Hi Jan,
I'm thrilled you found my post too. I had the same experience, doing a general google search and getting a hit on rootschat.
I've emailed Rich and he will figure out the best way for us to fill in blanks on his site, for ease of updating. He lists 2 emails on his very extensive website, but this is the one he checks most often:
(*)Here's a bit from him how he connects to the Berry family:
"My immediate connection to the Berry family is that the Foy family took over the farms in Garryedmund, Claremorris, Ireland from Anthony and Martin Berry in 1884 and 1885 when these men took their families to Kansas. Martin's wife was Bridget Foye, my grandaunt or greatgrand aunt. My cousin John still farms the land, one field of which is called Anthony's field! A breakthrough for me was to discover that Anthony Berry settled first in western Kansas (Prairie Dog) rather than eastern Kansas. When the Prairie Dog venture fell through, his children backpedaled to eastern Kansas. Martin's life was easier to trace."
It really sounds like we might have a tie to the townland of Garryredmond (the spelling varies). The fact that Bury is a variant of Berry makes the listings in Griffith's Valuation worth exploring. By the 1901 census there are no Berry/Bury listings in that DED at all, so perhaps they had all either immigrated or died. There are still some Keane listings in 1901 & '11 (Anthony Berry's wife Sarah's maiden name) and some Prendergasts.
It looks like Anthony &/or Sarah possibly died in Ireland, so I am wondering what death records info there might be. Apparently not parent's names, but the informant's name(s) might be useful. Maybe I can find out more about Sabina. I wonder if she is one of the 3 missing sisters from her brother Michael's obit, or possibly an additional sister who did not live to adulthood (if her name came from baptism records, though I never saw her).
I feel better knowing that the Berry sisters Margaret, Catherine & Bridget had their uncle and aunt Charles & Nappy there with them. That's so cool about the Berry Centennial Farm. Can you give me the current address so I can put it in my gazetteer for my next genealogy jaunt down there? Margaret & James Walsh's farm was in Livingston County but right on the county line; they bought it from Michael & Bridget Prendergast in 1875. They bought more land in 1888, across the road, but in LaSalle County. The original farmhouse is gone, but the foundation is there and matches the aerial view in John Drury's 1954 book This is Livingston County; unfortunately he didn't do one for LaSalle Co.
The Irish families are very intermarried. I have Prendergasts in 2 generations. In Illinois around Wenona & Streator it was a common name, but in Iowa they really misspelled it in obits. Since I started my research with the more recent generations I had so many funny spellings for it. The Prendergast descendents are doing DNA and trying to connect in Ireland.
But I also know some of the same name families are not related at all; there are multiple Walshes and McGraths that I can find no connection for. No surprise since they are common Irish names and that whole area attracted so many Irish immigrants. I also assumed my Irish ancestors came to work on the I&M canal, but no.
I've spent lots of time disproving a relationship with the "other" McGraths, that lived in the Wenona & Streator area and also moved to the same Adams County area of Iowa as mine did. The other McGraths finally switched to using Magrath in Iowa, which led to speculation of a family rift. When as an adult I met my great aunt Veronica McGrath I asked her about the other family. She so emphatically denied any relationship I wondered if she meant she was tired of hearing that all her life... or maybe there was a connection.
Here's the marriage listing from the LaSalle County Genealogy Guild website search: 829 MOHAN, JOSEPH F. KENNEDY, LUCY E. Jan 15, 1907; you can request a copy of the license for $5 from them. Catherine & Patrick Mohan's youngest child was Joseph L. who married Lucy Comisky. They may be related another way though.
Have you ever had any luck finding immigration records? The only one I've found is Bridget Berry Prendergast's with her family and extended family of Solons in 1847 via Philadelphia. Since Catherine & Patrick married in New Orleans I assume they may have come through that port.
I've never been inside any of the churches. I tend to go down on days I can do research at LCGG, libraries & courthouses.
I think we are 2nd cousins, twice removed. Sounds like your family has all sought warmer climes: California, Florida & Texas. I went to college in Arizona, but despite my best efforts to stay out West, ended up getting a job in the Midwest and have stayed. But it is easier to do genealogy research in state!
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