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Messages - Old Bristolian

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 233
The Common Room / Re: Will & inventory help please
« on: Friday 24 May 24 20:02 BST (UK)  »
I don't think that is correct. Both terms indicate farming but with no differentiation of type. Strictly a yeoman owned the freehold of his land although this was much abused especially in later times. It could also include copyholders. Husband an merely implies more of what we would term a smallholder.


The Common Room / Re: Will & inventory help please
« on: Friday 24 May 24 08:16 BST (UK)  »
Many of those described as yeomen were in fact copyhold leaseholders, and their lease would have been for so many 'lives', normally three named individuals. In such a case the lease would have automatically gone to the next 'life' often a son on the payment of a fine or heriot. Have you any information on the status of the son?


Judging by the other writing, it looks like Laliah to me


The Common Room / Re: Why so much Scottish DNA?
« on: Monday 08 April 24 15:53 BST (UK)  »
Ethnicity testing is about as reliable as a horoscope.

There has been so much internal migration around the British Isles over the past 2000 years, the idea of clear separate identities for the various groups (Scots, English, Welsh etc) is just silly. To which I would add that ethnicity has little scientific basis. It's a modern cultural invention. Most scientists avoid it like the plague.

Stick to specific DNA matches.

Whilst I agree that most ethnicity estimates should be taken with a large pinch of salt, my experience suggests there are some benefits. One of my grandfather's identities was unknown and having extensively researched all my other lines I only found forbears from southern (and mostly south-west) England. When I carried out my Ancestry DNA test the ethnicity result indicated I had 33% Scottish ancestry (later modified to 25%). Diligent research since and some very lucky connections have now identified my Perthshire ancestral family, confirmed by others' DNA results and matches. I now know my great grandparents although which of their sons was my grandfather is still a mystery!

I always remember my first doctor in the 50s who had a prominent sign in the waiting room which read 'prescribing is the art of keeping a patient happy whilst nature effects a cure'.

United States of America / Re: John GORDON and Elizabeth KIDLEY
« on: Tuesday 19 March 24 18:48 GMT (UK)  »
The Rolls family (of which the founder of Rolls Royce was a member) owned properties in south London as well as Monmouthshire. I'm told John Gordon worked for them in both, and also for the Dupont family in Delaware, family friends of the Rolls. How true this is I'm not sure, but Elizabeth's father worked for them in the Hendre, their estate in Monmouthshire and that is where the couple returned to live in 1890/1.


United States of America / Re: John GORDON and Elizabeth KIDLEY
« on: Tuesday 19 March 24 18:36 GMT (UK)  »
Later Census records


United States of America / Re: John GORDON and Elizabeth KIDLEY
« on: Tuesday 19 March 24 17:43 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Ashtone, that's the family in Rhode Island. Thanks too to all the responders but I already have all of the information - it's the US records I require.

United States of America / Re: John GORDON and Elizabeth KIDLEY
« on: Tuesday 19 March 24 12:34 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sandra, yes that's them. Elizabeth and John may have married in the States but when she married Noah Vaughan she used her maiden name. I've no idea what she was doing in the US at such a young age, but it may be connected to the Rolls family who had interests/properties in both the area of Monmouthshire she came from and returned to and Wilmington Delaware.


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