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Topics - Alan of Kaslo

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / 1820 family gravestone
« on: Friday 10 May 24 23:14 BST (UK)  »

I was hoping to clean up this photo of a family grave in Berwickshire. Thanks in advance for any help.

I can read some of the words but not many. Here is what the transcription is listed as:


ROBERT MIDDLEMIST who died 23rd December 1796 aged 40 years. White wright at Sinclairshill 2 of his children d. in inf. dau. MARGET their daughter July 1810 aged 18 years. ELSPETH TAIT his wife at Parth 1820 aged 67 yrs.

Besides making the picture legible , I was also wondering if anyone could speak to the "white wright" part... is that  mistranslated?

Here's the graveyard website it came from:

Here is a link to the picture. I had troubles attaching it as it said it was too large of a file.



I had some really good luck getting my DNA done. First thing I found was a very close relative that turned out to be a first cousin. Turns out our mothers were sisters and the lifelong mystery of who was her father was solved. That opened up a big part of my mother's family tree which was nice.

On my father's side ... the man on his mother's birth certificate had actually been dead 10 years before her birth. Her real father was another complete mystery. Nothing really popped out on the DNA match screen the way it had on my mother's side.

My 2nd cousin ... the son of my my father's sister's daughter ... took the same type ancestry DNA test. I see him top of the list as a match. I use him to compare to potential matches that I have.

Here's my question. I noticed at a certain point if you go back he will not show up as co-related to people who are related on my father's side. I believe it takes going back 7 generations and then this cousin does not show up in my thru-lines.

I found what a bunch of clues that seem to point to an individual on the DNA match screen being a relative of the man who fathered my grandmother. But ... my cousin does not show as DNA-related to this person. I count the generations between this person and the potential parent and it's 4 (after him the potential parent is the 4th).

I'm wondering if the 4 generations plus the fact that i'm comparing to my father's sister's grandchild would have a water-down effect? Making it so he might not show up as co-related.

Sorry for explaining it so bad.

Any help greatly appreciated!


Ayrshire / John Kerr born 1748 Ayr son of David Kerr...but which one!?
« on: Thursday 09 November 23 05:36 GMT (UK)  »

I have a confusing situation with a great grandfather who was born in Ayr. His name is John Kerr and he was born in 1748. I found his family grave that confirmed he was born in 1748.


    In Memory of Her Husband
    Who Died the 16th March 1825
    Aged 77 Years
    The Above AGNES ADAM Died
    The 18th January 1837 Aged 84 Years
    AGNES KELLY Died 1847
    of DAVID KERR Died 1849
    JANET KERR Died 1855
    DAVID KERR Died 1861

I researched the above John Kerr born 1748 Ayr and I discovered that there were two.

30 / 279
30 / 281

So now we have two John Kerr , 2 David Kerr and both mothers are named Gillespie! I double-checked and the two mothers are different people. In fact they both had children (of different names) on the same year a couple of times.

I purchased most of the documents to search for clues. What I'm trying to figure out is which couple is the correct parents of John Kerr that married Agnes Adam?

KERR   DAVID   ANNA GILLESPIE/FR2130 (FR2130)   23/04/1745   578   70 / 185   Ayr
KERR   DAVID   JANE GILLESPIE/FR2138 (FR2138)   02/12/1747   578   70 / 193   Ayr

Children of Ann/Anna and David:
Margarit 1746
John   1748
Agnes 1750
William 1751
Ann 1753
David 1760

Children of Jane and David
Margarit 1750
John  09/10/1748

There's a good chance that the two davids are related somehow. I was wondering if someone could have a look at this and these documents and help me figure out which John Kerr from 1748 marries Agnes Adam.

I'm fine with knowing that my grandparents are1748 David Kerr and one-of-two Gillespies ... I was just wondering if I might have missed a clue in the docs that might have helped. Any help figuring out whether it's Ann Gillespie or Jane that is my grandmother is greatly appreciated.

Attached:  KERR   JOHN   DAVID KERR/JANE GILLESPIE FR300 (FR300)   M   09/10/1748   578   30 / 281   Ayr

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Location name on 1694 map needed. Thanks.
« on: Tuesday 05 September 23 01:07 BST (UK)  »

I was wondering if someone could help decipher an Aberdeenshire location name from the attached 1694 document snip. It says Alexander Joss in _____ ?

Record is for Monquhitter...

Thanks a lot.



I am trying to decipher the location of Alexander Joss in this very hard to read document from 1732. Any help greatly appreciated.

The record is for Banffshire

As always, thanks in advance.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Name on wedding doc help please.
« on: Monday 30 January 23 08:05 GMT (UK)  »
Hello, originally I posted the same signature interested in what the surname was... it turns out it's a variation of McINERNEY/McENERNEY. Anyhow , I had assumed the first name was Alice and that there was a misplaced blob of ink toward the end.

Then I saw a later wedding with this same woman as a witness. The blob was there in her own hand-writing...

I was wondering if anyone could help decipher this first name. Thanks in advance.

Attached: clip with her full name from 1852 doc that mentions her


I made this thread to collect and share information about John Robinson , weaver of Tullyraine who married Rose McCann on October 10th 1851 (clip attached). This couple had my grandmother Sarah on April 31 1854.   

Sarah's birth

Here's Sarah's wedding that mentions John Robinson

Things known about John Robinson:

-married Rose McCann 1851
-was a weaver from Tullyraine
-lived at Clare / Coose at some point
-had children Edward 1852 , Sarah 1854 , Mary 1857, Thomas 1859

Things unknown about John Robinson :

-date/location of birth
-death date/cert

For some time I have been running under the assumption that this is Rose McCann's death cert:

Same doc from my drive:

That would make Rose McCann born about 1831... a few years before the records start in 1833. That led me to look for possible siblings. With Gadget's help in the translation section we found a likely sister for Rose named Mary Ann.

She appears as a sponsor for the birth of Sarah Robinson 1854.

Then Mary Ann marries John Conlon 1855 ande: the sponsors are John & Rose Robinson.

Mary Anne   McCANN   .   Tullylish & Seapatrick   married John Conlon of Ballylough 21 Feb 1855 at a Tullylish Catholic Church ; mother of Sarah bpt. 11 Feb 1857 at a Tullylish Catholic Church & Joseph b. 1873 (regd. Banbridge)

Feeling good about Mary Ann being a sibling of Rose. I didn't see Mary Ann in the Tullylish records that start in 1833 but there is a Mary Jane born in 1833 to a John and Mary McCann. I already wrote about it in the translation section... I made this thread here so I wouldn't have to disturb the fine folks at translation.

link here:

I don't know if Mary Ann and Mary Jane 1833 are the same person. I could only find a handful of McCann births in Tullylish between 1833 and 1844. Most were by this couple:

McCANN   .   Seapatrick   husband of Mary Trousdel ; father of George bpt. 10 Apr 1843 at a Tullylish & Banbridge Catholic Church (2 entries)

Again, I don't know if any of the children of John and Mary McCann are siblings of Rose and Mary Ann. I was hoping to find some clues to possibly link the sisters to John and Mary (or other parents).

Any comments or information would be greatly appreciated. Finding John and Rose's parents would be great but i' also interested in any info I can find along the way.

Thanks in advance.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Need help with 1841 document surname
« on: Tuesday 24 January 23 22:12 GMT (UK)  »
Hello. Attached is a baptism entry from 1841 in Tullylish. It is for a Samuel born to a John McCann.

I am trying to decipher the mother Mary's last name that appears to be a_ _ esdale or similar, maybe?

Thanks in advance to anyone who has the time to help.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Signature help needed on a 1846 doc
« on: Saturday 07 January 23 21:19 GMT (UK)  »
Greetings. I was hoping one of you kind souls could decipher the last name on this document. It comes from Tullylish Ireland.

Thanks in Advance.

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