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Messages - glyn24

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Derbyshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Derbyshire Parish records
« on: Monday 25 May 15 15:14 BST (UK)  »
Hi Derek
Hope you are still doing these lookups.
Looking for the marriage of Edwin crossley and ann ball. They married in belper in the 1st quarter of 1853 (freebmd). I’m looking for their fathers names in particular, I have edwins dad as Thomas and anns dad as William, although I’m not sure about anns dad. Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks, Glyn.

Nottinghamshire Lookup Requests / Re: searching for burial
« on: Thursday 21 May 15 17:43 BST (UK)  »
thanks larkspur
i do have those records already

Nottinghamshire Lookup Requests / Re: searching for burial
« on: Thursday 21 May 15 12:32 BST (UK)  »
thanks sally
i didnt realise it was the well baptist church with it being so modern,but ive just read an article about it and theres been a baptist church on that site since about intention is to visit the churchyard eventually to see if any of gravestones still exist of anyone relevent to my family. if you cant attatch the screenshots on this site could you try emailing them to me and any other things about warburtons or hemstocks.(elizabeth was a hemstock).                                                         thanks again

Nottinghamshire Lookup Requests / Re: searching for burial
« on: Wednesday 20 May 15 21:16 BST (UK)  »
thanks sallyduk
i didnt know about ellen being buried with them, thats great.
sunflower gave me the info on joseph & elizabeth being there. dont suppose you know where this baptist chapel is, as i cant find it on any maps
thanks again

Ireland / Re: william murphy/where do i start
« on: Saturday 07 March 15 15:13 GMT (UK)  »
thanks dathai
thats one for my bookmarks

Ireland / Re: william murphy/where do i start
« on: Saturday 07 March 15 15:05 GMT (UK)  »
the tree on ancestry hasnt been updated for a while. when i first started doing this i got that wrong about henry being his father.its only since ive got lukes marriage cert that i found william to be father so that tree needs updating. (the henry father thing didnt seem right anyway)

Ireland / Re: william murphy/where do i start
« on: Saturday 07 March 15 14:49 GMT (UK)  »
i think it was about 1922 that destroyed the irish censuses and other documents

Ireland / Re: william murphy/where do i start
« on: Saturday 07 March 15 14:28 GMT (UK)  »
hi maggsie
i think ive seen that one before, but its a possibility. did all the baptism records survive the fire, or were some lost?

Ireland / Re: william murphy/where do i start
« on: Saturday 07 March 15 13:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hi healyj
no i havent tried that, not sure how to do it though. i dont think william is in sheffield in 1871 and i dont know if hes in ireland so its a really tough one to trace, thanks for taking interest on this.
hi Maggsie
yes thats the correct family in 1891 and 1901 lukes a bricklayers labourer so i think hes exagerrating a bit with the stone mason bit, hes on scotland street on both those censuses, thanks

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