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Topics - Biggles50

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The Common Room / Our Family Archive
« on: Tuesday 22 November 22 19:08 GMT (UK)  »
I recently inherited The Box containing our Family Archive, Trinkets, Albums, Notebooks all contained in The Wooden Box.

Sadly a lot of the paper products were showing their 130 years of age and thank goodness for the Book Conservator on TV’s The Repair Shop whose techniques I used on the paper products to repair damage and to conserve each item.

Systematically I took images of each item and within Publisher I made a pair of Booklets, one on the contents of The Box and another just on the The Family Album.

Still to produce is another Booklet about the people and history this line of the family.

All products used were of conservation quality and should last well over another 100 years if my Family who will inherit the Research and Archive.

If you are lucky to inherit such a treasure trove do take care of it and store it in a dry and cool environment, certainly not in a garage or in the loft.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / A family mystery solved by DNA.
« on: Monday 21 November 22 22:48 GMT (UK)  »
I have explained about a 364cM match here, well they are not the only mystery.

A year ago a 240 cM match showed up in my match list, he is still the second highest.

His tree consisted of him and his Dad who had the forename Stanley, so not a lot to go on.

After clicking on Shared Match’s I was presented with 29 people, of whom 15 have Italian surnames.

Looking through my other DNA matches there is easily 100 others who also have Italian surnames so there is a clue there, I think!

I built a standalone tree and very soon got back to Italy and to an area South East of Rome.  The tree was expanded and a number of other DNA match’s were incorporated into the tree.

Now why the Italian connect spiked my interest was that even though we love pizza, pasta, Barollo, Opera, Renaissence Art (Honeymooned in Florence) and all things Italian I have a hole in my Family Tree. 

An unknown Great Great Grandfather.

If I fit a certain person in the 240 cM tree as my own Great Great Grandfather then the relationships with the 249cM and other match’s fit.

Ancestry’s Ethnicity has my Parental side mainly Irish and a good chunk of Italian, so that also fits.  OK its an estimate we will not get to excited about that but its another piece in the puzzle.

So meet my Great Great Grandfather, a travelling Italian Musician who ended up in Bardford living on the same street as what looks like most of his Bandmates.

PART 1 of 4 - My DNA dilemma!

I have commented on many posts by using my own DNA dilemma as an example and its probably time to explain it in detail, sorry in advance as I do ramble on a bit.

I am sharing my own methodology so that others may benefit or that someone can offer guidance to me in a problem I have been staring at for three years.  Hope all that I have written makes some sort of logical sense to you.  Its split up over multiple posts to bypass the size limit per post as I could not include all the info in one post.

A 364 cM match on my Ancestry DNA website raised concerns about a possible close relation that neither I, my late Brother nor any First Cousin knows about (1 maternal and 12 paternal).

So started what is now a three year hunt for answers.

First, a standalone Pedigree tree was built going back 200 years with the 364cM match as the home person but no apparent connection could be found.  I then expanded the tree sideways generation by generation as far as I could.

Then I started looking looking at the shared matches and built about 12 of them into the tree, but still no joy in finding a link to myself.

Entering 364 into the DNA Painter shared matches gives these results regarding the probabilities.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Common Ancestor hints.
« on: Sunday 23 October 22 11:35 BST (UK)  »
It is quite sometime ago now since my Wife and I took Ancestry’s DNA test, and as most find out you stumble around in the dark until you learn how it all works at least enough to make use of the results.

My Wife’s highest cM match initially was 100cM and mine 144cM.

The what is now the age old problems of a match with no trees, no link, a user name that gives no clue as to the ID of the match did cause frustration but once we learned how to use the available Filters we could omit these from the results displayed.

What did make a difference in successfully adding a match to our trees was the Common Ancestor feature.  First time around I was a bit sceptical as the suggested pathways seemed to be cobbled together from various Ancestry Trees, but careful working person by person in a logical manner resulted in getting the suggested pathway to the match incorporated into our trees.  Often there were errors in particular missing generations but these were overcome.

As each match is incorporated into our trees we now assign the Star to each one and additionally there are two Custom Groups that I created, mPaternal and Maternal and the appropriate Group is then given to the match.  As of today My Wife has 85* and I have 81* and out of these then about 90% are through using the Common Ancestor suggestions.  Our match’s that are now in our trees range from 240cM to 6cM with one only taking two minutes to add as their Brother was already in my tree.

So all in all a pretty good feature that has proved invaluable for us.

As you might guess there is a But coming, last night I did my weekly check to see if there was any new Common Ancestor hints and there were two for me one 11cM and one 14cM so both way back to c1750.  The 11cM was added person by person and the end results was a 5C1R.

The 14cM was nothing like the suggestion and after an hour’s work I got there but there is severe doubt over its accuracy so its flagged up in the assignable Note against the match to recheck in a couple of days.

How successful have you been with using the Common Ancestor hints?

The Common Room / Ancestry discount
« on: Sunday 23 October 22 11:00 BST (UK)  »
I renewed our Worldwide subs for £89.99 in June and today their is a splash banner that have the same offer, with £59.99 for UK.

Can some of you please check the link to see what you get?

I started this thread in the hope that members see and can make use of this offer.

What Ancestry presents to people viewing does seem to vary which is why I am asking the question of what you see as it msy well be totally different.

I have had a PM saying they cannot post to this thread and only see the UK offer so I attach a cropped image of my screen

The Common Room / GRO Birth years 1935 to 1983
« on: Friday 12 August 22 14:48 BST (UK)  »
Tried to search GRO and found the Birth records for 1935 to 1983 do not seem available to search.

Anyone know why?

The Common Room / Nowt so strange as folk
« on: Monday 08 August 22 14:31 BST (UK)  »
Paternal Grandad was one of five, one brother and three sisters, all born in Bradford.

His brother had two daughters and they emigrated to Canada and where he died young.

The eldest sister married and had three boys all of whom when on to have very good jobs and two were headmasters.

The middle sister married late and had no children.

The youngest sister Valerie, never married.

Grandad was the youngest and had two daughters and he also died young.

Grandma and her children then moved to a seaside town

One of her children my mother married young and had my brother shortly after she married and they all lived with Grandma, even after I came along we still all lived in the small semi.

Valerie lived in the semi next to Grandma and her family.

When Valerie died in 1946 she left everything to her three male nephews, enough to easily buy each of them four houses.

So why did her nieces, who all had far less cash behind them receive nothing?

I have always wondered.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Ancestry DNA update
« on: Tuesday 02 August 22 11:24 BST (UK)  »
I had a splash banner show up this morning advising that a DNA update was coming soon.

8 new ethnicity regions.

The mind boggles at what there could possibly be different from the many permutations that there have been since we had our DNA tested.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / The My Heritage results are in.
« on: Monday 20 June 22 16:00 BST (UK)  »
Two mysteries aka brick walls.

1) high number of Italian Cousins, with the highest being an Ancestry DNA 240cM match.

2) an Ancestry DNA match of 364cM of Irish descent on one side of their family to which another 10 DNA matches are linked to this particular Irish family.

I have been in contact with a Cousin of the 364cM match as per 2) and the My Heritage DNA result show us as sharing 117cM which is a wee bit below what I expected.

Now in the My Heritage matches there is a 199cM match with a tree of three.  So I built a tree on them and found that this match’s Great Grandmother was the daughter of who I believe to be my own Great Great Grandfather and this satisfies 1) criteria.  Another branch is now in my tree to this match and a message has been sent to him, fingers cross for a reply.

Interestingly the My Heritage DNA Estimate of Ethnicity is a little different from Ancestry’s so I will put that down to the lies, damn lies and statistics saying that was all the rage years ago.

So I now have a whole batch of new and familiar DNA matches on My Heritage to work though, interesting times ahead.

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