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Messages - BegClonrode ....

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New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Christchurch Archive Lookup Please
« on: Sunday 24 June 12 10:48 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Newbe :-)

All the best

New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Christchurch Archive Lookup Please
« on: Sunday 24 June 12 10:30 BST (UK)  »
Hello Elan...

Apologies for jumping in :-)

Hello Newbe...

How are you able to tell that one of the files is stored off-site. Is the file somehow marked "off-site" on the Archway website.

And can you tell if the following file is off-site...

STAPLETON Thomas - Richmond - Gentleman   1895

Hello again Elan...

Reasonably sure that the above file is for the Thomas that Lizzie took to court for support of her two daughters, Martha and ? (Christina?). I'm guessing Thomas cut Lizzie from his will (and Christmas card list) but he may have bequeathed something to his grand-daughters, hopefully mentioning them by name.

If the above file is on-site perhaps you can ask Newbe to look for names.

PapersPast - 1895 death notice of Thomas STAPLETON

PapersPast - 1902 death notice of Martha STAPLETON

Hello again Newbe...

Geographically speaking, can you tell me if Richmond is anywhere near Shirley. Reasonably sure I've got the right Thomas STAPLETON but I have been wrong before :-)


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Edward Nicholson
« on: Saturday 23 June 12 04:41 BST (UK)  »
Hello Jess...

Don't forget the ITM in which Edward claimed to be 23 years old so b.1851-52 (unless you've decided that the Edward who married Catherine FLOOD is not your Edward).


Quote from: jessb3
Edward Nicholson's Death Certificate

Again he states his age at marriage to Agnes as 38.

This would be the informant stating the age, not Edward.


I was semi-tongue in cheek when mentioning DNA. I have had no experience with it at all (excluding countless episodes of CSI and NCIS)

It's a very expensive process. And the more certain you want to be, the more expensive it becomes.

Having said that, tracing a NZ male descendant of William NICHOLSON 1801-1897 shouldn't be too hard. (Famous last words) It's normally just electoral rolls, NZ White Pages and Facebook.

Maybe you could just make contact again with the lady who is the g-grand-daughter of Thomas Deacon NICHOLSON and exchange a few family photos. It's amazing how many features keep popping up generation after generation.


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Jones/Gunn family help request
« on: Saturday 23 June 12 04:17 BST (UK)  »
Hello Russ

Just updating the thread so that it doesn't get put into storage.


Have been in touch with the ATL a few times. I'd sent them a copy of the NZ Census article (kindly supplied to me by John B) and one of the research librarians has taken an interest in what the article claims is on the microfilm. The ATL catalogue clearly lists the microfilm as South Island Maori Census but with equal certainty the NZ Census article lists names, occupations, religions etc of European and Americans living in 1851 Otago.

So it's wait and see until the ATL is back in business in August.


Have also been in touch with the Hocken regarding the Visiting Book of Reverend Dr Thomas Burns 1848-1858. The actual Visiting Book is held at the Otago Settlers Museum but the OSM is closed for re-furbishment until December. However the book has been indexed and photocopied, copies of which are held in the Hocken's public reading room.

The Hocken librarian said that "GUNN" is mentioned twelve times in the index but they're not really set up to do a full search of the book. A bit too time and labour intensive, which is understandable. But members of the public are welcome to visit.

Although Waikouaiti is out of Rev. Burns' "parish" (he mostly covered Dunedin/Port Chalmers) I'm thinking it's still worth looking into especially as you mentioned elsewhere that, from time to time, you pass through Dunedin.

The GUNN's mentioned are more than likely Angus and Magdalene GUNN who arrived in 1848 on the Blundell. But it's still worth spending a few hours at the Hocken just to be sure. Maybe Mary was passing through Dunedin the same time as Rev. Burns was doing his visiting.


I know that the Thomas JONES of Waikouaiti who died 28 Aug 1869 has yet to be linked to your Andrew JONES of Waikouaiti. But interestingly the NZ Biographies Index mentions that there is a death notice for a Thomas JONES in the 2 Nov 1869 edition of the "Australian and New Zealand Gazette".

This newspaper was published in London and was "a fortnightly summary of intelligence from New South Wales, Van Dieman’s Land, South Australia, Port Phillip, Western Australia, and New Zealand".

I'm not sure if news of an August death in NZ would make it to London by the first week of November but it's still worth looking into. I can't find copies of the newspaper on-line but the ATL has it on microfilm. So again it's wait until August.


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Edward Nicholson
« on: Friday 22 June 12 12:35 BST (UK)  »

Hello Lucy...

A lovely job. Certainly made me feel a bit redundant :-)

Two things:

1) Can you tell me how you accessed the NZSG Pre-1856 Marriage Collection. It's not something I knew about.

2) When you write a note on a piece of paper you should hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard at the same time :-)

William NICHOLSON 1801-1897 is sounding more plausible but it still hinges on i) a name shared between Rees NICHOLSON and Patrick Rees NICHOLSON and ii) a family story that some man in NZ married a Maori lady.

Personally I'd do William and Ellen's tree as it stands, trace a direct male descendant of Edward and one of his brothers, then get them to a DNA clinic. It's really the only way this will be sorted :-)

Hello Jess...

As Lucy said, hold off on spending any more on BDM certificates. It's getting to the stage where you have to choose between Alice McCARTHY being a name made up by Edward to fudge his past or Alice McCARTHY being an actual person who has yet to be found.

Out of interest, is there a direct male descendant of your g-g-grandfather Edward.


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: Edward Nicholson
« on: Friday 22 June 12 08:00 BST (UK)  »
Hello Jess...

If you have enough in your budget for another certificate/printout I would suggest the 1897 death printout for Ellen McFETRIDGE, formerly NICHOLSON (cost NZ$20.40)

BDM NZ Deaths - 1897/2001 - McFETRIDGE, Ellen - 48Y

The death printout should list her parents and it should be accurate as, according to her headstone, her father William was still alive at the time of her death. Hopefully aged 97 William still had his wits about him and could remember the maiden name of his wife. Would be nice if it were McCARTHY.

I wouldn't bother with the 1897 death printout for William NICHOLSON 1801-1897 until you work out if he's one of your NICHOLSONs. Unless of course the 1897 death printout for Ellen McFETRIDGE doesn't list her parents, in which case it's the obvious next choice if finances allow.


Well done for putting your money where your mouth is and purchasing the NICHOLSON/FLOOD marriage printout :-)

Were there any witnesses mentioned. And anything at all not previously mentioned on the ITM.


Speaking of uncommon names (Deacon/Deakin - Rees/Reece) here's a mention of Rees NICHOLSON being from Takapuna, so it's looking like he's one of the Takapuna NICHOLSONs (William, Ellen et al)

Found on the "NZ Herald Notices" fiche at my library. Pity it only mentions the bride's parents by name.

10 August 1883
By the Registrar of Marriages, Auckland
Rees NICHOLSON of Takapuna, Auckland to Annie CARROLL, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Michael CARROLL, farmers of Claremont, Co.Mayo, Ireland

P.A Coromandel....
which I think means Place of Abode, Coromandel. But I could be wrong :-)

And if you go here and type McFETRIDGE into the search box you'll find a possible relative. Quite interesting how the same names keep turning up.


I totally understand what you mean when you say that as "Alice McCARTHY" is on your Edward's marriage certificate then that's who you're looking for. Personally, my point of view is 100% opposite :-)

My starting point is "BDM certificates aren't worth the paper they're written on" then I carry on from there. I've come across so many obvious lies that, although certificates are important to have, I don't treat them as gospel.

The best (worst?) was one lady whose combined BDM Certificates showed she was born in 1872 and 1874 when in fact she was born in 1869 according to her baptism record, she made up one of her three marriages, her father had three different names and two different occupations (none of them her father's actual name or occupation) and she had no children - although it was her grand-daughter I was helping out.


More than happy to keep looking at this NICHOLSON family. I see there is an Alice Cecilia MCFETRIDGE, possibly the daughter of Ellen. Maybe there's more than one Alice in the family.


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