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Messages - ranaridibunda

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Gloucestershire Lookup Requests / COMPLETED - St Michael's church - a burial riddle!
« on: Wednesday 25 February 09 19:44 GMT (UK)  »

I am trying to help a Greek gentleman with whom I have been corresponding for some time. He is a scholar and is writing a book about a famous Greek poet who, at one point in his life, was in love with a very distant relation of mine. I have been able to help with a lot of material for his book but now he has asked me something that I cannot answer.

The father of the female relative in question, Susan Fortune RIDOUT, was Charles Vie RIDOUT who was a linen merchant living in the Royal Fort and working in the centre of Bristol, although he was actually born in Sherborne along with the rest of his family. He was a voter and Bristol Burgess as late as 1812.  I was told a long time ago, by a friend on another list, that Charles' burial had taken place in St Michael's Church, Bristol on 1st March 1813 but I have no documentary evidence of this.  I have a copy of his will, which was written on 28th August and proved 12th May 1815.

My Greek correspondent wants to know when Charles was buried and he is confused because he has some original letters from Charles' daughter in which she says that her father died in 1815. Last year he travelled from Greece and, amongst other things, made a visit to St Michael's cemetery but could not find Charles' grave due to the bad weather!

So.... can anyone please tell me how I might obtain a copy of a burial entry, or any evidence of a burial for Charles Vie RIDOUT in 1813 or 1815 at St Michael's please and solve this riddle? Thank you.


This indenture is...

'Conveyance of a piece of land situate at Kinson in the parish of Great Canford in the county of Dorset'. It is between Thomas Alner Homer Esq of Tolpuddle on the one part, Henry Joy of Bournemouth, builder, on the second part and Mr George Vincent, coal dealer of Kinson on the other part. The deed is dated 9th April 1870 and, despite being quite 'windy' only relates to a parcel of land just about an acre in size in Kinson, an allotment perhaps.

If you're interested, let me know.


Somerset / Re: Roundabouts Children's Hotel W-S-M
« on: Saturday 24 January 09 15:12 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sue - following judb's post I looked on Google Earth for myself (why I hadn't thought of that for myself I don't know!) and found it a little way away from the actual seafront. Thanks to all of you (and Brian Austin) I now have a much better idea of the place in which, as a small child, I spent some time.

Kind Regards

Somerset / Re: Roundabouts Children's Hotel W-S-M
« on: Friday 23 January 09 20:55 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry judb - I didn't have the notifications selected so hadn't realised that you'd replied. I have been kindly sent some photos of the house but I didn't realise that it was on the seafront so thanks for that :-)

Cheers, Karen

Thanks so much - she certainly looks a lot less 'speckly' :-) I'm not sure whether or not Edwin is saveable - his original must have been very grainy (I have only this copy unfortunately). Thank you again for taking the time to help!


Dear Listers

A kind lister has dated these two photographs at mid 1860's to 1870-ish. They are my great great grandparents, Edwin and Laura. I don't expect a miracle and I am not sure that colour is even appropriate since the originals would almost certainly have been sepia but they might be somehow 'cleaned' up (as I have seen other images on this very excellent site). I would be most grateful for any help. By the way - do you think he has pale blue eyes? I think so. Many thanks. Karen

Hi Jim

Many, many thanks for your response and dating info. I had sort of guessed (no more than that) that they had been photographed at about the same time as each other. Of course, a date in the mid 1860's would make Laura 38 and Edwin 32, which seems feasible. She doesn't (to me) look much older than that and hence c. 1865 seems a good guesstimate - I can't believe that she could be as old as 48 in this image.

Again, thank you very much for your input...

Kind regards

Dear photoexperts

I have (hopefully) attached photos of two of my great great grandparents, Edwin RIDOUT (bn. 17.07.1833) and Laura Ann ARCHARD (bp. 16.12.1827). They married in September 1852. Could anyone possibly date their photographs, even approximately? She appears to have some sort of brooch at the throat of a stiff white collar, wears earrings and also may have a corsage (?). I haven't a clue, despite looking in books and wondered if the images were taken at approximately the same time? These are merely copies - I do not have, and have never seen, the originals and so there is no more information. I formed the opinion that they would have been oval shaped photos - the blank grey background was not contemporary, obviously - there was no backdrop. Any help most gratefully received! Many thanks.

Somerset / Roundabouts Children's Hotel W-S-M
« on: Sunday 14 December 08 19:04 GMT (UK)  »

At some point in the 50's I was put into a home called 'Roundabouts Children's Hotel'. I've managed to find on Ancestry a phone directory listing for 1954 which gave the address as 3 St Paul's Road, Weston-Super-Mare. It sounds as though this may have been a private home and I wondered if anyone either knows of this place or could tell me if/where I could maybe get hold of early records?? Thank you  :)


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