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Other Sussex Census   PDF  E-mail 

Other Sussex Census

Over the past 15 years I have aquired a large amount of books, Fiche and CD's  concerning the Local History of Sussex, especially the Hastings and Lewes area's, together with census material of use to the Family Historian and Genealogist.

Please use the 'Contact Us' button to state the name, location and date of the Ancestors you are looking for in the following publications - Remember, you must see the original and quote the full Reference No. to prove Ancestry - Information contained within the Census is Crown Copyright:  www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

Family History Publications

Other Sussex Census on CD, Fiche or Printed Format 

1801 Census for Ticehurst
1831 Census for Ticehurst
1821 Chiddingly Census
1821 East Hoathy Census
1821 East Dean Cencus
1821 Hartfield Census
1821 Census for St Mary, Hastings, East Sussex
1831 Census for St Mary, Hastings, East Sussex
1831 Census for St Clement, Hastings, East Sussex
1831 Census for Uckfield, East Sussex
1821 Hailsham Census
1831 Hailsham Census
1831 Census St John Sub Castro, Lewes
1811 Population, Jury List, Voters List 1832 - St Michael, Lewes
1841 Census for Eastbourne
1861 Census for Eastbourne
1836 - 37 Hastings Registered Electors - listing Name, Trade/Profession & Employer.
Robertson Street & George Street Hastings - 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81 & 91 Census
1838 Withyham Inhabitants
1863 Ewhurst Householders

Information contained within the Census is Crown Copyright:  www.nationalarchives.gov.uk



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