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Topics - Kerrill

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 27
The Common Room / Trying to find wedding cert
« on: Wednesday 22 May 24 08:34 BST (UK)  »
I have been trying to find a wedding cert for a Patrick Mitchell, I do have one of his certs but it says he was a widower and his bride a widow so I am assuming they were married previously. Please see attached..........

Mayo / Help finding a birth or babtism cert
« on: Sunday 07 April 24 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi,  I have been searching for a Patrick  Horkan born around 1880ish, I have him on the 1911 census living in Mayo Strade Grallagh with his family . His dad is shown to be David but no mother.
Any help would be great. 

The Common Room / Ancestry unviewed
« on: Tuesday 26 March 24 08:39 GMT (UK)  »
Is anyone else having the same problem as me, when I log on to Ancestry and go to Dna matches then click on unviewed there is nothing .

The Common Room / Ancestry common Matches
« on: Tuesday 06 February 24 16:05 GMT (UK)  »
I dont know if this has happened to anyone else but the unviewed matches is blank on my Ancestry Dna ?    have I done something wrong as all my siblings seems to have them.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / lost sample number
« on: Monday 08 January 24 19:53 GMT (UK)  »
     last year I bought a Ancestry Dna test kit for a friend and wrote the number down on a piece of paper but have now found that I have lost it, my friend has got in touch with me and says he has sent his sample off but never recorded the number and now he cant activate it without the number .
                                                       Any ideas will be most welcome

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Tree from Dna
« on: Friday 05 January 24 22:18 GMT (UK)  »
      would love get anyones view on this, a lady from Australia has been in touch with me on Ancestry who is a distant Dna match but unfortunatly the only info she has is a marriage cert (1862) with no info of other names but the two getting married and two witnesses along with the passenger list from when they left Ireland to go to Australia,  would it be possible for her to make a tree with such scant information ? 

The Common Room / Townland location on gravestone.
« on: Thursday 21 December 23 14:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi after searching on line Google plus others I am no nearer finding this place, I know it could be a misspell by the stone mason but would really appreciate any ideas.  The graveyard is close to Mountbellew, have tried to upload the photo but if I make it any smaller you can not read the inscription so the writing says Cunnoade ..

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Discharge form
« on: Thursday 21 December 23 12:56 GMT (UK)  »
      could some kind person please decipher the writing on this form as it would mean a lot to me.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Roscrea Birth
« on: Monday 06 November 23 10:43 GMT (UK)  »
Could not find this place where father was living on the map, could it be a miss spell or am I reading it wrong...........

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