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Messages - stoney

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The Common Room / Re: "Who Do You Think You Are", Series 14: #10 Ruby Wax
« on: Saturday 16 September 17 19:28 BST (UK)  »
I'm glad you guys here have cleared this up - I just sat down to watch the Ruby Wax episode, as I have WDYTYA on series-record via my Sky box, only to find it wasn't recorded. :-/

Oh well, I thought, I'll catch it on iPlayer - only to find that the latest available episode was last week's Lisa Hammond. :-(

I do wish the Beeb would stick to their plans of showing a series instead of this ad hoc arrangement - I can't imagine they'd do the same with Eastenders as the viewers would be flooding the switchboard with angry calls.

Hopefully my Skybox will pick up the errant episode when/if it is shown.

Ho (and indeed) hum!  :-/


The Common Room / Re: Convict transportation lists?
« on: Tuesday 01 August 17 22:15 BST (UK)  »
Cando - thank you so much for this information! What a sad end for both of them. Archibald had left a wife and ten children to travel to the other side of the world, presumably to try his luck in the gold rush - he must have been pretty desperate to go to such lengths.

This finally helps to understand why he disappeared from UK records and draws a line under things.

(Thank you for all your time and help with this, and I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier - unfortunately I've been preoccupied with sorting out an elderly relative who was taken into hospital this last week and also helping care for my brother who has advanced Alzheimers, so I'm afraid Rootschat has had to take a backseat for me. Thanks again for all your help!)


The Common Room / Re: Convict transportation lists?
« on: Monday 24 July 17 20:20 BST (UK)  »
I'm sure you will get good information from both boards Stoney.

It is admirable that you wish to search for yourself  :)

But why not just tell us a bit about the person you are looking for - name, dob, parents - and we will all help and see what we can find.


OK - here you go:

Archibald Meyers/Myers/Meyre (different spellings on different documents but all the same individual) - last record in the UK was 1851 census for Wetheral, Cumberland, aged 36, born Scotland. Wife Margaret (Bulman) with 9 children. I found a record of a further child born 1853. His wife remarried in 1857 and I was unable to trace any further details of what had happened to Archibald until a kind RC'er spotted this in a 1855 edition of the Carlisle Patriot:

"Carlisle Patriot July 28 1855
On the 15th December 1854 Mr Hugh Hart, at Castlemaine, Australia, late of Garden Street, London Road, aged 55 years: Same day and place, Archibald Myers, nephew of the above."

(I've previously tried to find out more  - see: but that was a good few years ago, a recent enquiry from one of my family members prompted me to try and pick up the search again)

Hugh Hart is mentioned as Archibald's Uncle - but until this point I've not heard any other connection with this person!? So I'm trying to figure out where he fits in.

It would seem they both went out to Australia lured by the gold rush. It must have been quite a desperate thing to up-sticks and leave a wife and 10 children behind - that's why I also wondered if he'd been sent as a convict. Another RC'er had searched passenger lists and at that time could only trace Hugh Hart, but today I see there's confirmation they both arrived in Victoria on the same ship (Thank you, Dundee!!)

I'm very grateful for the generosity and experience of others here and it would be good to resolve this once and for all - if that's at all possible!  I'm glad that he might at last have been found, even if he died so far from home.

Many thanks to all of you!


The Common Room / Re: Convict transportation lists?
« on: Monday 24 July 17 09:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi stoney,
As your request seems to be about Australian history and resources, why have you posted in Common Room?
Would it not be seen by more 'local eyes' on the Australian board.

To save us reading through all your threads, could you link the one which relates to this particular query?
Is it the man HART, or MEYER?


"If you can't think of what category, country or county your message should come under, then perhaps you could put your message here!"

That's why I put it here - I was just asking for advice about where to look: e.g. Transportation lists FROM Britain, or Convict arrivals IN Australia. So, where would you suggest - UK pages or Australia?


The Common Room / Re: Convict transportation lists?
« on: Sunday 23 July 17 20:36 BST (UK)  »
This any good? FindMyPast and Ancestry also have some - just Google "Convict lists Australia" or similar

Thanks, groom - but no luck here  :(

I will try on Ancestry next time I'm in the library. 

Sooner or later this brick wall has to fall.........doesn't it?   ;)


The Common Room / Convict transportation lists?
« on: Sunday 23 July 17 19:32 BST (UK)  »
I've returned to one of my 'brick walls' and am still trying to trace an errant relative in my family tree who, thanks to information from a helpful member of RC a while back, apparently ended up dying in Australia, hence no death certificate to be found in British BMD's. There was belated notice posted in his home town newspaper in Carlisle indicating his death and that of another relative on the same day in Castlemaine.

Another RC'er has found mention of what may be the other relative on an ordinary passenger list leaving Britain for Australia, but there's no entry for my 'man of mystery'!

I assumed they'd gone out to join the gold rush but I'm seriously clutching at straws now and wondering if he was sentenced to transportation - are there any lists he'd appear on? (and where would I begin to look?)

Any help or advice greatly received!  ;)


Sorry to be so late in responding (have been out of the country and dealing with family issues!)

The picture is no longer in my possession so I can't re-scan it on a higher resolution  :(

Thank you all for trying, it is much appreciated!  Knowing my Grandmother, it's probably nothing to do with the picture at all!  ;D

Thanks, all, anyway.


Roxburghshire / Re: Beattie family in Hawick
« on: Wednesday 05 July 17 14:47 BST (UK)  »
Good morning Stoney,
Thank you for your reply.   Have a great time in Norway!   No rush for reply, just when you have a moment, but certainly sounds as if you have some interesting info there!
All the best,

Sorry for the late reply - have sent you a PM  ;)


Roxburghshire / Re: Beattie family in Hawick
« on: Wednesday 05 July 17 14:29 BST (UK)  »
Hi Stoney

Have just read your post(which was posted a while ago) but I am decended from Charlotte, she was my Great grandmother.

Its been a long time since I have looked into my family tree and was only having a little boggle and found your post.

I did have a copy of the tree years ago but has been lost when moving would it be possible to get a copy from you.


Sorry - have only just been made aware of your comment. Am away in Norway but due back later next week so will try and contact you then!

Regards, Stoney

Admin: I have tried to leave a PM with my contact details for Charlotte but it says her inbox is full?
Not sure how to proceed with this, can you help, please?

Many Thanks, Stoney

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