Author Topic: unable to access rootschat - BT problem  (Read 4006 times)

Offline colrob

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Re: unable to access rootschat - BT problem
« Reply #36 on: Sunday 18 February 07 17:51 GMT (UK) »
I've just had my second lengthy e-mail from bt, telling me to do this, that and the other. Mostly  bog-standard stuff (e.g. try pinging the website) but I'll need to get my head round it.

Why is it that, like politicians, these people can never admit that just possibly, peut être,  maybe, perhaps, they might have made a booboo? But at present, as you can see, I can log in ok. Wonder if they've quietly amended something?

On a happier note, I've just had a circular letter from my bank (Chelsea building soc) confirming that they have no plans to offload custserv. So when you ring up (an 0845 number) you get to speak to a real live breathing person who isn't on another continent. Similarly my credit card company (MBNA) which you can even speak to on an 0800 number!