View full version: Ayrshire
  1. MCLAREN Family
  2. Robert Shaw stationmaster Dunlop
  3. John Cairns
  4. Another Nimmo
  5. Wilfred Chambers of Galston - Freemason
  6. alexander lambie
  7. Girls Custodial School
  8. Kiln Court, Irvine
  9. McMillan deaths
  10. Caldwell family in Stevenston
  11. Lambie Family
  12. alexander lambie of stevenson
  13. b/m/d records Kilmarnock
  14. Henrys Emigrating to Ulster - 1600s
  15. Kilantringan or Kilsaintninian, Barrhill - a bit more
  16. Muirkirk lookup please
  17. BRACKENRIDGE/McLEOD family Newton, Ayr
  18. ayr deaths 1820 to1854 vol 13
  19. Hendry/1861/ Census
  20. Robert Fulton Isobell Montgomerie
  21. McSkimmings of Troon
  22. George Clark - Ayr b.1927
  23. Campbells of Ochiltree
  24. BROWN and HENDERSON families in Ayrshire and Clydebank
  25. North Ayrshire FHS - enquiry
  26. Daniel McBride
  27. 1921 - Pottery in Kilmarnock
  28. Daniel Mullen (or McMillan, McMullan) and Mary Millar, Strand St, Kilmarnock
  29. Robert McCandlish b 1804 dalrymple
  30. Robertson Capetown.
  31. William/Wilhelmina Whyte Ayr
  32. Mitchell Mystery in Ayrshire
  33. Andrew Young left Scotland about 1835 for Canada
  34. Jane Patterson old Ayrshire(Old Cumnock)
  35. 1841 census lookup please Kerr
  36. George Miller b. 1817 Newton-on-Ayr
  37. Jane Sherry Warring
  38. Maybole shoemaking 1890s
  39. Police Constable in Ayrshire
  40. Cemeteries
  41. birth - Barbara Stewart GARDINER
  42. William Thomson
  43. Dow and Orr families Saltcoats
  44. John Wright of Ayr - died 1890
  45. Suicide - what happened to daughter?
  46. Scottish Marriage - 1942/1949 Completed
  47. McCall, Seaton, Galloway and Stark
  48. Parish in Louden.
  49. Duncan McDonald from Dunlop
  50. COMPLETED, Thanks -Scotland's BMD Indexes