View full version: Occupation Interests
  1. Crew list on the Opawa ship
  2. Early 1800's Merchants
  3. Help deciphering a silk-related occupation, please
  4. merchant seaman with Running Fitter as occupation
  5. Gamekeepers Index
  6. Commissioners of Land and Assessed Taxes
  7. Profession "Gentleman" 1800's
  8. Marie Dagmar - actress
  9. Why did a pork Butcher just sell pork?
  10. Hairpin lacemaking early 20th century
  11. taverns and publicans
  12. ‘Trimmer’ in the early Leicester shoe industry?
  13. Charles Henry ROWE - Mercantile Mariner
  14. Watermen and lighter-men Apprenticeships Bindings Look up Please?
  15. Master Mariner
  16. Slopsellers or Clothes Brokers
  17. French Polishers
  18. Federation of Master Printers
  19. Methodist missionaries to South Africa
  20. records of Printers/Stationers in London 1700-1800 MORGAN & RAMSHAW
  21. Journalists/Authors
  22. Deciphering job
  23. Pottery Writer
  24. Marine Stone Collector
  25. Dye Man - alternative title?
  26. Is there a profession called a "dotter"?
  27. 19th century shipping knowledge needed
  28. Francis Joseph Francis - Shipping Agent/Insurance Broker
  29. 1921 census occupation query “coke burner”
  30. Nailer
  31. What is a chandiber maker?
  32. Inspector of Cranes
  33. LPWR
  34. Would iron planer make boilers??
  35. Joiner - what is a proving or testing house ?
  36. Joining the Police in 1846
  37. Tailor Records Online
  38. What on earth is a "Nat Tel Man"
  39. Stonemason/ Watch maker
  40. Would an 18th century apprentice have married?
  41. cordwainer ( Shoemaker )
  42. Merchant Navy
  43. help please with TNA > Seamen's Pouches BT372
  44. Apprentice in "fourth year of his articles"
  45. "Clergyman without care of souls"
  46. Mystery on a nursing record
  47. Edwardina/Victorian Theatre
  48. Chancery QC
  49. Bricklayers live on site?
  50. Chimney SWEEP's apprentice age 8