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Messages - dobfarm

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World War Two / Re: Black Troops during WW2 in Britain
« on: Friday 31 May 24 05:45 BST (UK)  »
There would  be little  racism  towards these black troop here ! but the USA white troops and the army authority would have !! to a point ! have tried to segregate them - although they needed them in action and they did better than expected. Having said the afore, records of the white G I's will be a bit thin on the ground as well, as all the USA troops were scattered around England for a short time for training before the D Day 1944 invasion of Normandy and on to Germany.

I think! try finding the descendants of the black troops in the USA through ancestry and to hear past down stories by their families (As to where billeted in England) is your best bet.   ~ ?

World War Two / Re: Black Troops during WW2 in Britain
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 05:32 BST (UK)  »

Hello, thank you very much for the incredible effort you have made.
Unfortunately, and after seeing the videos and the search page, none of them has any link to our research, which is the Black troops in the areas of Yorkshire or Northumberland during WW2, between 1942 and 1944.
This is a global scale, and yes, we have found many, many documents, going through the archives.
Except for the areas North of England.
All it's gone, and, apparently, nobody remembers them, which makes me very sad.
There are no articles, even in newspapers, libraries, etc.
And none of the Black Veterans groups or associations replied to our appeal

Hi Again,

First - a lot people who would have remember them will have died or to old to remember or those who do remember will be very few or thin on the ground so to speak, who are still alive, genealogy repositories, archives, some associations have what they call "the Gov 100 year rules" (UK rules though more info seems to be gradually to be letting out info like the 1939 register as time goes on. ) only very limited information is let out to the general public  and most ancestry web sites don't talk about living people (Rootschat very much included ) is the main reason that some of the WW2 troops of all races and general civilian public could be still alive. You may have more luck in the USA and hence we are limited to what we can do to help you on this website in your groups quest.

 I have remember another occasion, though the father may have not been an American G I troop, though the timing is right, my brother born 1944 is 6 years older than me, one of mates same age as a teenager at school in Huddersfield in the 1960's was an half cast coloured skin as they were called them days with no racism towards him. He was just Ricky.

(Though it nothing to do with this but worth a mention, being a pensioner with a free bus [Though I have a car] travel on the local bus network for days out, traveling home many times when school kids are going home also teenage collage students and the skin colour [ Asian, White, African. Chinese] has absolutely no meaning what so ever and just all known by their first names)


World War Two / Re: Black Troops during WW2 in Britain
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 20:37 BST (UK)  »
Hi again,

Which black troops (As you call them) do you mean, members of the British troops, American troops, or Commonwealth forces troops and associated allied counties in occupation who solders managed to get to GT Britain before their counties were occupied by Hitler. (Like Polish or French troops etc)

Hello, thank you for this.
Due to the high number of people involved, we are beginning this research with African-American military and Caribbean/African forces from the Colonies. As this is an initial project, and we have no funds, except for our meagre pockets, we will have to go slowly and then progress to the Indian troops.
It highly depends on the help we have from the community, like RootsChat, maybe we will be lucky enough to have people trusting us with their stories. Everything will remain anonymous and confidential, until we have people's consent to quote them.
I am asking everybody on Roots Chat to help us, old geezers, to have people's testimonies and cases, so we can launch a website more dedicated to individuals' experiences than to history per se.
Thank you

First African (mostly descendants of African Cotton slaves) American troops have been well researched with TV documentaries made over the years, also the indigenous native Indians also served in the USA forces in WW2, even using their native language to send messages as US native Indian spearhead troops at the front of location positions of targets for the native Indian gunners to fire in the Japan pacific theatre of war and there should plenty of research out there. The racism was more in American south relating back to the USA civil war days than in England or UK and we got it more here in the 1960's.


World War Two / Re: Black Troops during WW2 in Britain
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 08:05 BST (UK)  »
I remember my mother telling me about a lady she met at the local shop, who she spoke to, her son who had very dark skin with black curly hair, telling mum she go £2 for him in WW2 and times were hard. so they did anything to make money to survive.
Anyway this leads me think there was black troops billeted in the Huddersfield area of Yorkshire England where mum lived then in 1944 ish

World War Two / Re: Black Troops during WW2 in Britain
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 22:53 BST (UK)  »
Hi again,

Which black troops (As you call them) do you mean, members of the British troops, American troops, or Commonwealth forces troops and associated allied counties in occupation who solders managed to get to GT Britain before their counties were occupied by Hitler. (Like Polish or French troops etc)

Hi, Sandra,

I think you'll get a better response posting on the Armed Forces Board, see link below

Contact a moderator to transfer your thread or start a new one on the Army forum.

John Hood mariner widower husband of wife  Elizabeth who died 1775.

If he remarried post 1775 - Scenario question 1: did he marry a widow with a son George who took John Hood's surname.

Scenario question 2: Did he marry a single woman with an illegitimate son who took John Hood's surname.

Scenario question 3: John Hood married and had his own son George (No record of only the Gateshead baptism)

These are real thing years in  happenings in (underlined)that can't be ignore  :-\

Jane Hood burial wife of John Hood mariner 1803 burial Selby ( actual factual event with no other before death info) could be mother of George

Elizabeth Leppington Hood John's first wife died 1775 Scarborough.

George Hood son of John  Baptism 1786 Gateshead  ( actual factual event with no other after life or death info)

George Hood turns up in Wren lane Copper business Selby 1812


Regarding, George Son of John Hood, baptised Gateshead 1786, this might be him in 1825.

Tyne Mercury, 15 November 1825
Charities.-The debtors of Newcastle return grateful thanks to George Hood, Esq. Sheriff, for 11.

Newcastle on Tyne area.

Maybe a first name mis-print see page 7 and page 8 in link below only Hood sheriff of Newcastle was John Lionel Hood in the 1800's



George's childhood schooling, then adolescent vocational education leading him into various businesses of a cooper, tanner and brewer trade each needing a long apprenticeship, George's ability or knowledge of running and build up a business. The only answer I can think of your George Hood was not a working skilled tradesman but a man of means by 1812 onwards buying into run down business and building them up as an administrator of the businesses.

George came from somewhere ? being educated, he needed a certain wealth to buy into businesses and that alone usually means there should be a paper trail of records by education (statute laws about education, on businesses and transfers of them or parish rules & regs of people living in them to start with ~ like taxes) behind him of his beginnings.

Doing a stint as the overseer of the poor for a time suggests he was well into the C of E parish religion.

Altogether George's life does not make sense unless he change his baptised/birth name  ???

George left his paper trail or footprint after 1812/1815 onwards in Selby ol'reight' ~~~~ lots of it.  ~ but not before ?

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