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Messages - Leith Lass

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London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 17:21 GMT (UK)  »
It looks like Fordham. Thank you again

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 17:19 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you x

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 16:27 GMT (UK)  »
Yes - I saw that record thank you.  Have now started a family tree with the two Robert's to see if there is a common family link somewhere. They could be cousins.

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 16:19 GMT (UK)  »
Are you a ble to send me a link t the 1871 census for Hargreave Square as I am unable to find it. Thank you

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 16:18 GMT (UK)  »
No I haven't purchased a birth cert for Sarah as I have gone down so many routes and so many Sarah's. I don't even know if this is the right one.

Would the cert really tell me anything more than the GRO.

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 16:06 GMT (UK)  »
I know its been a nightmare.

As previously mentioned in 1861 I think it was Robert and Eliza [Schofield] living at 13 Hargrave Square. I don't think this is Sarah's family Robert and Eliza as her mother was [Kilbey].

I did find a brother for Sarah called Frederick he was born in 1852 but I am unable to find them with their parents in any 1861 census. 1871 is different as they will be a lot older and they probably flew the nest by then. So 1861 is quite crucial.

I think Sarah has been a pretty astute woman and she has led a merry dance all her life to the end. She is probably looking down on me laughing.

Still I wont give up.  Thank you once again for all your assistance. x

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 14:13 GMT (UK)  »
Can I say that the address of 13 Hargrave Square where Eliza and Robert lived with their children in 1861 was the address where Sarah Ann gave birth to her daughter Alice in 1872. That's why I keep coming back to Hargrave Square as a family connection but unable to link it so far.

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 12:56 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Again
Thank you for posting the evidence for Sarah's birth and sorry to go on even more with this story.

I can appreciate your saying to locate a marriage certificate but it has not been easy with Sarah. On various censuses she has shown herself as single, married, head and widow. I do not believe that Sarah ever got married. Her 15 children were born as Robinson and christened as Wilkes over the period from 1872 to 1894.  One of those children was Thomas who is my husbands grandfather.

To add to the complication there is another family in the loop called the Wilkes. The head of that family was Thomas Peter Wilkes and his wife was Emma, they had 3 boys Charles, Thomas and Washington. Washington died at an early age.

I believe that Thomas Peter Wilkes was the father of all her 15 children. The evidence is that on the censuses 1881 to 1901 Sarah and her family lived in homes that were registered to Thomas Peter Wilkes on the Electoral Roll. Another link is that all the children were christened Wilkes and in later years the boys worked for Thomas Peter Wilkes in his Printing Company and progressed through the years to becoming Directors/Managers,

My husband's grandfather was christened Thomas Peter Wilkes Robinson so I think it is quite an obvious clue that the two families are connected. TP was then christened TPW

The final straw is that when I ordered Sarah Ann's death certificate one her sons, Henry, who witnessed the death put her father down as Thomas Peter Wilkes, Printer.  If TPW was her father, one it would be incest and two he would only have been 14 at the time of her birth. So Henry made a big mistake.

So as you can see I have never been able to find Sarah's true identity and I was hoping that Hargrave [Hargreave] Square would have been a link to her family. If I eventually solve this mystery it will be a miracle.

By the way Thomas Peter Wilkes, John's grandfather then changed his name in the early 1890s to Alan Macey hence we are all Macey now. Alan was a renowned composer of music and his song sheets can be found to this day on Ebay etc. Finally, my husband John was christened John Winston Wilkes Macey. The name Wilkes lives on.!!!!!!!!

London and Middlesex / Re: George Thomas Robinson - Bermondsey
« on: Wednesday 02 February 22 19:49 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All - thank you very much - there is some sense in your findings.

However, this brings me to my greatest challenge - my husband's great grandmother Sarah Ann Robinson. Sarah Ann was born in 1853 - mother Kilbey. Sarah at 17 gave birth to two children in Hargrave Square in 1872 - Alice born early 1872 and died 6 months later. Then there was William Robert Robinson born December 1872. [note the name Robert] She went on to have 15 children!!!

I have never been able to trace or make real sense of Sarah's Birth and when I seen a George Thomas Robinson born in Hargrave Square [as stated in the burial notice] and Sarah's children being born in the same place, I thought there could be some family connection. You have shown this to be correct in that in 1861 Eliza and Robert are there.

I then checked for a marriage with the names Kilbey and Robinson and I found a Robert and Eliza married in 1847. However, after Sarah's birth I have been unable to find her in the 1861 and 1871 censuses with the family.

Now there is the name Eliza Schoefield which throws another rung in the ladder.

So is Eliza Kilbey and Eliza Schoefield one in the same person maybe she was married twice??
So is George and Sarah brother and sister and their mother is Eliza
Where did Sarah go - not in the 1861 and 1871 censuses.
..... Or did she die and I have the wrong Sarah yet again???

If the latter I am back to where I started all those years ago. Can anyone put me out of my misery and find the hidden link.

Thank you all again.


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