Author Topic: Help please dating and locating a family holiday photo Minnie Swingler and John  (Read 3158 times)

Offline IgorStrav

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Re: Help please dating and locating a family holiday photo Minnie Swingler and John
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday 18 September 19 08:44 BST (UK) »
Well done to all parties here, and to Jool particularly whose rigorous Norfolk research pinned it down!

It's like a miracle to be able to put yourself back in time to the participants in that photo (fully dressed in a suit, with a pipe, on a beach!!!  The sand!!!  ::) :o) and know exactly where they are.

I love these 'where is it' posts (sometimes I can add something but mostly not) and the clues which I'd not thought of which lead to unexpected identification.

 ;D ;D ;D
Pay, Kent. 
Barham, Kent. 
Cork(e), Kent. 
Cooley, Kent.
Barwell, Rutland/Northants/Greenwich.
Cotterill, Derbys.
Van Steenhoven/Steenhoven/Hoven, Nord Brabant/Belgium/East London.
Kesneer Belgium/East London
Burton, East London.
Barlow, East London
Wayling, East London
Wade, Greenwich/Brightlingsea, Essex.
Thorpe, Brightlingsea, Essex