it'll be the same next week for the dentist.

Looks like hubby will need to do my shopping.  He is an essential worker at a meat works, so on his way home, 45k's he can stop at woolies.

Got my dunny paper and masks so all good!!!
Cheers to you all,
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Offline Mowsehowse

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 08:50 GMT (UK) »
South Australia has a lock down Chrissie? Well, hopefully swift decisive action will keep it short and sharp.
Well done Caroline, good work as always!
We DO always talk about the weather... here it was SO grey ALL day yesterday, when I went to meet my widowed friend for a walk along the sea front I could vaguely see the shape of one cruise liner, but nothing more. No idea what was out there.  Got very wet in the blustery wind, and had cold legs for a while after getting back home for lunch.
I did do some knitting and reading.... the fairy lights lasted 30 seconds, truly!! Not a lot of good day light yesterday.
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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 09:03 GMT (UK) »
I was too tired to post last night, got my head down before midnight which is unusual these days.

Caroline, such sad news about the charity, as you say, many seem to be facing the same situation although I have read news of new ones being set up, often related to the mental health problems created by the pandemic. Good to hear you're progressing with the Christmas cards.

Chris, good to hear from you about what's happening in your life in Australia, rounding up sheep is certainly different from most of our lives! Very sorry that you've been hit by the Covid outbreak, hope it can be contained and dealt with quickly so you can get back to normal life.

MH, well done on getting out and about despite the awful weather, hope the fairy lights fare better today.

My day :

I struggled to wake up this morning, there were a number of things on my to do list so I dragged myself out of bed. After some reviving tea, shower and hair wash I felt a bit more awake.

I wanted to put my new light up outside, it was very windy, a lot of cloud but occasionally bright. Moved the garden table so I could get near the corner of the garage where I wanted to put it, got the steps and screwdriver then found that I couldn't properly reach. My stepladder only has two steps so I have a few options - buy a taller stepladder (don't like heights), grow a few inches (have passed the age where that's likely) or get someone to do it for me (not allowed at the moment). Or wait (I'm not very patient). Might bite the bullet and buy a new stepladder, it would come in handy for other things.

Had lunch then out for a shorter walk as I was meeting J for a walk later. Was coming back across the field when I saw one of my next door neighbours' girls walking the dog. I called across to ask her if her mother was okay as I hadn't seen her coming and going, she said both of her parents had Covid. I was very concerned to hear that, she said they were okay although her mum wasn't feeling great today. Strictly speaking I suppose she herself shouldn't have been out but she was miles away from anyone.

Came home and a friend phoned, had a nice chat. Conversation with everyone these days turns at some point to the pandemic but it was good to talk about how we felt about the various vaccines. Chatted about more lighthearted things too.

After that I found that another friend had tried to ring me, was rather taken aback when she told me that this morning her disabled brother had lost his sense of smell.

Arrangements have been made for him to be tested, as they're in a bubble she has to self isolate too. She'd only recently been able to get some sort of social life back after recovering from a major operation . I'm very anxious for both of them.

Out for a walk in the dark with J when she finished work. It was windy but mild, forecast is for colder weather on the way. Chilli for tea. Watched a programme on channel 5 about the bubonic plague. Not exactly uplifting but interesting! Felt absolutely exhausted for some reason so early night for me.
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Offline chrissiecruiser

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 09:51 GMT (UK) »
Ohhh Roobarb,
That's terrible having Covid so close to you. 
 I am 360ks from the outbreak here, but they are waiting on tests 130ks away. It spreads so quickly.
We are all on "stay at home" orders, all businesses shut except for woolies etc, one person can leave the house a day to get food. No one outside so no exercising at all.
Well we did it before and can again.
By the way, a friend who was a sparky said to me that anyone over 50 should NOT be up a ladder!   This was after a bingle myself....fell from cupboards to a tile floor.  No breakages so I figured I didn't have brittle bones.
PS I am 71 in January!
Today was 32 degrees, bit warm...tomorrow 36.  Better get busy early watering and then hide.
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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 10:01 GMT (UK) »
Chris - gosh your restrictions are really tough... not being able to even go,out in your garden! Hope you can cope in the heat....
Can’t imagine the balshy Brits adhering to that!
Good luck, stay cool ...
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Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 10:22 GMT (UK) »
Apparently according to a recent survey less than 30% of people talk about the weather each day, really can't believe that, unless of course anyone else knows better

Louisa Maud
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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 10:35 GMT (UK) »
I have been very conscious all the charity shops in the high street have been closed most of the year, and wondering how they will survive to continue their good work. (Are the top execs still drawing their enormous salaries?) 
I have especial concern for all the local hospices which survive on shops and events that have not been happening this year.
Your local cancer charity having to shut down is very sad Caroline, but given the huge sums donated to Children in Need I am hopeful other struggling charities will find their feet again soon and be able to pick up the pieces of 2020.
Roobarb you must be very shocked to know of covid cases next door to you. Take especial care with hand sanitising after moving your dustbins etc.  Sad to know your friends have it in the house as well, given they are so vulnerable. Do they have carers coming and going?
Earlier nights are a Good Thing when worrying makes us tired. 
I must look for the TV programme about the plague.
Chrissie I imagine that having caught and penned your sheep, and attended to the horses you will probably have had more exercise than I have when I walk to the end of the prom and back!! And that is before you do any watering!  Love the word "bingle", what a good job you didn't sustain injury.
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Re: Diary - Tuesday 17th November
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 10:36 GMT (UK) »
Apparently according to a recent survey less than 30% of people talk about the weather each day, really can't believe that, unless of course anyone else knows better

Louisa Maud

That can't be right.... try walking down the street on a sunny day. Total strangers remark on it.  :D
Probably because we have such changeable weather.
BORCHARDT in Poland/Germany, BOSKOWITZ in Czechoslovakia, Hungary + Austria, BUSS in Baden, Germany + Switzerland, FEKETE in Hungary + Austria, GOTTHILF in Hammerstein + Berlin, GUBLER, GYSI, LABHARDT & RYCHNER in Switzerland, KONIG & KRONER in Germany, PLACZEK, WUNSCH & SILBERBERG in Poland.

Also: ROWSE in Brixham, Tenby, Hull & Ramsgate. Strongman, in Falmouth. Champion. Coke. Eame/s. Gibbons. Passmore. Pulsever. Sparkes in Brixham & Ramsgate. Toms in Cornwall. Waymoth. Wyatt.