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Messages - littleliz02

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Northumberland / Re: After the Workhouse.... Gallagher children
« on: Monday 07 November 16 18:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi their mum's maiden name was McKabe/McCabe and they were from North Shields.  Do you know if there is a register taken when you leave the workhouse and what information if any would have been kept on this as to where the children would have been discharged to?

Northumberland / Re: After the Workhouse.... Gallagher children
« on: Sunday 06 November 16 22:48 GMT (UK)  »
Oops yes 1885, I can't be sure where they were in 1901, the names are popular, the only thing I do know is where their elder brother Joseph Edward gallagher was as he was about 15 when they were found and am sure he would have already been at sea at this time, he was a merchant seaman.

Northumberland / After the Workhouse.... Gallagher children
« on: Sunday 06 November 16 21:28 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I have 3 children in my family who went to Tynemouth Union Workhouse as listed on the 1891 census. 
Could anyone advise me if I can find out when they left and also where they would have gone when they left, their mother had died and their father had been sent to Jail for 1 month for neglect in June 1890 and the poor children were sent to the workhouse and were still there in April 1991.  I dont know which Jail their father was sent to.
They lived Magnesia Bank North Shields before they were in the workhouse.

Father: John Gallagher b1854, Ireland
Children:  Patrick Gallagher b1879 Ireland, Thomas Gallagher b 1884 North Shields and Mary Gallagher b 1895 North Shields

Berkshire / Re: Brendan's Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire
« on: Thursday 31 March 16 20:59 BST (UK)  »
Given that the horse was trained in Berkshire and the tenant of Brendan's Cottage was a groom, I suspect he gave his house which previously was likely to be no 11 Council House, the name of the horse which was famous locally for the preceding few years.

Thank you Lizzie L, I never thought of that, shame I cant seem to find any pictures.

Just wondering if Richard worked at RAF Milton in 1939, do you think he could have been a civvy does anyone know, or would he have had to be serving in the RAF.  Maybe he was just employed to get the base ready as this was the beginning of the war.

Sloe Gin, thats a great help that he was still in the area in 1942 thank you.

I have now learned that he never came home to the north east so really dont know where he ended up - there are a few marriages but I cant be sure that they are the same Richard, seems like I will just have to be satisfied with the information I have.  Thanks again to all that have contributed, much appreciated.

Berkshire / Re: Brendan's Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire
« on: Saturday 19 March 16 13:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all
Its amazing how helpful people are, thank you.
I have a lot to work on - even if my ancestor did have anything to do with the horses racing it has been interesting to find out about Brendan's Cottage and it makes definite interesting reading and exploring.
I wonder if my ancestor being a Labourer had some involvement in the building of RAF station nearby that didnt open unill 1942.
Thanks again for all your help.

Berkshire / Re: Brendan's Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire
« on: Friday 18 March 16 22:02 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you all for all yours replies, your time and efforts are appreciated and has helped me immensly

Berkshire / Re: Brendan's Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire
« on: Friday 18 March 16 13:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all, Thank you for your responses, It looks like I may have read it wrong.  I have copied the information that is on the 1939 transcript below, to see if this helps with my query.

Brendans Cottage , Wantage R.D., Berkshire, England
Richard   Simpson   04 Mar 1915   Male   General Labourer R F A Mill   Single

Many Thanks again for your help.      

Berkshire / Brendan's Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire
« on: Thursday 17 March 16 22:31 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone could help me out, a relative of mine was living at Brendans Cottage, Wantage Road, Berkshire on 1939 census.  It states he was General Labourer RFA Mill, Richard Simpson b1915.
Story has it in my family that he ran off to work with race horses, I just wondered if this property could have something to do with racing.  I dont know the area at all so if anyone could help out that would be great.
Also what would RFA Mill be?
Many Thanks

Northumberland / Re: Tynemouth Open Air School / Woodlawn in The Chase North Shields
« on: Monday 08 February 16 23:01 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Trini, I will pop down to enquire. :)

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