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Messages - ladyholme

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Australia / Re: need a look up in Adelaide
« on: Saturday 06 November 10 21:21 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Alison....that is really don't suppose that baby slipped out of their hands and overboard into the briny do you.... :-\ :( :'( and then they kept it quiet???? :-X No they couldn't have done that.... I wonder if he died further north.  ??? I think the family did travel north after they arrived, but not sure how long afterwards..... Thanks again Alison

Australia / need a look up in Adelaide
« on: Saturday 06 November 10 11:02 GMT (UK)  »
A mysterious occurrence is always interesting  ??? and I seem to have one in my family. As all things it is rather complicated,   :-\ but I will try and explain it as simply as I can. There was a Nancy Casson (1872-1945) who was a midwife and she married a William Miller in Lancaster, England in 1895. In the 1911 British census she and her husband say that along with their daughter called Annie Irene born 1904, they also have an adopted son call Richard Albert Casson born in 1911. I got the birth cert for this little boy and found he was born on the 5th January 1911, his mother was a Martha Casson, who if I am not mistaken, was Nancy's cousin...the chances are that I am correct in that assumption. The next we see, is that Nancy, her husband William who is a tin smith, daughter Annie Irene AND Albert Miller born 1911 were on the Irishman heading towards Adelaide in Australia. At that point there is nothing left of Richard Albert Casson or Albert Miller, who I think must be the same lad, as I know they had no other children of their own. It would rather suggest that little Albert popped his clogs during the journey, or soon after they arrived in Adelaide. :'( I could do with someone keen enough to take a ganders at the deaths in Adelaide in 1912 or possibly the beginning of see if he can be found. Annie Irene's family have lived in Australia ever since, but far from Adelaide...I have been in contact with my much treasured distant cousin  :-* for many years, but they say that they have no memory in the family of this Albert Miller or Richard Albert Casson, which is why I think that he must have died whilst Annie Irene was too young (she would have only been about eight years old) to realise, or recall that she had an adopted brother.

Westmorland / Re: Garnett family of Cowen Bridge and Leck
« on: Monday 16 August 10 15:55 BST (UK)  »
Hi Julie,

I'm sorry to say that none of your names ring any bells in connection with 'my' lot...if I dare call them 'my' lot!!! It is a long time since I wrote the request in about the Garnetts of Leck etc and I know quite a bit about them now, but I don't recall hearing the names of Varey or Hool along with them.

How brave Robert and Jane must have been to go and settle in Australia in 1841 and travelling with such a small child too. The journey in those days was hard and took months...must have been hell on earth...or sea perhaps. Do you live in Australia? It does seem strange that the family thought he was from Monmouth and then the records verifying this by saying he was part of the Welsh community. Yet like you, I have not found any births in Wales around that time for a Robert Varey. I suppose it is possible that he might have lived amongst the Welsh Community in Australia and that resulted in everyone believing he was Welsh...

I would wonder what made him marry Jane in Lancaster in 1840 if he was born and living in South Wales. It seems such a long way to go to get married. I do hope you find your answers. Regards Ladyholme

Norfolk / Re: BLOSS
« on: Sunday 18 July 10 00:08 BST (UK)  »
Hi Rosie…can’t expect folks to be at hand every moment of the day, so quite understand. At times I also take a long time to respond and it isn’t that I’m not interested, but the fact I haven’t found a moment for myself…hence me burning the midnight oil this evening!

I laughed at your Mum hoping that we were related to the Cavendish family…don’t we all have that hope of grandeur in our hearts?  :D I’m certainly no different and I had a second cousin to my mother who always believed that we were related to some grand mayor of Lancaster. It took me years to prove she was wrong…she even had a photo of him from a book that someone had passed on to her…well it was the same name, but a totally different person. BUT she stayed firm with her beliefs….I even had regular photos taken of the correct chap over the same years as her incorrect one, but she still stuck to her guns…I’ll bet she still thinks I am making it all up!!! ::)

Thanks for your help to get me started and any other info you can throw my way will be noted, saved and much appreciated. Alfred Algernon’s first wife had 4 children and a couple of them went up to the NE to live including my GGrandmother Ann Bloss…I will see if I can locate any of them still living around that area… they might also be gripped by Family History!!

Norfolk / Re: BLOSS
« on: Monday 12 July 10 15:23 BST (UK)  »
Ok then....I shall glean what info you left previously and hopefully add to it. Do we both share Robert Bloss...I believe he's related to you? He would be my GX4 Grandfather and wasn't his family 'into' horses? Mmmm now I know where my love of horses possibly comes from!!!  ;D

Norfolk / Re: BLOSS
« on: Monday 12 July 10 10:49 BST (UK)  »
I’m sorry that it has taken until now to catch up on things, but you know how life is…just as you think you will have some ‘me’ time, the whole family needs your attention. At last I have been able to draw out a tree and can see things so much more easily and clearly.

It is a great shame that we can’t find a Christening for Alfred Algernon, because without that the tree only becomes speculation, but I am inclined to think you are correct and that he must be the son of Robert and Ann in Epsom. It seems that Frederick naming a child George Algernon is rather suggestive to a connection and so too are the names of Alfred’s children. Whilst one or two could be a coincidence, especially if they are common or popular names, I doubt there would have been several coincidences. What I am asking is…in your opinion should I go ahead and presume the connection and if so have you any info that I can use, or do you think I should go on wallowing about for the proof on the off chance it might turn up?

By the way, I thought you would be interested to know that I have also been working on Lucy Thornton’s family (she who married Henry Bloss) and I was sent a photo of her very elderly parents taken in about 1876….Lucky or what…but treasured like fine gold. Lucy died aged 28 of TB….now that was sad. All children prior to Frederick Matthews were born to Lucy, but I really think that my G.Grandmother had a raw deal…a stepmother who shipped her out to school at 4yrs old in the Victorian days, must say it all!

Westmorland / Re: Huck and Truelove
« on: Friday 28 May 10 10:47 BST (UK)  »
Thanks skylark....I will obviously have to get my skates on.  ;D. Brilliant info and I am made up with it.

Westmorland / Re: Huck and Truelove
« on: Friday 28 May 10 00:39 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your help skylark.  :D It looks like I should hunt around Settle and those areas for any of their children then, or at least for their births, as folks move all over the place these days!!! I have made a note of the info and will take it forward when I get the chance. It seems they did a lot of marrying though.... Perhaps the Truelove's enjoyed rich fruit cake.  ;)

Unwanted Certificates & Artefacts / Re: Lost Family History Research
« on: Monday 22 February 10 10:20 GMT (UK)  »
Oh Welllll! Had to try and had it been your money...rather you get it than the government!!!  ;)

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