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Topics - buckyb

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Other Countries / Antigua Court Marshall
« on: Tuesday 19 June 18 01:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi All

I am researching a John Thompson who was transported to NSW Australia as a convict on the "Lord Sidmouth" which sailed from London on 20 September 1818.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment by an Antigua Court Marshall.

Can anyone help or point me in the right direction as to how I can find out any details of the Court Marshall. As he sailed from London I guess he was imprisoned in the UK after the Court Marshall.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Missing ship
« on: Monday 18 June 18 05:11 BST (UK)  »
Hi All
Attached is an entry for John Thompson in the NSW Gaol Description and Entrance Books for Newcastle Gaol 1832-1833 showing arrival as Australian convict in 1816 on L Symmont.
problem is there doesn't seem to be such a ship.

The ship is not clear on the entry and is hard to decipher. Any clues to how it reads.


Australia / Bathurst Female Factory
« on: Thursday 05 October 17 05:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi All

Can anyone tell me if there is a data base or list of babies born in the Bathurst Female Factory.

Also is there a data base or list of females who went through the factory?

Many Thanks

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / GEDmatch comparisons
« on: Tuesday 14 February 17 02:32 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to get my head around dna comparisons.

My question is this:
I did a Gedmatch Autosomal Comparison between two close cousins,  the comparison results show a match at Chr 21 as, start 9,849,404 end 31,833,963 at 34.5 cM.
A comparison between myself and one of the cousins shows a match of, start 9,849,404 end 15,177,413 at 5.2 cM. However a comparison with the other cousin shows start 13,758,260 end 14,708,142 at 3.4 cM.
If the match comparison between the two cousins shows 9,849,404-31,833,963, why doesn't my comparison show a start point of 9,849,404 for each?
Any help with the above question would be most appreciated, likewise would be any comments on the chances of a dna match. The paper trail suggests a link at 2nd Great Grandfather level.
Many Thanks

Australia / Pub Licence
« on: Friday 04 March 16 23:00 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Everyone

Does anybody know if there was an age restriction on the issue of NSW publican licences in the 1840s?


Europe / HAMBRO' meaning
« on: Tuesday 01 March 16 01:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All
I am researching two of my ancestors who came to Australia from Leipzig, Germany.

I have found an entry in Trove from the Melbourne Argus 29 November 1854 which reads in part "Mr and Mrs Eckhardt, formerly of Hambro', Leipsic, and Adelaide".

Hambro' has many mentions in Trove in Articles on Shipping and Imports. I think it maybe an abbreviation for Hamberg Boroughs. I wonder if anyone can confirm this or knows the meaning?

Many Thanks

Australia / HAMBRO' meaning
« on: Monday 29 February 16 03:45 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All
I am researching two of my ancestors who came to Australia from Leipzig, Germany.

I have found an entry in Trove from the Melbourne Argus 29 November 1854 which reads in part "Mr and Mrs Eckhardt, formerly of Hambro', Leipsic, and Adelaide".

Hambro' has many mentions in Trove in Articles on Shipping and Imports. I think it maybe an abbreviation for Hamberg Boroughs. I wonder if anyone can confirm this or knows the meaning?

Many Thanks

Australia / Shipping to Australia
« on: Thursday 16 July 15 05:44 BST (UK)  »
Hi all
I wonder if anyone can help me on this? I am trying to find details of a ship the "Governor General" which arrived in Melbourne in June 1864. Internet seems short on detail and I would like to know from what Port it sailed to Australia from.

Australia / Tanko, Tancho, Tinko or Tang Ko
« on: Monday 02 April 12 07:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,
 I am trying to confirm what ship my GGGP James Tanko arrived in Australia from Amoy China.
On his naturalisation certificate he claimed to have arrived in 1849 but did not know the name of the boat. The nearest ship arriving at that date was the Nimrod which arrived in Port Jackson and then went on to Morton Bay arriving there in December 1848.

Maxine Darnell in her paper on Indentured Chinese Labourers has a Tinko arriving on the Nimrod, he worked with Murray-Prior on properties on the Logan River and at Hawkwood Qld. She has also listed a Tang Ko working on Ollera Station, NSW,  the ship she attributed to him was based on the first entries found on Tang Ko in 1852.
To further complicate the situation James Tanko on his marriage certificate and the birth certificates of his first children, his name was recorded as Tancho. A Tancho arrived on the Royal Saxon in Port Phillip Bay in January 1853.

Obviously when he arrived he would not have been able to spell his name in English so the records would be recorded phonetically.

What I am hoping to do is eliminate or confirm Tinko, Tancho and Tang Ko. So I am asking that if anyone has those names in their family history or knows anything of them they might be good enough let me know.

Thanks Buckyb

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