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Messages - Mowsehowse

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 332
Europe Resources & Offers / Re: Old newspapers
« on: Monday 08 April 24 14:48 BST (UK)  »
I am feeling a bit stupid Maddy, but how do we bookmark?  :-\

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 14th April 2024
« on: Monday 08 April 24 14:17 BST (UK)  »
Yes LM the weather is shocking.
It looks like Mme Kathleen has gone off in a huff.  Puff?
But apparently an equally grumpy Mme Lillian will be arriving very soon!
I must say I am fed up of it, and to be told we will probably still need hosepipe bans is the icing on the cake!!
Apparently it is blistering hot in Cumbria. Lucky them.

Your unfathomable game situation sounds fascinating RTL. Hope you get it sorted very soon.
If I get anymore invitations to give my talk, I will let you know. :D

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 14th April 2024
« on: Monday 08 April 24 13:21 BST (UK)  »
Hello.  It's been a long time since I looked in, and it is good to see everyone still chatting away.

I have spent the morning entertaining the Paignton Ladies Group with my "Day in the life of a Tudor Ladies Maid" talk.

It was fun to do, and seems to have been well received.

The weather down here has been absolutely shocking again; the rain hammering down earlier. 
I am so glad I don't have to slosh around in long skirts very often!

Australia Lookups completed / Re: Ship Passenger list look up
« on: Wednesday 28 February 24 16:58 GMT (UK)  »
I have an interest in Johan Michael MAUCH + half brother Johannes and their families, who sailed from Hamburg on the Johan Cesar in 1855, arriving at Moreton Bay in Feb 1856.

I would like to know if there is any reliable information about how these emigres were "processed" and dispatched to a work place?

The Common Room / Re: German emigres to USA.
« on: Thursday 08 February 24 20:39 GMT (UK)  »
Wow!! That's astonishing YoungTug....
Shall start searching now.

The Common Room / Re: German emigres to USA.
« on: Thursday 08 February 24 19:20 GMT (UK)  »
Good point Erato....
So far I have only found him as a labourer in a paper mill, but I need to check every census with that in  mind.

The Common Room / Re: German emigres to USA.
« on: Thursday 08 February 24 19:17 GMT (UK)  »
You mentioned that the ship was carrying other Germans. Is it recorded where in Germany they were from. Did the voyage have a ‘catchment area’.
Yes I think so.  The page I looked at seemed to be around 12 from Wurttemberg and another dozen from Baden.... evidently before the two joined under one "leadership".

The Common Room / Re: German emigres to USA.
« on: Thursday 08 February 24 17:20 GMT (UK)  »
As in my original post,
"I guess they may reached the coast from Paris by boat along the Seine.... But how might they have reached that point? "

I have considered the previous suggestions, and rejected most of them for the reasons as posted.
Thanks for this lively debate, I wonder if we shall reach a conclusion.... I suspect trains look the most likely.

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