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Cornwall Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please for PERKIN
« on: Sunday 19 May 24 12:22 BST (UK)  »
Charles, this is a really old thread started in 2010. The original poster hasn't been on RootsChat since 2014, so may not see your post.

The Common Room / Re: GRO digital images
« on: Thursday 06 July 23 11:57 BST (UK)  »
I've just downloaded a couple and it really is instant. The quality isn't as good as a certificate or a pdf, but absolutely fine for information as it gives the same details.

The Common Room / Re: Ancestry Subscription Discount
« on: Wednesday 05 July 23 19:11 BST (UK)  »
I was offered a 25% discount on the live chat but phoned and told them I had a link for 50% discount on a year subscription for Worldwide and asked if they could match that…..No problem sir and current subscription was cancelled ( only a few days left on it) and new subscription activated immediately.
Worth a phone call!!!

If you use the link I gave you don't even have to call them. Just wait until your subscription has expired and you show as guest. Mine ran out while I was using the site, and I was able to use the link immediately.

The Common Room / Re: Two different listings in the Birth register ?
« on: Saturday 01 July 23 22:41 BST (UK)  »
Not uncommon if the parents aren't married. My great nephew and nieces are indexed 3 times - once in their mother's name, once in their father's and once in the double barrelled name they use. There is only one certificate in the double barrelled name.

The Common Room / Re: Ancestry Subscription Discount
« on: Saturday 01 July 23 22:35 BST (UK)  »
Try this for Worldwide. It's working on a Facebook group

Family History Beginners Board / Re: WW2 Evacuees from London
« on: Friday 05 May 23 14:29 BST (UK)  »
I'm sure they weren't, in fact a lot of children either didn't want to go home or they kept in touch with their second families. It sounds as if your mother was very unlucky with her experiences.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: WW2 Evacuees from London
« on: Friday 05 May 23 13:14 BST (UK)  »
If you haven't read it already, "Goodnight Mr Tom" is a good book about a London refugee sent to the country.

A lot of people were suspicious about London children -as you say they considered them pretty wild and dirty with fleas and lice etc. Obviously this may have been correct with some, but most were just young and homesick.

I can't imagine parents these days allowing their young children to be sent off to strangers without knowing where they were going and even if siblings would be kept together.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: WW2 Evacuees from London
« on: Friday 05 May 23 12:25 BST (UK)  »
the evacuees weren't allowed to go to the village school (I wonder why?).

Possibly it was just too small and didn't have the room or teachers to accommodate them? The log book at the school where I taught, showed that the children and quite a few of their teachers, were evacuated from South London to Shoreham. It also stated that the local children went to school in the morning and then they used the building the afternoon. Unfortunately it also records quite a few canings when the children had got into fights with the local children.

The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know of any current Ancestry special offers?
« on: Wednesday 03 May 23 17:07 BST (UK)  »
Yes this link does seem to work and people in other groups have reported being able to update from a lower subscription to a higher one, with a refund where applicable.

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