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Messages - Davedrave

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 194
In 1772, Mary Bentley, widow of Edward Bentley late of the South End of Thurmaston (died 1771), along with 6 of their children, were ordered to be removed to Belgrave. I find this perplexing. Edward Bentley was almost certainly baptised in Belgrave in 1723. His wife was almost certainly Mary Turlington, baptised in Birstall in 1725. They married in Thurmaston in 1750, and all of their children were baptised in Thurmaston. In addition to the 6 named in the removal order, they had 3 sons who were presumably no longer at home. (Ironically, one of these, Edward, baptised in 1752, was a churchwarden and overseer of the poor in Thurmastion in 1796.)

What is perplexing is that the couple married in Thurmaston, had all of their children baptised there, and (presumably) lived there for twenty-odd years. In addition, South Thurmaston appears to have been a chapelry of Belgrave, and did not become a parish until the 1840’s.

I wonder on what grounds the removal took place?

World War One / Re: C.Q.M.S. Gerald Bentley original burial place?
« on: Wednesday 05 June 24 18:40 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks for your help.

Dave :)

World War One / C.Q.M.S. Gerald Bentley original burial place?
« on: Wednesday 05 June 24 09:18 BST (UK)  »
I would very much appreciate help with a burial record. I have found a record on the CWGC website which shows that Gerald Bentley of the Leicestershire Regiment, who died on 24 March 1918, is buried in Ribemont Communal Cemetery Extension, but that his body had been moved here from a grave elsewhere, marked by a cross. The map reference for the previous burial location is: 62d.D.30.c.7.2.

What I’m wondering is whether this was a concentration reburial from another cemetery, or whether it may have been directly from a battlefield burial. I’m tentatively assuming that he was killed during the German assault which began on 21 March.

Dave :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with name of legatee, please
« on: Sunday 02 June 24 15:52 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your help with this.

Dave :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with name of legatee, please
« on: Sunday 02 June 24 09:22 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for posting this. Yes, I can see it now!

Dave :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with name of legatee, please
« on: Sunday 02 June 24 08:41 BST (UK)  »
I think the first name is an (= Anne) and the surname is Torlinton.

That feels to me like a name which might have quite a different modern spelling.

It appears the name is repeated just below this clip, so it would be useful to see that section as well.

Many thanks. I was hoping that the name might be An[ne] Turlington, because John Turlington of Birstall, Leicestershire married Ann Leverett there in 1722. (Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is an excerpt from the 1722 will of Margrett Leverett of Birstall.)  Unfortunately, I don’t seem able to post the next lines because of the file having the same name as that which I have already posted. However, the name doesn’t seem to occur on the lines below, as far as I can tell. The will is on FindMyPast should you happen to have access. Incidentally, I recall reading that the name Turlington derives from the Leicestershire village of Tur Langton.

Dave :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Help with name of legatee, please
« on: Sunday 02 June 24 07:33 BST (UK)  »
I know what I’d like the name of a legatee in this will to be, but I’m not sure what it reads. Does it read An something? (the word at the start of the second line up from bottom). The surname seems to begin with “J” (but maybe it’s a “T”?)

Dave :)

Many thanks Bookbox.

Dave :)

I would appreciate help with the Latin at the end of the 1698 nuncupative will of William Turlington of Birstall, Leics.

Dave :)

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