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Topics - ranaridibunda

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Dorset / John RIDOUT of Acreman Street, Sherborne
« on: Tuesday 12 February 13 13:26 GMT (UK)  »
Dear All

For years I have been searching for my x4 great grandfather (see: I know him as John RIDOUT, born in ~1753, probably in Sherborne. He married Susanna SHORE in 1781 in Sherborne Abbey; both were buried in Sherborne Abbey - Susanna in 1817 and John 1827. Their children were also baptised in the Abbey. It is reasonable, I think, to assume that the family lived in Sherborne town, not in an outlying village.

My problem has always been to find any mention of John & Susanna in any Dorset records. But I have found a possible candidate for John which has me all fired up. There are two mentions of what might be 'my' John RIDOUT: Militia List (1798) for Westbury tithing in Sherborne and Land Tax records (1780 & 1782) for the tithing of Nethercombe in Sherborne.

I cannot find a map of the historic tithings of Sherborne but I believe that Nethercombe and Westbury are both situated to the left side of the town and may be adjoining. I am excited about this because other members of this family lived in Primsley, Hyle and West Mill. In the 1677 Sherborne Manor Survey, I found reference to a John RIDOUT 'of Combe', aged 45 and son William (18) and I believe another son John (20) 'of Acreman Street', which I think runs through both Nethercombe and Westbury? Their ages match known RIDOUT research subjects and this could be the same family - the three men were sharing the lease of 'Banwell's tenement' in Nether Combe.

Please can anyone point me to the source of an old map showing Westbury, Nethercombe and, if I'm lucky some labelling of properties and/or land. I live in Wales but would travel to see such a map if it existed :-)  Failing that, can anyone please help from personal knowledge of the area?

Karen Francis

Lancashire Lookup Requests / FRANCIS in 1930s street directories for Liverpool
« on: Tuesday 22 January 13 14:29 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Listers

I am new on this board and have very recently started looking at the 'other' side of my family history i.e. my Dad's lot. My father was born 1922 in West Derby but told me that as a child he lived not far from the infamous Mr Wallace (Wolverton Street, Anfield) which may or may not be true.

I live in South Wales and have no access to Liverpool street directories; neither do there appear to be any online for the period in which I am interested, the 1920s and 30s. Please could anyone look for me? My grandfather was Arnold Gordon FRANCIS and he was a Customs & Excise man. In the late thirties the family were in Great Crosby but I don't know when they moved. Any help would be most gratefully (and excitedly) received. Thank you.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Photo for dating please (OLLIS, FRY)
« on: Friday 21 October 11 12:41 BST (UK)  »
Dear All.... This is a photo taken outside a pub in Bath which was in business from at least as early as the 1840s until 1955.  The man in the centre of this group, with the angled apron, I am told, is a carpenter called Mr FRY who had a business nearby (the only one I could find on the census had been born in 1847 but this may not be him) - I imagine the other men are probably some of his workforce. The pub landlord is possibly the man on the left, holding two trophies. I am hoping he is a member of my family, two of whom (father and son) had the pub between the 1860s and 1889 or thereabouts.

Unhelpfully, this is a copy of a copy so I have no useful information about the original such as size, material or photographers - sorry!

Any suggestions most gratefully received.... many thanks!

Regards, Karen

Dorset / RIDOUT of Sherborne
« on: Friday 23 September 11 13:13 BST (UK)  »
Dear Dorset folk.... after a very long absence 'on the boards', I just wanted to post a link to my blog/website which is about the RIDOUT family of Sherborne (and later, Bath) but mentions other names too, of course.  My clan goes back at least as far as the mid 16th century and lived in Sherborne or the surrounding area, as far as I can see, for all that time. There is fair mention of Sherborne's West Mill.

The earliest known ancestor, William Ridout, was a yeoman but there were also millers, bakers, shoemakers, blacksmiths and all the folk you'd expect to find in this lovely Dorset town. If anyone is interested in having a look the link is: Please feel free to drop in and help yourself - always looking for new contacts, both in the UK, the US and Canada.

Kind Regards

Somerset / Advice sought re Somerset registrar offices please
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 23:30 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lister

Please can someone advise me, excusing my ignorance in so doing :-)

Most of my immediate family, at least for a couple of generations, were born, married and died in Bath. I have obtained all their BMD certificates from the registrar in Bath and hence had copies of originals (with signatures for marriages). If you apply to the GRO obviously you have a typed or handwritten copy but not of the original. I want now to get a local registrar's marriage certificate and am not sure to where I should apply. The marriage in question was registered (according to the GRO) in the first quarter of 1860 at Wincanton between Robert John BEATON and Sylvina (or Selvina or Sylvina) Smith GREGORY.  As I said, I know I am showing my ignorance - can someone advise?  Thank you for reading this.


Dorset Lookup Requests / Dorset RO request
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 20:32 BST (UK)  »
Dear Lister

If someone goes to Dorset Record Office at some point would it be possible for that person to make a digital scan or photograph of the following  marriage entry please?

John GREGORY and Dinah INGS or INGGS married after banns in Bryanston 7th November 1811. The witnesses were Samuel ?VANNER and Jean COFFIN. John was from Tarrant Hinton and she was OTP.

I am pretty sure that I have these details correct but I want a copy of the original record. I am happy to defray any expenses incurred and would be most grateful. Many thanks for reading this.

Regards, Karen

Gloucestershire Lookup Requests / Bristol RO request please
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 20:22 BST (UK)  »
Dear Lister

If someone goes to Bristol Record Office at some point would it be at all possible to take a scan or photograph of the following marriage entry please:

St Philip and St Jacob. 4th September 1787. Joseph SOMERTON and Martha CLARK.

These are one of my x4 great grandparents and I am sure of the date but would like a copy of the parish record entry. I would be most happy to defray any expense incurred in order to obtain this record :-)  Many thanks for reading.


Gloucestershire Lookup Requests / Seeking a baptism for Henry OLLIS
« on: Tuesday 21 July 09 15:17 BST (UK)  »
Hi Chatterers

Please could someone kindly look up a baptism if the resource exists please? One of my x3 great grandfathers was Henry OLLIS. I believe he was born in about 1847. I think that Henry might have been the son of Job and Caroline OLLIS. In 1871 this family were living in Bath at a pub called the White Horse. Job was a beer seller and brewer. He was born in Keynsham and his wife Caroline was born in Warmley, Gloucestershire. In the 1911 census, Henry also describes himself as having been born in Warmley. Hence I am hoping that someone could find his baptism, possibly in Warmley PRs :-) Many thanks for reading thus far!


Dear Listers

Samuel RIDOUT was married in St Marylebone church 7th July 1824.
Son (1) William was born 30th Apr 1825 and baptised 7th Jun 1825 in St Marylebone church.
Son (3) Alfred was born in Marylebone 10th Apr 1831.
The 1831 census records 'Ridout' living in Brown Street, Marylebone.
Robson's London directory 1833 shows Samuel Ridout, cheesesmonger at 22 Brown Street, Marylebone.
Daughter Alice was born 26th Dec 1834 in St George's Westminster.
Alfred and Alice were baptised together in West Street Independent, Dorking, Surrey on 5th Jul 1837.
In 1841 the family were in Guildford Surrey.

Son (2) George Ridout was, according to censuses from 1851 onwards recorded as having been born in Marylebone and all records point to the year of his birth as 1828.

Given the above information, I thought it reasonable to suppose that George might have been baptised in Marylebone, like William, since the family appear not to have moved away from the area until about 1834. I do not know when the family turned to non-conformist practice other than saying it could have been after 1825 Please could anyone locate George's birth/baptism in ~1828 in the Marylebone area? I would be most grateful for any information or hints. He is not recorded with his siblings at West Street Independent as far as the IGI shows.  Many thanks :-)


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