Author Topic: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021  (Read 1208 times)

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« on: Monday 22 March 21 07:38 GMT (UK) »
Finished a 12 hour nightshift block and travelled home as usual on two buses.  This is my only day off before going back in for days shifts (Monday) so I didn't want to waste the entire day sleeping.  The weather was beautiful so I went for a walk around a beautiful local cemetery and managed to fulfil a couple of photo requests some people had up on Find A Grave.  The profusion of snowdrops around the cemetery are dying off but there are crocuses and lots of daffodils and to my delight I see that some bluebells are starting to come through.  I remember last year feeling so uplifted by the beautiful and breathtaking sight of the bluebells when they all appeared in abundance.

After this I called at my local Aldi to buy some essentials.  Felt really tired by then.  As I went out the door the alarm went off very noisily and I felt all eyes on me.  One staff member shouted out for me to come back in.  I thought, oh no!  I hope I haven't accidentally put something in my bag without paying for it!  Would I be able to explain myself!  And my work requires a clean criminal record as well.  Thankfully, it turned out that the problem was that I was just going out with my paid items in my basket.  I was so tired I think I just hadn't noticed that I hadn't transferred my items from my basket to my bag.  (At Aldi, for speed you are just meant to put your things back in your basket and then pack at the packing shelf).  I say a brief "sorry!" to the staff and then to back to the packing shelf to pack my items as I should have done in the first place. 
I had a something to eat and drink when I got in and then went straight to bed.

This morning I feel quite disgusted by the headlines in the newspapers about the violent protestors.  I am all for free speech and the idea of peaceful protest but I think that anyone who resorts to violence loses all credibility.  I tend to think that some people are just thugs and just 'attach' to a  protest as an outlet for their own inclinations for thuggery and violence.  They are disgraceful in my opinion!  My heart goes out to those police who were injured just doing their job.  Shame on these thugs going under the guise of protestors.  Hopefully, they won't fool many with their antics.   >:(
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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #1 on: Monday 22 March 21 08:18 GMT (UK) »
Nice to see you post RTL.... my you don’t get much respite do you... lovely to see all the spring flowers and out enjoying the sunshine...
The same thing happens in Lidl’s their alarm goes off sometimes when you walk through even if you’ve packed the shopping into your own bags... you feel a bit of a nitwit and everyone looks at you but the staff just wave you through! Not sure why it goes off!
I agree with you regarding those dreadful scenes in Bristol... rent a mob who just like violence wherever they can... I’m sure the police go through footage and identify theses people...if you can call them that!

My day
Yesterday (as it is now) was a bright sunny day here for most of the day.... having worked hard in the garden digging holes we decided that in true spirit if a Sunday we’d make it a day of rest!
After breakfast we read the papers or rather skipped through most of it as it’s all such doom... I do like to read the articles in the magazines though...did the crosswords ... had two papers as get free one with my Waitrose shopping on Saturday...
Phoned my friend J to see how she was... breathing still painful so talking difficult... they were off to Reading to stay in their sons annex as her consultants appointment is 9am on Monday morning... think she’s worried about what they’ll say to her... she has full movement in her wrist and hand and no numbness so hopefully no nerve damage...
did some tidying up and some cooking... played couple of games of scrabble... won one lost one so still 5 games down I think... 😤😱😱..
Daughter FaceTimed us... lovely to speak to them, the boys lift your spirits... they’d cycled to Osterley Park and back and had picnic lunch there... good for them to all get out.. boys enjoying being back at school too! Making plans to meet up with them at a NT place over Easter sometime... just keeping 🤞 weather will be ok!
Filled in our census form online... pretty straightforward and done in no time... was going to try and keep a copy but having read how to do it on Lost Cousins it seemed rather time consuming and convoluted so have made a paper copy to put in the files.
Messaged my son to check they were ok... he said it had rained for a week and a half but they’d managed to get in the garden to plant a tree Fern they’d bought and put the bark chippings on the new bed they’ve created round the pool house... rain of course been great for all new plants... they’re ok as the live on a hill ... feel sorry for all those poor souls who’ve been flooded out... what a year, fires, pandemic now floods!
Dinner was roast beef with all usual accompanying vegs..
Watched new Line of Duty... looks like it will be a good one!
Retired early as tired..

Hope everyone has has a good day... more sunshine and warmth required to cheer us all up! Stay safe..

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Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #2 on: Monday 22 March 21 09:20 GMT (UK) »
RTL, what an embarrassing experience for you in Aldi, not surprising that you forgot to transfer the groceries after your long shift. I once had the security guard chasing me into the car park, I'd left my debit card in the machine. They hurry you through so quickly, no wonder people forget things.
Lovely for you to see all the spring flowers around the cemetery, gives a feeling of optimism. I completely agree with what you say about the Bristol protesters, it's an absolute disgrace.

Caroline, I think you deserved a break after your exertions. Nice to be in touch with your family both near and far. Hope it's good news for your friend today. I've recorded Line of Duty, looking forward to watching it.

Was too tired to post last night, this was my day:

No side effects from the vaccine, unless getting up rather earlier than usual is a recognised effect! It was a grey start to the day but it brightened up mid morning and got progressively better for the rest of the day. Went out for a walk a bit earlier than usual.

Came home and had brunch rather than lunch, I was hungry early as a result of getting up early. Afterwards I went into the garage to move and sort some of the things I'd put back in yesterday. Threw a few things out, mostly into the recycling bin. Tore up some oil stained carpet that had been on the garage floor for years, rolled it up to go in the bin, swept the floor. All this lugging stuff around was all a bit far from the rest I'd briefly considered!
Planted some sweet pea seeds in a pot, each one in a toilet roll cardboard insert, a tip I read in a gardening magazine. Their roots grow long and you put the plant and tube in the ground, the tube protects the roots during planting and rots away in the ground. Also separated some pelargoniums that I'd put in a large pot at the end of the year, they'd survived the winter so I trimmed and potted them individually. Some pansies that survived were even starting to flower so I put them in the garden, the soil was really wet and heavy. Rearranged the seedling trays and pots and cleaned the top of the potting bench.

Ended the day feeling exhausted, my back and shoulders were stiff, probably did too much in celebration of being able to, had a hot bath and an earlier.  Must rest on Monday.
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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #3 on: Monday 22 March 21 09:29 GMT (UK) »
My goodness Roobarb you did have a productive day... having your jab seems to have spurred you on! I admire your work ethics....
I love sweet peas and have a packet of seeds ready to plant out... the toilet roll tube is an excellent idea and OH has been using that method for some time... must get ahead and plant my seeds... also have some astramaria seeds I want to plant but they look a little more difficult needing warm then cold to germinate....if truth be told I’m not much of a gardener but love flowers!

Off to purchase all fencing items!

Have a good day
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Offline Ruskie

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #4 on: Monday 22 March 21 09:31 GMT (UK) »
RTL, you certainly have a gruelling work timetable. You must be wiped out most of the time, and those days off must be badly needed.

I regularly shop at Aldi. I imagine they are much the same all over the world. We only had baskets for a short period of time, now it’s just trolleys. I imagine the reason might be because of what you almost did accidentally.  ;D

Caroline, I’m pleased you and OH had Sunday off. I was getting tired imagining all that digging.

We used to go to Osterley Park when our children were small, to feed the wildfowl - geese, if I remember correctly (there used to be quite a lot of squelchy poos on the ground - I remember that).

I can imagine that your friend must be beside herself with worry. At least she is in good hands and doesn’t have long to wait before she sees the consultant.

I’m looking forward to Line of Duty too. I hope they have a recap because I can’t remember how the last series ended.

My Sunday. Rainy. Daughters came for lunch, but made a couple of outings to various shops and left dog with me. More rain. Bad flooding in NSW and rivers near the border. I’m on a slight hill so no risk for me. Daughter backs onto a creek, but as the rain has been quite light though steady, she is ok too, though the back yard does tend to get very wet.

Took dog for a walk wearing her yellow rain coat. Saw in the distance one other dog owner mad enough to be out in quite heavy rain - dog wearing a red raincoat. Although they were a block away I could see that it was Charlie the lovely labradoodle. Had to rush to get home as rain was pelting down. I ended up going barefoot for a couple of blocks as it was quicker than squelching in my slippery shoes.

Watched the last episode of “River” - a bit of an odd ending. Not satisfying.

Added: it took me so long to compose my post that I missed yours Roobarb. Glad you have no ill effects from the jab. I am very interested in following everyone’s experiences so I know what might be in store.  :) I like the toilet roll tip for planting seeds. OH and I were talking about jiffy pots for planting seeds, only a couple of hours ago. I will suggest toilet roll cardboard inserts to him. We usually give them to the dog to rip up. :)

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #5 on: Monday 22 March 21 10:00 GMT (UK) »
So much to do in a garden, (and or with dogs,) no wonder you are all so busy.
Agree about RTL's shift pattern and the protests.  :'(

Nothing of note to mention at this end, other than a spectacular clematis near the rugby ground.

I heard "Kate" from "Line of Duty" interviewed on the radio last week.... she said the story line had moved on 18 months since the last series, so I am not sure how relevant it would be to this new series, though we did watch the last one aired on i-player just in case.

So many meaningful looks I can't say I am totally clear on what is going on. May have to watch it again before part 2. And frankly, "Throwdown" was far more entertaining, I wish it had gone on longer.

Shall attempt to add the clematis, hope you all have a reasonable day.

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #6 on: Monday 22 March 21 13:10 GMT (UK) »
I'm interested to see Line of Duty now MH. I'll let you know what I think.  ;D

Lovely clematis!

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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #7 on: Monday 22 March 21 16:56 GMT (UK) »
I love hearing about your dog Ruskie, with her smart new raincoat and ripping up toilet roll inserts.  :D
I haven't watched the new Line of Duty yet and like you am having difficulty remembering what happened at the end of the last series, I know there was something going on with the character played by Adrian Dunbar. I hadn't watched it at all until it was recommended to me by a friend, I then watched every episode of every series that had been made. Not all at once of course.  ;D

MH, the clematis certainly is spectacular, how beautiful.
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Re: Diary - Sunday, 21 March 2021
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday 23 March 21 11:30 GMT (UK) »

I haven't watched the new Line of Duty yet and like you am having difficulty remembering what happened at the end of the last series, I know there was something going on with the character played by Adrian Dunbar. I hadn't watched it at all until it was recommended to me by a friend, I then watched every episode of every series that had been made. Not all at once of course.  ;D

MH, the clematis certainly is spectacular, how beautiful.

Glad you like the photo.

We hadn't watched any up until this time last year, then we too watched an episode each night through every series that had been made.
I think it helped us a lot through the first lockdown, and I remember having "withdrawals" when we got the end..... (Sad or what?)
We have been waiting eagerly for this new series, and I am sure it won't disappoint.
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Also: ROWSE in Brixham, Tenby, Hull & Ramsgate. Strongman, in Falmouth. Champion. Coke. Eame/s. Gibbons. Passmore. Pulsever. Sparkes in Brixham & Ramsgate. Toms in Cornwall. Waymoth. Wyatt.