Author Topic: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March  (Read 891 times)

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Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« on: Wednesday 24 March 21 08:33 GMT (UK) »
An auspicious day marking the start of the changes in all our lives... who would have thought that a year later we are still blighted by this dreadful unseen creeping nightmare...
For all those families who have lost loved ones and been unable to grieve in the normal way, I can’t imagine how hard that has been...
All the medical and care staff who have worked tirelessly to keep us alive and sometimes at great costs to themselves....
For all the children from the very young to the university students whose education has suffered...
For the young starting out on their working lives to have it taken away like a slippery carpet ...
I could go on but we each and every one of us has felt the hand of this pandemic squeeze us in more ways than one...
It has brought community spirit and neighbourliness new friendships to some lives and there have been heroes like Captain Sir Tom Moore and those courageous souls who have worked tirelessly....
For the vast majority of people we have never seen the like before and this period will go down in history.... I wonder how it will be remembered in a hundred years time...

This diary day covers the last two days....

On Monday we spent the morning out buying sand and gravel, cement, fence posts and various other items...
Then the afternoon was spent getting everything ready and putting in the first post which took some time...
In between I managed to make an 80th birthday card for my DiL’s father and two bereavement cards for two family members who had both passed away over the weekend...
Dinner was just the remainder of the beef joint with vegs...
My friend J messaged to say the consultant had been pleased with his handiwork and it was healing well.. 4 more weeks in the sling with some gentle exercises... no mention of the other problem so will give her a call later this week..
Had a dreadful nights sleep resulting in reading for over an hour... the new book by Steve Robinson just out...
Consequently I didn’t wake till quite late and on opening the blind I could see that OH had been up preparing for Tuesdays work!
When I got downstairs the house was empty so guessed he’d gone to get more ballast and cement!
The next two posts were all ready to go...
Turns out he’d got up ridiculously early and although my bedrooms at the back of the house and I have a window opened he must have been as quiet as the preverbal church mouse as I’d not heard a thing!
The day was sunny and quite warm so washing out...
The rest of the day was spent helping put the other two posts in and in between I wandered down the village to drop off the lottery winning to a friend whose been shielding so not seen her much... we stood at a distance and had a chat for some minutes...
Walking back through the churchyard it was a joy to see the ground covered in aconites, primroses, primulas, daffodils and I spotted a bunch of bluebells couldn’t resist taking a picture as they stood out like sentinels ... when I enhanced the photo the colours looked wonderful... as seen below.
I edged the borders on one side and dug and weeded that side too...
By the time we finished it was gone 5pm and we’d been outside all day...
Feeling quite stiff had a hot shower which felt wonderful..
Dinner I made cod fish cakes with sweet pots in mine and ordinary pots in OH mixed with red chillies and parsley, this time I coated them in breadcrumbed mixed with grated Parmesan... baked in the oven with the pot skins and cherry tomatoes.... I cooked some spinach and mixed it with mushrooms, creme fraiche and lots of pepper... vegs were asparagus and broccoli spears...
I was very glad to sit down and relax after dinner I can tell you!

That’s the sum total of our last two days... having had weeks of relatively little activity it was lovely to be outside and busy...
Probably pay for it tomorrow!

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Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 09:29 GMT (UK) »
Caroline, your words about the pandemic are so eloquent and touching, I have read them several times. I would hope that in a hundred years people will look back at what we as a nation and as a world have learned from this.

You've certainly had a busy and strenuous couple of days, lovely to be able to do the work in the sunshine. So sorry to hear of bereavements. Good news that your friend is healing well. The bluebells look beautiful, what a lovely photo.

My day:

A National Day of Reflection to commemorate those who lost their lives in the pandemic. Did people reflect?
Have we learned anything from the past year? Personally I've learnt a greater appreciation of some things - who my friends are, a greater appreciation of the outdoors and the beauty of nature. And an appreciation of all the people who help us in our day to day lives.

It was a grey day and quite cool. Went to post a card, the wind was colder than I expected. Weather forecasters are telling us that there's a cold front coming across this week.

Sent a message to my friend J to check that we were on for our walk tonight, she said she was in the waiting room having just had her Covid vaccination. I learned from her later that she had been to the centre at the football stadium to have it done, it only opened this week and she was very pleased to get an appointment after numerous fruitless searches. We arranged to meet at five.
I observed  the one minute silence at midday but that's not very difficult when you live alone.

I'd decided to do some painting today, I'd done the background in class, now I had to paint flowers and leaves without drawing them, other than in water. When I started I couldn't believe that it would look like the subject but I stood back and could actually see it did look like it. I do find that it takes a lot of concentration. On Friday we'll be inking in the outlines.

Did some hoovering and other bits of housework then went to meet J. We had a good walk, there was a cold wind and I was glad I'd worn some warmer clothes in anticipation of that. We exchanged vaccination stories, she too had the Astra Zeneca one. She said she had a numb thumb, that's one of the uncommon side effects, I hope she doesn't suffer anything worse than that. Didn't tell her about my friend's splitting headache and rash, I'll tell her next week.

Had a glass of wine with my spag bol, haven't had any for a week or so because of the vaccination. Put lit candles in my front window at 8pm, battery operated ones. The neighbours opposite had done that too but I felt a bit sad that others didn't seem to have done anything. Perhaps there were some on my side of the road that I couldn't see.

So tired when I went to bed, could hardly keep my eyes open, I don't think it was due to the wine, I didn't have that much!
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
Lickess- North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough.
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Offline jo1962

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 10:18 GMT (UK) »
Roobarb, I hope you feel ok today after the wine last night. Like you I abstained for a couple of days beforehand and then a couple after. Thinking it ok to open a bottle of pinot I had a couple of glasses which made me feel knackered so I had an early night, the next day I had the hangover from hell which persisted all day. As me and pinot normally get along very well together I can only assume it was due to pinot not getting along with the vaccine  :-\ All good since I'm pleased to report!

Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 11:48 GMT (UK) »
Oh dear Jo, what a bad experience, hope it hasn't put you off the Pinot! Pleased to hear you're okay now. I'm fine today thanks, not sure whether the the wine affected me  or whether it was just the long walk, it was quite chilly so I was breathing heavily. I did check online about alcohol and the vaccine, there was nothing that said don't have a drink, just one article suggested staying off it for a while but there'll always be one of those!
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
Lickess- North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough.
Etherington - North Yorks and Durham.
Barker- North Yorks
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Forster- North Yorks/Durham
Newsam, Pattison, Proud - North Yorks.
Timothy, Griffiths, Jones - South Wales

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 12:07 GMT (UK) »
Pleased to hear you're ok today Roobarb. I don't think anything can put me of pinot  ;D

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 17:12 GMT (UK) »
Let me know how you get on with the next one(s) Jo!  :D
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
Lickess- North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough.
Etherington - North Yorks and Durham.
Barker- North Yorks
Crooks- Durham
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Newsam, Pattison, Proud - North Yorks.
Timothy, Griffiths, Jones - South Wales

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 17:42 GMT (UK) »
Roobarb, will do.  Think I might have to leave the pinot alone for another couple of days next time  ;D

Online Viktoria

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 23:31 GMT (UK) »
Oh! Ladies!
Sorry there were such after effects, which did you have?

Lots of work done by you all.
I got out in the sunshine this afternoon ,swept “ windy corner”, a small area between the brick built shed and utility room extension.
The wind goes in circles there and drops leaves ,twigs etc etc.
So all swept and one area was looking a bit green so treated that.
Staked up some daffodils with new plant supports ,treated the soil round a lovely rose which gets black spot abd will feed all the roses with chelated iron 
as two  had  black spot last Summer.

I think the vast majority of people have coped and have got through the lockdowns very well, some great kindness has been shown  and  incredible bravery and unselfishness by our essential services .
I was therefore sad that I did not see a single candle in the house windows of my road, nor anyone on their steps for the silence ,very few clapped either.
Such a small thing to do ,so all the easier to do it .

Ah well, let’s hope the Health Service workers are given a better pay rise- they really do deserve it.

Thankyou Caroline ,you said it all for us all .

Hope those with side effects are soon better, and you second vaccination does not make you ill at all.
Cheerio everyone ,look after yourselves .

Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary - Tuesday 23rd March
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 24 March 21 23:48 GMT (UK) »
I had the Astra Zeneca one Viktoria. I'm not sure whether it affected me or whether I was just tired, it was three days after I was vaccinated.

Good to hear that you got out in the sunshine, always makes things feel better.
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
Lickess- North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough.
Etherington - North Yorks and Durham.
Barker- North Yorks
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Newsam, Pattison, Proud - North Yorks.
Timothy, Griffiths, Jones - South Wales