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Messages - rosherville

Pages: [1] 2
Kent / Re: Location of Gravesend addresses - help please
« on: Saturday 28 December 19 10:36 GMT (UK)  »
Dashwood Cottage was in Dashwood Rd, opposite the entrance to Woodlands Park. It was taken over by Gravesend Council, used as 'drawing offices' and 'parks and gardens' office; now demolished and built over.

Kent / Re: how do you solve a problem like maria ?
« on: Tuesday 27 July 10 17:54 BST (UK)  »


Sorry to trouble you but my computer crashed and I`ve lost your pic of Henry James.

Could you resend ?


Kent / Re: Gravesend Street - Two names for the same place?
« on: Monday 21 June 10 08:27 BST (UK)  »

I think it`s correct to say Bycliffes Cottages were in Slaves Alley.

Bycliffes Lodge is still there.

Kent / Re: Gravesend Street - Two names for the same place?
« on: Sunday 20 June 10 09:43 BST (UK)  »

Bycliffes House was about 200yds east of Slaves Alley.  (the lodge house is still there, on the Overcliffe by the boundary stone).

Bycliffes Terrace is still there, off of Pelham Rd.

Slaves Alley was marked as such on maps.

I think the confusion arises as the two places were probably referred to by different names by locals.

What was the name of your nan ?

Kent / Re: Gravesend Street - Two names for the same place?
« on: Saturday 19 June 10 16:00 BST (UK)  »
Two names, two separate places.

Slaves alley was just inside the Gravesend boundary by the junction with Rosherville, by the waterfront. (see cover of Gravesend Revisited).

Bycliffes Cottages are still there, a small row off Pelham Rd.

The connection is that the chalk workings were owned by the occupier of 'Bycliffes' (a large house) near slaves Alley.  He built the cottages off Pelham Rd for some of his workers.

My Gt.grandfather, Edward Anson, was a barge captain for William Fletcher and lived in one of the cottages in 1880.

Kent / Re: Gravesend 1930's
« on: Wednesday 16 June 10 10:17 BST (UK)  »

Sounds as if my Aunt Ena Mason is in the pic along with a Milton cousin.

If the GHS don`t take up the pic please let me know and I`ll happily have it.
I`m a GHS member so would have access if they want it.


Kent / Re: how do you solve a problem like maria ?
« on: Wednesday 01 July 09 10:10 BST (UK)  »

Havn`t found yours yet, but several others with Maria in.

They give birth as late 1780s in Northfleet but I think this is assuming she was born there and subtracting 73 from 1861, no evidence as such.

Back to the name, I`ve scanned the names in the 19c and there are no Tittlebess, 2 Tattlebees (N. Essex) and a few dozen Tuttlebees (N. Essex).  This all points to her being Tuttlebee,  I`ll follow this up further.

I`ve seen James as being born in Cobham, Northfleet and Swanscombe, again needs checking.

Any luck with pic yet ?  We`re not allowed to give contact details on this site but I`ll try another way then you could send a jpg. direct.


Kent / Re: how do you solve a problem like maria ?
« on: Tuesday 30 June 09 21:08 BST (UK)  »

Yes accessed Ancestry, there are several relating to Maria but they are contradictory, her birth on some is 1799, and James has different parents, confusing.

What name is your tree under ?


ps. try pic at lower resolution

Kent / Re: how do you solve a problem like maria ?
« on: Tuesday 30 June 09 18:28 BST (UK)  »

Could not find any other Rucks so could be Luck badly written!

Tittle, Tattle or Tuttle ?  I`d go for Tuttleby as the most likely, it would have been written down by the vicar as he heard it, many surname spellings changed that way.

I`ve got the following as some of the children, maybe more.

Harriett    1811
James 1816
John  1819
Sarah Maria 1821
Thomas 1823
George  1825
Maria  1827
Elizabeth Ann  1830
Henry  1833

I`ve attached an 1892 cutting of a Northfleet Luck, sad.

Yes, I`d like to see photo of Henry James.

Is Anna still in the Northfleet area ?


Pages: [1] 2