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Messages - Shropshire Lass

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 161
The Common Room / Re: Late registration?
« on: Saturday 01 July 23 19:00 BST (UK)  »
When my ancestors were late registering the birth of a child, they just gave a false date of birth so that they didn't have to pay a fine.

Mayo / Re: Are copies of Wills available?
« on: Saturday 28 January 23 21:45 GMT (UK)  »
I've found the man I was looking for and I m really glad I asked for help in finding this information. The man, Joseph Prossor left £240. It also stated that he was manager which has confirmed what I thought - he was the manager of the Castlebar bacon factory. I've always thought that he would have left a lot more than that so seeing the will has brought me down to earth!

Am I wrong in thinking that £240 was actually a lot of money in the 1920s?

The Common Room / Re: Servants and illegitimacy
« on: Friday 27 May 22 21:45 BST (UK)  »
While looking for a Welsh ancestor's baptism, I found an entry for an illegitimate child where the vicar had added that the mother assured him that the father was the Duke of Aberystwyth!  Poor woman was obviously spun a yarn in order for the man to get his way with her.

The Common Room / Re: Deed Poll & Death
« on: Monday 23 May 22 18:32 BST (UK)  »
Other than in wartime, a deed poll would only appear in the gazette if the person chose to have it "enrolled" through the High Court, which has always been optional and an extra cost, and therefore most people don't bother.

I've done a Deed Poll to change my name - I won't have it enrolled because my husband would have to fill in a form giving me permission to do so!

Warwickshire / Re: Birthplace Census records
« on: Thursday 07 April 22 19:09 BST (UK)  »
I've got relatives who give a different birthplace on each census.  :(

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: DNA Puzzle
« on: Thursday 31 March 22 18:48 BST (UK)  »
Apart from First Nation peoples, there isn't an 'American' dna.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Half-Brothers
« on: Wednesday 10 November 21 18:03 GMT (UK)  »
Your mention of a father and grandparents and “Mom” gives the impression that you are quite young and living in the USA

Or living around Birmingham where Mom is commonly used.

Australia / Re: Accuracy of Ancestry DNA tests
« on: Sunday 12 September 21 16:34 BST (UK)  »
I have received the results of my Ancestry DNA test and I am somewhat surprised.  Mainly the countries are correct although my 3xgreat grandmother, an Irish convict, never got a mention.   The test also showed 24% Scotland.   

Is it possible that your 3xG-grandmother had Scottish origins?

The Common Room / Re: Am I particularly stupid or have others made this sort of mistake?
« on: Thursday 02 September 21 15:40 BST (UK)  »
I was sending off for a living family member's birth certificate and couldn't find them on the GRO - took me ages to realise that I'd entered their birth year as 1886 and not 1986 - so used to using the nineteenth century dates!

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