Author Topic: Diary > Wednesday 31st March  (Read 1136 times)

Offline Roobarb

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Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« on: Thursday 01 April 21 09:24 BST (UK) »
As it's April fools' day I'll be first to post:

Wasn't feeling too great on Wednesday, had a very restless night due to my shoulders and neck still aching, couldn't get comfortable. I haven't had much appetite for a couple of days either.
 Had forgotten that I had a parcel arriving, Yodel tracking info wasn't much help. I didn't feel like going for a walk so was just hanging around. Eventually I opened the front and back doors of the garage so I'd be able to hear the courier from the garden. There was very little wind so it felt pleasantly warm. Did some light gardening such as planting seedlings into those sets of six joined plastic containers that you buy plants in. Can't think what to call them. If they all survive I'm going to have rather a lot of rudbeckia plants. Sat reading for quite a while.

Late afternoon I went to post a card and intended to loop back round and do my usual walk. Set off in a short sleeve t-shirt and sandals, soon realised it was much cooler than in my back garden. Came back via my house, added a jacket and changed shoes then out again around the woods.

The football seemed to be taking over a large part of the TV schedule, my friend had given me the heads up that Landscape Artist of the Year Canada was on Sky Arts so I watched that. It was very much like the UK version, in fact one of the contestants was Scottish, he lives in Vancouver.  They were painting some industrial buildings across a river, they picked two finalists, one of whom I thought was a strange choice. I enjoyed the programme.

** Added  - have just realised that Wednesday was the 31st March so have modified the heading. It wasn't intended as an April fool joke!

*** Added further  - modified before I read your post Ruskie, you're quicker off the mark than me!  :D
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Offline Mowsehowse

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Re: Diary > Wednesday 1st April- All fools' day!
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 01 April 21 09:51 BST (UK) »
A profusion of rudbekia will be delightful I'm sure, Roobarb, but I read a country rhyme yesterday about planting seeds 4 to each drill hole...."One for the rook, and one for the crow, one to rot and one to grow."  So perhaps your chances of germination may be only 25%??

Hope you are feeling less stiff today.... maybe you should pace yourself a little?

I often find the breeze is totally different depending if I am on the first floor, or at ground level or at sea level. Can be radically different.  After sitting on the sea wall in the sun on Tuesday, I found it too cool to be sitting on the balcony.

H was kind enough to watch the footie on his lap top while I watched an episode of Repair Shop and then Matt Baker and family trying to make the farm more user friendly for his Mum.  Miniature donkeys are very sweet.... I think I would like one rather than a dog.  ;)
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Re: Diary > Wednesday 1st April- All fools' day!
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 01 April 21 10:19 BST (UK) »
I hadn't heard that rhyme MH, will let you know how many of the plants survive. The ones I'd put out before have been doing okay but apparently there's some cold weather coming, just hoping they survive that, 25% will do!
I'm okay today thanks, you're absolutely right, I should pace myself. I get carried away and it's only afterwards that I realise I've overdone it.  :-[

Pleased to hear you managed to avoid the footie. Can just imagine you walking a miniature donkey along the prom.  :)
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Offline Ruskie

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Re: Diary > Wednesday 1st April- All fools' day!
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 01 April 21 11:23 BST (UK) »
Do you mean the plastic containers you buy seedlings in Roobarb? Is “punnet” the word you were trying think of? Have you taken any medication for your pain? Nurofen is for muscular pain I think. Or tried a heat pack? I hope plenty of seedlings come up.

MH, donkeys are special creatures. My OH loves them.  The problem is you can’t have them in the house like you can with a dog. Unless, you are Arnold Schwartzenegger:

There are quite a lot of videos of them in his house. So sweet.

Wednesday for me was quite uneventful. Still in lockdown. Popped briefly to see my daughter who is working from home, and not feeling too well - run down rather than covid. I took her a “care package”. Her dog has an appointment at the doggy dermatologist on 20th April. It looks like dog will have a consultation, then they will knock her out and do the allergy skin test all in one appointment, which is good, and saves my daughter having to take more time off work.

Added: My calendar tells me that Thursday is April 1st - April Fool’s Day.  :-\

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Re: Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« Reply #4 on: Thursday 01 April 21 11:43 BST (UK) »
Yes I think punnet is the word, thanks Ruskie. I don't often use painkillers, I just put up with it, I didn't want to encourage myself to risk any more damage! I don't use any ibuprofen, as it's not recommended for asthmatics. Having said that, I do occasionally use aspirin, have checked up on that.

Hope your daughter soon feels better, it must be hard to deal with the heat when you feel like that. Good news about the dog's appointment.

Well spotted on the date, it wasn't deliberate! (See added comments on my first post). Corrected now.  :)
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
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Re: Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 01 April 21 17:09 BST (UK) »
Just catching up....
Glad the doggie problems seem to be resolved and lockdowns in Oz and birthday presents of vaccinations are going ahead....
Mixed weather everywhere it would seem...

Sorry you weren’t feeling great Roobarb all that exertion in the garden I expect!..hope today is a better one for you...

My day...
Well it wasn’t wall to wall sunshine when I got up which was disappointing but it wasn’t long before it came out and soon warmed up!
We spent all day in the garden... OH determined to get the fencing finished as he’s had quite enough of it after over a weeks work....
I spent the day.. in T shirt and shorts 😱😱 temp reached 23C by mid afternoon....
I edged the borders not done last time, dug over the beds on the opposite side of the garden and decided to also edge the path... as it’s 40ft long ( x 2 when doing both sides) but I only managed one side as it was nearly 6pm when I’d finished and couldn’t face side two.... I could just about stand up but my hands were quite sore!
A good days work done by both of us and the fencing looks wonderful and now shuts out all our neighbours overgrown garden...
We sat having a drink whilst planning what plants we were going to put in ....
After a much needed restorative shower I cooked dinner...
We had some sliced of the gammon joint I cooked with sweet potato, green veg and mushroom sauce...
Can’t remember what we watched on tv but we weren’t in bed too late as both quite tired!

It does feel good to be outside and being productive.... roll on the summer and let’s have some of those lazy hazy days to enjoy..


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Re: Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« Reply #6 on: Thursday 01 April 21 22:44 BST (UK) »
Well done with all that work Caroline, no wonder you were tired. And cooking dinner too, after a day like that I'd just want to get something out of the freezer!
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
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Offline Ruskie

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Re: Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« Reply #7 on: Thursday 01 April 21 22:59 BST (UK) »
Well done with all that work Caroline, no wonder you were tired. And cooking dinner too, after a day like that I'd just want to get something out of the freezer!

My thoughts exactly Roobarb.  ;D I didn’t realise that ibuprofen was a no no for asthmatics. I heard recently that heat/cold (depending) is as effective as painkillers for some injuries.

Caroline, now that all and sundry seem to be let loose and are flocking maskless to parks, are you able to see your daughter and the boys?

Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary > Wednesday 31st March
« Reply #8 on: Thursday 01 April 21 23:45 BST (UK) »
Hadn't thought about the heat thing Ruskie, you've reminded me that I have a couple of those things that you warm in the microwave, they're filled with wheat or something. When I injured my knee some years ago I read that you should initially put something cold on it, like a bag of frozen peas as it reduces inflammation. After a couple of days you can use heat. I didn't think of using either recently! But actually it hasn't been an injury, just muscle aches so perhaps I'm not as daft as I thought!
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
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