View full version: Occupation Interests
  1. master shoemakers
  2. Parish Nurse
  3. Patten Makers
  4. hoopmaker
  5. Wheelwrights
  6. Coastguards
  7. Farming terms 19th century
  8. st johns ambulance info - help please
  9. THE LAUDERDALE LAUNDRY.UK location please!
  10. Silversmith
  11. JOLL'S COACHING & POST HOUSE. Can anyone locate please?
  12. THE GOLDEN LION INN.Annie SHERMAN landlady.Possibly near BRISTOL. Location?
  13. Greenwich Pensioner
  14. Did a School Master have any formal training
  15. nursing register
  16. Traveller
  17. THE RELIANCE MEAT STORES.Butcher.UK location please!
  18. PUBLIC HOUSE.George E. Taylor landlord. Photograph.Does anyone recognize?
  19. John Simonds of Sherborne
  20. Joseph Hallett of Henstridge Somerset
  21. *COMPLETED* DEVONSHIRE ARMS. Public House. Photograph. *COMPLETED*
  22. shoe manufacturers
  23. T.ENGLISH Saddler. UK location please!
  24. Woollen Piecer
  26. "eccentric dancer"/acrobat collapses on Bradford stage
  27. SHYNER Saddler / Harness maker. UK location please!
  28. Muster lists/early crew agreements - has anyone ever looked them up?
  29. R.T.CARSON Saddle & Harness Maker. Location please!
  30. Shop and House Owner
  31. S.MANN Hairdresser,Tobacconist & Umbrella repairer. UK location please!
  32. Independent
  33. M.STENSTROM Turf Accountant. UK Location please!
  34. W.REDFERN "Castle Tea & Coffee House" & Plumber. UK location please!
  35. W.HORN Funeral Furnisher NORTHUMBERLAND UK location please!
  36. MABEL SMALL Toy shop owner. UK location please!
  37. Dairyman/Cowkeeper - Kellys Directory
  38. Cow & Calf Pillion
  39. A farmer in the army? Am i reading this right?
  40. F.HOLDAWAY Fancy goods & toy shop.UK Location please!
  41. catholic nuns
  42. G HOTSTON Corn,Flour,Seed merchant & grocer. UK location please!
  43. Any ideas?
  44. Medal Die suiker???...
  45. Motherly nurse
  46. Post Office Worker Look Up Please
  47. Dressmaking difference COMPLETED
  48. Robert Morris b1809 Railway timekeeper/inspector
  49. S.BARRATT & Co. Metal workers. UK location please!
  50. O.A. HOWES Grocer. UK location please!