I have just had a new match for which I'd like to see all the shared matches for
Sometimes the obvious can be the answer - Have you tried messaging your match?
If it were me, and I really didn't want.to pay for a sub to just see matches between that just 1 particular match - I would message that 1 match, explain your situation and ask them nicely if they wouldn't mind giving you the rest of the matches outside the 3 you have .
Maybe your new match has a sub ( especially if they are new match , I would think there's a higher chance that they have taken a sub out along with their dna kit)., and perhaps they wouldn't mind copying the shared matches for you -.its worth a shot..
I know I would copy down the shared matches and give them to any of my matches if asked ( within reason of course ie say the top 20, 30 of shared matches or so, as some.have loads of shared matches)
( not that I have a paid sub anymore since last April just gone when I cut my sub off, because of my huge gripes with Ancestry's/ blackstone's greed and unscrupulous new policies , and thats after almost 20 years of being a full sub holder)
Worth a shot , you've nothing to lose by messaging them , but everything to gain if they answer .
I assume you can still message your dna matches without a paid sub? ( I have my dna turned on to private at the moment, unless I quickly switch my visability back on just to check.)
Kind regards